Don’t make it HARD for a person to become a Christian

by Rick

(Read Acts 15:12-19)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to learn more about the amazing life of the Apostle Paul.  As we get back to the story, Paul and Barnabas are still in Jerusalem, in a closed-door meeting with the Apostles and Elders (the leaders of the church), discussing the issue of whether or not Gentiles should be required to get circumcised and live under the Law of Moses.


Everyone listened quietly as Paul and Barnabas told about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles.  God was manifesting His glory amongst the Gentiles as Paul and Barnabas preached salvation by Grace, because the message they preached was easily received by non-Jews.  Paul and Barnabas were not asking grown men to have their penis’ cut.  Nor were they requiring non-Jews to live under a system of rules that the Jews were never able to comply with.  No, Paul and Barnabas preached salvation by Grace, through the finished work of Jesus the Christ on Calvary’s cross, and non-Jews freely received the message and were saved.  Not only that, but since the power of God was freely moving through Paul and Barnabas, and since the Gentiles we open to receive God and all He had in store, then miracles, signs and wonders also followed the preaching of the Word.  Paul and Barnabas were preaching the Gospel of Grace and they were experiencing the Supernatural, just like Jesus did.


When Paul and Barnabas finished, James stood and said, “Brothers, listen to me.  Peter has told you about the time God first visited the Gentiles to take from them a people for himself.  And this conversion of Gentiles is exactly what the prophets predicted. As it is written: ‘Afterward I will return and restore the fallen house of David. I will rebuild its ruins and restore it, so that the rest of humanity might seek the LORD, including the Gentiles—all those I have called to be mine.  The LORD has spoken—he who made these things known so long ago.’”  James was well respected and after agreeing that the Gospel was always intended for Jews and non-Jews alike, he made a statement I personally love.  James said, “And so my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”  We will stop here today.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Jesus died for all men.  While Jesus’ primary ministry while He was in the earth was to Jews, Jesus died for all men.  The saving power of Jesus the Christ is freely made available to Jews and non-Jews alike.


2.  Grace makes it easy for a person to become a Christian.  Paul and Barnabas were not preaching rules.  They were not making it hard for Gentles to come to Christ.  They were not requiring grown men to have their penis’ cut.  They were not imposing the Law of Moses on people who did not even know who Moses was.  No, they were preaching salvation by Grace and Grace alone, and Gentiles responded by the droves.  I wonder how full our churches would be if we stuck to the message of salvation by Grace.


3.  The message of Grace makes the religious uncomfortable.  The religious of Paul’s day were no different from the religious of today.  Religous people are uncomfortable when you don’t focus on the laws and rules they hold so dearly.  After all, it is those laws and rules that makes them feel special and set-apart from everyone else.  However, focusing on laws and rules makes sinners feel uncomfortable.  Sinners push back when you offer them a salvation that it turn requires bondage to a bunch of rules and regulations.  Grace chooses to make the religious uncomfortable and not sinners.  Grace says to the sinners, “Come as you are and I accept God’s free gift of salvation.”  Why, because those who truly understand Grace know that sinners might come as they are, but they won’t stay as they are, once the power of God touches their heart.  Grace relies on and trusts God for change, religious people attempt to force and require the change themselves.


4.  The Supernatural can manifest when you get out of the way.  Paul and Barnabas experienced Supernatural miracles, signs and wonders following the preaching of the Gospel of Grace.  Why?  Because their emphasis was on God and whatever He wanted to do.  In essence, they were doing as much as they could to get out of the way.  The more you submit to God and get out of the way, the more God is able to flow through you and manifest His Supernatural power.


Closing Confession:  Father, thank You for Your amazing and underserved Grace.  Jesus died for all men.  Jesus was born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He suffered, died and was buried, and You raised Him from the dead with all power in His hand.  Eternal life is now available to all men through the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross.  I will never forget the purity of the Gospel of Grace and I will share it everywhere I go, with whomever You lead me to share it with.  I want to see the lost come to Jesus by the droves.  I want to see people saved, delivered and set free.  I won’t make it hard for an unbeliever to get saved, by adding things to the gospel of Grace.  I will preach salvation by Grace and Grace alone.  It is not Grace-AND, no, it is Grace-ONLY!  I was not saved by Grace AND complying with a bunch of rules.  I was saved by Grace ONLY and that is the truth I will share with the world.  This message of Grace might make religious people uncomfortable, but one group of people that will not be uncomfortable with this message is SINNERS.  I would rather see sinners come to You, while the religious are uncomfortable, then to make religious people comfortable and have sinners continue to be lost.  Father, my focus is simply on pleasing You.  My life is all about You.  By faith I declare that I shall get out of the way and freely attempt whatever You lead me to do.  As I do it, as I get out of the way, and as I live by faith, the Supernatural will flow TO me and then THROUGH me.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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