Two Blind Men (Persistence)

by Rick

(Mat 20:31 NIV)  The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!”  Matthew 20 opens with Jesus teaching parables in Jericho.  He finished up the parables and informed the disciples of His impending death.  The Mother of the Zebedee’s sons (James and John) took the opportunity request special positions of honor for her two boys and Jesus responded with a lesson on humility and servanthood.  As Jesus and His disciples wrapped things up and left Jericho a large followed them.  Two blind men were sitting by the roadside and when they heard that Jesus was passing by.  No doubt they had heard of Jesus’ miracle working power, so they took the opportunity to petition for their breakthrough.  The two blind men shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!“  I have already told you the significance of identifying Jesus as the “Son of David.”  These men were honoring Jesus and they were seeking a miracle.  However, the crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet.  This is where they had a decision to make.  In this split-second their future would be impacted.  They could bow to the pressure of the crowd and keep quiet as Jesus passed by, or they could ignore the crowd and go for their breakthrough.  This is where a ‘never give up’ spirit comes in handy.  These two men decided to keep calling out to Jesus, but they ramped up their intensity, shouting even louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”  Their persistence paid off.  Jesus stopped and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”  This is where their general request (have mercy on us) became a specific one.  They answered, “Lord, we want our sight.”  Jesus had compassion on them, touched their eyes, they immediately they received their sight, and they followed Him.


So what does this mean to you today? A few things:

1.  Never let anyone change your prayer (what you are believing God for):  Although the crowd wanted these two men to be quiet, they ignored the crowd and increased their intensity.  These men refused to allow the crowd to keep them from their breakthrough or from changing their declaration.  They needed a touch from God and they remained persistent until they got it.  Likewise, when you come to God you must remain persistent.  You will face opposition and you might even encounter people who tell you to give up on what you are believing God for, but don’t  allow anyone, or anything, to change your declaration of faith.


2.  Don’t be afraid to get specific with God:  Some people think it is presumptuous to specific with God in prayer, as if ambiguity is somehow a form of humility.  A request for mercy is a general request.  Although this general request caused Jesus to stop, He did not move until He asked them specifically what they wanted Him to do.  They got specific and said, “Lord, we want our sight;” and they got exactly what they asked for!  Likewise, you must never be afraid of getting specific in your prayer life.  God is a God of specificity.


3.  Don’t ignore the power of a prayer partner:  If you examine this text you will find that both blind men spoke as “one man.”  They had “one voice.”  They had “one request.”  They were partners in this and they were both blessed because of it.  There is power in unity.  Never underestimate the power of being able to set your faith in agreement with someone else’s faith in prayer.  You can always for pray yourself, but seek God to have someone in your life you can release your faith together with.  There is power in combined faith.


Is your faith persistent this morning?


Closing Confession:  Father, I reverence Your holy name.  I extol Your glory, majesty, and might.  I honor You as God, besides whom there is no other.  I lay out specific requests to You, in faith, and I don’t allow anyone or anything to force me to change what I am believing You for.  This morning I look back over those requests that have yet to come to pass and I release my most holy faith over them, believing that they will all come to pass, for Your glory.  I pray with others when I can, and alone if need be, and I know that You will always honor my faith.  This day is a blessed day.  My faith is persistent and my expectations are high!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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