Enjoy Your Free Time

by Rick

Our pace today is extremely hectic.  Most of us work long hours, we stay connected with our Blackberry’s and laptops when we get home, and the line between work-hours and off-hours is continuing to blur.  Rest is needed, actually much needed, for most of us.

Today (Labor Day) is a day-off for most people.  If you have the Day-Off today make sure you enjoy it!  Making the most of your free time is just as important as making the most of your work hours.  As a believer you have to do all that you can to avoid burnout.  Far too many believers are burned-out with work, church, family, friends, fitness, and their lives in general.  ENJOY yourself today.  Get rejuvenated, revived, refreshed, and restored, so you can be READY for tomorrow and beyond!

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