Divine Purpose Attracts Opposition

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday I shared a message entitled, “Your Prosperity is Connected To Your Purpose.”  The message was well received.  I shared a high-level overview of the purpose of David, Joseph, Jeremiah and Paul.  Today I will circle-back to these Biblical characters and discuss some of the opposition they faced on the road to completing their purpose.


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s learn from the lives of these examples:


1.  David.  David was a teenager the day he was summoned from the field to be anointed by the prophet to become the next King of Israel.  A few days later he found himself face-to-face with a giant.  The giant had a sword and a shield.  All David had was a slingshot and a stone.  But David had the favor of God on his life and the purpose of God before him.  After killing the giant David became a national hero.  However, the honeymoon quickly ended and soon King Saul tried time and time again to have David killed.  David spent about 13 years on the run before taking over the throne after Saul’s death.  David’s life changed when the prophet visited his house, but David had to endure many years of challenges before he ever fully walked in his purpose.  The size of his purpose (his assignment) attracted major opposition.  The Good News is that God did not just give David the grace to be King, He also gave David the grace to overcome all the opposition he was going to face along the way.  God will do the same for you!


2.  Joseph.  When Joseph was 17 years old the Lord gave him a dream.  Once Joseph foolishly shared his dream with his brothers and his parents, his life went haywire.  His brothers almost killed him, they threw him in a pit and they sold him as a slave.  After prospering as a slave in Potiphar’s house, his boss’ wife lied on him and he wound up in prison.  After prospering as a prisoner, he got the opportunity to stand before the King.  The Lord gave him favor, and he was promoted from prisoner to Prime Minister in a moment.  He walked into the room as a slave and prisoner, he walked out of the room as second-in-command of Egypt.  Years later Joseph stood before his brothers and he realized his dream had come to pass.  God’s promise was fulfilled, but it took over 20 years and he had to face lots of opposition and experience tremendous pain.  In the end, however, the Lord took what the devil meant for evil and turned it around for Joseph’s good.  God can do the same for you!


3.  Jeremiah.  Jeremiah was clearly called by God to prophesy to the nation of Israel.  However, his message was not well received, especially by the religious leaders.  One time a Chief priest had Jeremiah beaten and imprisoned.  Another time he was surrounded by priests and prophets, who called for Jeremiah’s death.  God saw him through it and later in life Jeremiah faced a very influential prophet, Hananiah.  Hananiah came up against Jeremiah so strongly that the Lord gave Jeremiah a word for Hananiah.  Under the unction of God, Jeremiah said, “The Lord says, I am about to remove you from the face of the earth.  This very year you are going to die.”  Seven months later Hananiah was dead.  What’s my point?  It is twofold.  First, Jeremiah faced lots of opposition as he attempted to do what God told him to do.  Second, the Lord protected Jeremiah and gave him the grace to overcome every attack.  He will do the same for you!


4.  Paul.  Paul is one of my favorites and I have shared lots of teachings on his life.  The opposition Paul faced is well documented, but so are his victories.  Paul was ostracized, beaten with sticks, flogged five times with a cat of 9 tails, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked and bitten by snakes.  He was the most influential person in the first century church and he wrote half the New Testament, but it did not come without great opposition.  The Good News is that God did not just give Paul the grace to preach and write, He also gave Paul the grace to overcome all the opposition he faced on the road to his purpose.  God will do the same for you.


5.  Your purpose will attract opposition.  I would love to tell you that once you find your purpose in life that everything is going to be easy.  If I told you that I would be lying.  God never promised you a perpetual picnic.  The truth is, the greater the assignment God has given you, the greater the attack the devil will bring against you.  You can almost measure the size of your assignment by the size of the opposition you are facing.  But take it as a good thing.  The devil is not stupid.  He only attacks those worth attacking.  If you are being attacked strongly, it is an indication that God wants to use you in a strong way!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my purpose.  You made plans for me before the world began.  I am not a mistake.  I was born for a reason and that reason is Your assignment for my life.  I now realize that many of the challenges I faced before coming to You were connected to my purpose.  The devil was attempting to stop me or even kill me before I ever got started.  But thank You Father for protecting me even before I ever acknowledged You.  You kept me for my purpose.  I now know that the devil’s poison cannot stop my purpose.  When I face major opposition I am not moved or discouraged.  Actually, I get encouraged, because I know that satan only attacks those worth attacking.  If satan is spending lots of time on me, then it is obvious that Your purpose for my life is great.  So I enter every day excited.  You have give me the grace to fulfill my purpose and that very same grace is the power I need to overcome every attack.  I am an OVERCOMER, therefore I have the grace to COME OVER every attack.  If it does not look like I am winning, then the battle is obviously not over.  I keep going, I keep pressing, I keep moving forward.. knowing that victory is waiting for me on the other side of the opposition.  I will attain that victory, not by my strength, but by Your power.  Not because I am so good, but only because of Your grace.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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