The Love Factor (Part III)

by Rick

(2 Tim 1:11, 12 CEV)  My work is to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher.  That’s why I am suffering now.  But I am not ashamed!  I know the one I have faith in, and I am sure that he can guard until the last day what he has trusted me with.


This morning we continue our series entitled, “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life,” by continuing to discuss The Love Factor.  Yesterday I said, “If you ever get to the point where you question God’s love for you, then your prayers will be stripped of any power.”  Paul serves as a testament of someone who was convinced of God’s love.  He wrote half the New Testament, went on several missionary journeys, mentored pastors everywhere he went, ministered to the lost, and made such an impact in the world that we are still learning from him over 2,000 years after his death.  But make no mistake, Paul suffered many hardships for the cause of Christ.  They key is that he never gave up hope, because he never lost faith in God’s love for him.  I believe Paul was able to remain convinced of God’s love because he understood his assignment.  Paul was called to preach the gospel at a time where preaching would bring persecution and imprisonment.  Without whining and complaining and without running from his assignment, Paul was willing to endure (2 Tim 1:3) hardship in order to fulfill his purpose; all the while receiving the supernatural strength that comes from allowing the love of God to abide in his heart.


Your assignment may not require the suffering that Paul’s did.  Preachers of the gospel today, in most free countries, are not thrown into prison or beaten.  But we all have our share of difficulties.  We all suffer loss.  We all endure occasional hardships.  We all have situations that end differently than the way we wanted.  We all deal with the trouble that is associated with this world.  But whatever your difficulties are, whatever obstacles you face, and whatever hardships you may be up against right now, you can overcome them all with the inner confidence that comes from knowing that God loves you (Heb 13:5).  God loves you so much that every hair on your head is counted (Matthew 10:30).  God cares about you to the point where He has already planned for the smallest detail in your life.


So what does this mean to you today?  It means that you can find inner strength to deal with your outer pressures when you are convinced of God’s love for you.  Being sure of God’s love empowers you to face every day with a blessed assurance, a supernatural peace, and great expectations.  This disposition will fuel your prayers and your hope.  When you pray, from a position of love, without allowing trials or challenges to cause you doubt God’s love for you, then your prayers will be prayed in confidence, hope, and faith.  These are the type of prayers that make it to the Father free of a hindrance and He is then free to answer your prayer of faith.


If you are convinced of God’s love, then you will expect your prayers to be answered, your hope to remain strong, your faith to remain in tact, and your purpose to be fulfilled before you die!  This type of attitude not only helps you prayers, but it helps you enjoy every day to the fullest.


Closing Confession:  Father, I am confident that You love me.  As a matter of fact, I am convinced of it.  I refuse to allow the challenges I face to cause me to question Your love.  Your everlasting love for me enables me make every effort to live out my assignment in life, no matter the opposition.  I have an assurance that I will overcome every hindrance, rise above every challenge, triumph over every attack, and experience world-overcoming victory, because I pray from a position of love and my prayers are heard and responded to.  I can do all things through Christ and I do them all by faith, as I walk in love with You and all men.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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