Do ALL You Can Do… Trust God for the Rest!

by Rick

(Gen 33:4 CEV)  But Esau ran toward Jacob and hugged and kissed him.  Then the two brothers started crying.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by continuing to look at the life of Jacob.  Yesterday we saw how Jacob had a wrestling encounter with God.  Jacob would never forget that night because he left the encounter with a limp (from the blow to his hip) and a new name (Israel), both of which he would retain for the rest of his life.  That’s how it is with God and that’s how it is with challenges.  Some encounters leave and indelible mark on our lives.  While we may not enjoy them while we are going through them, looking back we actually come out better people on the other end of some of life’s storms.


Fresh from his life-changing encounter Jacob (now Israel) gathered his family and servants and set out to meet Esau face-to-face.  He had done everything in his power.  He prayed, planned, prepared, and sent Esau gifts.  He did all he could do and he now expected God to do the rest.  The last time he saw Esau (20 years earlier) his brother wanted to kill him, but Israel trusted God to change Esau’s heart.


Jacob looked out in the distance and saw Esau coming with his 400 of his men.  This was not a pretty sight.  But Jacob believed God.  He walked out in front of his family and servants and bowed to the ground seven times as he came near his brother.  This was a form of respect.  He was being very careful and respectful.  But Esau did not care about protocol.  Esau ran toward his brother, hugged him, and kissed him.  Then the two brothers started crying.  Jacob’s biggest challenge was over.


In the span of a few days Jacob faced two big challenges and God favored him in both situations.  God blessed him to establish peace with his father-in-law and with his estranged brother.  Both situations had the possibility of getting out of hand and in both situations Jacob was vulnerable to an attack.  So what did Jacob do?  In both situations Jacob did his part and trusted God for the rest! 


So what does this mean to you today?  Two things:

1.  You have a part.  Without question, you have a part in how things play out in your life.  Your decisions and actions matter.  Yes, there are things that are out of your control, but then again, there are things you can do.  For you to receive the peace of God you must be comfortable in the fact that you have done all you can.  Once you know you have prayed, planned, prepared, stood in faith, and etc., then you can trust God to do the rest.  But don’t expect God to do what He has already blessed you to do.  So, do what you can and believe God to do what you can’t.

2.  God has a part.  You are limited, but God is limitless.  God can do what you can’t, but He does expect you to do what you can.  So once you have done your part, He willingly steps in and does the rest.


What situation are you facing today?  Ask yourself: “Have I done all I can?”  If not, then do it.  If so, then trust God.


Closing Confession:  Father, I believe You with my whole heart and I know You can turn any seemingly hopeless situation around.  I do what I can.  I use the ability You have blessed me with and I seek to do all that I can in every situation.  Beyond my ability, I believe You.  I trust You to touch the hearts of others to use their power, ability, and influence to help me.  I trust You to move in ways that I can’t.  After I have done all I can, I simply trust You and my unyielding trust enables me to face every challenge with fearless confidence.  I do my part and I trust You for the rest!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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