Creating the Right Environment

by Rick

(Prov 25:4,5 NLT)  Remove the impurities from silver, and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith.  Remove the wicked from the king’s court, and his reign will be made secure by justice.

This morning we continue our series, “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God.”  The metaphor of the refiner’s fire is used several times in scripture.  In Biblical days the average person was familiar with the process a jeweler or blacksmith used to refine precious metals.  The extreme heat produced by the fire separated the precious metal from the dross, leaving the dross exposed and easily identifiable.  At this point it was easy for the jeweler to skim off the dross, leaving nothing but the pure/refined metal behind.


After painting this picture for us again, Solomon then makes a connection between the purging/purifying process of silver and that of a sitting king.  Solomon was able to say this with conviction, because he had experience in this area.  When he took over the throne from his father David he knew that he had a few people around him that were not happy about his appointment.  So he had a decision to make.  He could have worked with those advisors, and attempted to allow them to earn his trust, or he could simply have them removed.  He chose the latter and in some cases he used extreme force.  If you read 1st Kings chapter two (especially verses 13-46) you will see what I am talking about.  Let me pause here for a moment to urge you to read your Bible.  The Bible is not only essential, it is also entertaining.  The passage I just mentioned rivals any modern day novel.  It’s amazing to me to see how some of these Biblical characters carried out their duties; and how God used flawed people for His glory, making holy garments from flawed material.  Yes, Solomon had several of his naysayers killed and some exiled.


Solomon refused to allow himself to be surrounded with disloyal people and we, as modern-day leaders, would do well in following Solomon’s example.  Now, I don’t mean we need to send out hit-men to eliminate our opposition, but we do need to be very careful when selecting those we allow to be around us; especially those who get to provide us counsel.  Why?  Because if you are getting advise/counsel from someone who does not have your best interest, or the best interest of the organization in mind, then the counsel will be suspect at best and deceitful at worst.  That’s why most leaders, when given the opportunity, pick their own ‘team.’  They want to know that the counsel they are receiving is unfettered and well-intended.


So what does this mean to you today? A few things:

1.  Not everyone who is with you, is for you.

2.  As a leader, if given the opportunity, you should pick your own team and surround yourself with loyal people you can trust.

3.  If you surround yourself with the right people you will get the right advise, if you get the right advise you will be better equipped to make the right decisions, and if you make the right decisions you will be better positioned to get the right results.

4.  A toxic environment – one devoid of trust and genuine concern – does not help anyone.  If you have anything to do with it, create a positive work environment where things will get done and people will be taken care of.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this insight.  When given the opportunity to select those to be around me, I will operate with spiritual discernment and divine discretion.  I choose to surround myself with people who have my best interest and the best interest of our organization in mind; people who are loyal, dedicated, honest and full of integrity.  By surrounding myself with the right people I am able to get the right counsel, make the right decisions, and produce the right results.  And I also declare that I am this type of person as well.  I am loyal, dedicated, and a hard worker.  I am the type of person my leader can depend on and when my leader is choosing their trusted advisors, I will always be selected, because of my character and Your favor on my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!


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