Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life

by Rick

This morning we take what I believe will be an extended pause from our Proverbs series, because I am led to teach on a topic that has been on my heart for quite some time.  I have been praying about when to actually start it and I believe I have the release to do so now.  The Today’s Word ( website has about 14 years worth of messages and different series’ on it and about a year ago one of my Pastor friends called me to ask if I had anything on the site about a particular topic.  To my surprise, I did not.  After all the years of teaching I was amazed that I had not addressed this topic, especially since it is so critical to success in Christian living.  Concerning this topic In Dr. Myles Munroe said, “The President of the United States does it, the Prime Minister of Israel does it, the Chairman of Palestine does it, and the Queen of England does it.  Jews do it, Muslims do it, Hindus do it, Buddhists do it, pagans do it, heathens do it, Christians do it, everyone does it.  Few are sure it works, and even less believe it is necessary.”  What are we talking about?  The answer is Prayer!


I am extremely excited about this series.  We are all supposed to pray, but it has been my experience that not all believers do, because many have questions about how, when, if, what, and etc.  I am convinced that the key to Jesus’ success was His prayer life and the key to our success in life can/should be our prayer life.  Think about it… the King of Glory, the Lord who sits on the Circle of the Earth, gives us access to Him through prayer.  If you had access to President Barak Obama, wouldn’t you use it?  If you had a relationship with Donald Trump, wouldn’t you call him?  Well, we have access to the only true and living God, and the sad reality is that most of us never use it.  I believe the Lord wants us to change that fact.  For the next few weeks I will be teaching on “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life.”


Today I am just giving you the introduction to the series; and by way of introduction, let me share with you a poem about prayer that I memorized 15 years ago.  This poem helps remind me of the importance of prayer.  I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s aptly entitled, “The Difference.”


I got up one morning,

And I rushed right into the day,

I had so much to accomplish,

That I did not have time to pray.


As the day went on,

Heavier came each task,

I said, “Lord, why don’t you help me?”

He said, “Child, you didn’t ask.”


Hour upon hour,

The day toiled on gray and bleak,

I said, “Lord, why don’t you help me?”

He said, “Son, you didn’t seek.”


Finally, I tried to come into God’s presence,

I used all my keys at the lock,

I said, “Lord, why don’t you let me in?’

He said, “Child, you didn’t knock.”


So I got up this morning,

And I paused before entering the day,

Because I had so much to accomplish,

That I HAD to take time to PRAY!


The Difference!


So what does this mean to you today?  It means the Father wants you to prepare your heart to re-energize your prayer life.  Prayer can make all the difference in your life.  If your prayer life has been lacking or maybe even borderline nonexistent, get ready for an inner-revival!


Closing Confession:  Father, my heart is open to You.  I am Your sheep and I have a blood-bought covenant right to hear from You daily.  I yearn to commune with You in prayer and I declare that I will.  I make a faith confession that my prayer life is flourishing, because I make the time to spend time with You daily.  You lead me and I follow.  You speak to me and I listen.  I speak to You and we commune one with another.  I am never hopeless, because I am never helpless.  You are with me every second of every day of every year of my life.  My prayer life opens the door to Your best for me today and everyday.  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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manuel felipe October 31, 2011 - 12:26 pm

Thank you so much for all the teaching and words that you allow our God to speak through you to share and help people who sometimes loss hope due to the things that goes on around the world each day I pray very day that God continues to do great things with you and your family you have change my life the way I look at prayer and love and the way I carry on during the days of my life I Thank God for putting us together for great reason Keep up the great work God is proud of you and so am I you will get all the desire of your heart I know that for sure only because of the man that you are

Rick November 1, 2011 - 10:43 am

To God be the glory. Thank you so much for reading the messages and for allowing the Father Himself to minister to you through them. I will never cease to be amazed at how the Father works through His Word!

Love you,


manuel felipe November 3, 2011 - 11:55 am

Thanks for the fix, if the furture has people looking for a fix over the internet this is it and Im already hook. Thank God that you came up with this great ideal I know that you put a lot of time in Gods word to us it show in the way you have the website setup and very easy to use. Please let me get the next fix you help me very much to live and speak of our father who is watching us every day, I tell my customer about you and dont know if they get on your site. I am greatful for your time in your web site and the way a man should be living show in you. Thanks for the true Man that you are in christ.


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