You Have a Story

by Rick

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  On Fridays I like to close out the week with something a little different.  Last Friday I gave you part of my story.  In this series we have already looked at Moses’ story and we are currently looking at David’s.  You may not be like me, a Dominican kid from Brooklyn who almost couldn’t walk, who had a soft spot that would not close, who got hit by a 1975 Lincoln Continental (built like a tank) when he was 3 yrs. old, and who survived more brushes with death on the streets of Brooklyn than he ever has in 22(+) years of military service.  You may not be like Moses, a man who was born with a death sentence pronounced by a king (Pharaoh) who wound up being his adopted grandfather, who after being raised as a prince committed murder in cold blood and wound up being exiled in the desert for 40 years.  After thinking he had wrecked his life, the Lord redeemed Moses and then used him to be the redeemer of his people, and he later wrote the first five books of the Bible.  Or you may not be like David, the 8th son of a common man from a working town who God picked to be king of Israel, who killed a giant with a slingshot and stone, who went on the run and wound up living in a cave, and who later became a great king who penned many of the Psalms we enjoy today.  You may not have our stories, but we sure enough do not have yours.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  You have a story.  I may not know you, but without hesitation I can say that if you would take an honest look over your life you too would have to admit that you are a grace-case.  You are where you are by the grace of God.  You don’t have my story, or Moses’, or David’s, but you surely have your own.  You are unique.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  The Lord brought you forth when He did for His Kingdom plans and purposes.  You are not a mistake.  Your life has never been lived by anyone else and it will never be repeated.

2.  Don’t be afraid to tell your story.  You may not be able to quote scripture.  You may not feel comfortable behind a pulpit.  You may not be called to preach.  You may not be an evangelist.  But you can still tell your story.  You don’t need a title or a clergy collar to allow God to use you to reach others by simply telling your story.  Don’t be afraid to share and never be ashamed of who you are or where you have been.  God is not looking for ability, He is looking for availablity and if you avail yourself to Him, you will be amazed at how many people God can touch through you, when you simply tell your story.

3.  Don’t forget to enjoy your story as you live it.  You only get one life, don’t waste it nursing and rehearsing what you should’ve and could’ve done.  You can’t change the past, but you surely can influence your future.  Enter this day and every day from here on out with a determination to enjoy it.  Some days will be better than others, and some challenges will take longer than others to overcome, but never allow a challenge to steal your joy.  Never allow a circumstance to steal your praise.  Enjoy every day you are in the land of the living.  If you are reading this, then you got up this morning.  Guess what?  Many did not.  You are still alive, blood is still flowing through your veins, air is still flowing through your lungs, and God is not through with you!  You still have purpose and potential deep down inside of you that God wants to get out.  So live your story to the fullest — determined to get out of your all that God has placed in you — and enjoy your story as you live it, because you are the only one who will ever be able to live YOUR life.

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this reminder this morning.  I don’t have Moses’ story of being the redeemer of Israel, or David’s story of being a great king, but I do have my own story and I acknowledge the fact that no one has it but me.  No one on the planet, and no one who has ever been born, has my assignment.  You brought me into this world when You did, because You made specific Kingdom plans and purposes for me.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  I am not a duplicate of anyone and no one is a duplicate of me.  I am completely unique and I have a unique story to tell.  Father, from this day forward I shall be open and willing to share my story with whomever You lead me to.  I am a grace-case and I am not afraid to share my story.  I am not ashamed to give my testimony.  I make myself available to You.  Send people my way Father.  Setup divine appointments for me to share my story with others, and as I do, I know You will get the glory.  I shall tell my story everywhere I go.  I am in You Father, You are in me, and I am looking forward to going to heaven some day.  But I refuse to allow the devil or anyone else to steal my joy.  I am going to heaven, but I am also determined to enjoy the ride.  I shall enjoy my story as I live it.  Whether the circumstances are good or bad, I shall enter every day with a smile on my face, a song in my heart, and a spring in my step, because Your grace is sufficient for me!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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