Faith Requires Courage

by Rick

(Read Mark 5:25-37)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we saw how Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, broke away from his associations in order to connect with Jesus.  Jairus knew Jesus was the only hope for his dying daughter.  He made a declaration of faith at the feet of Jesus, boldly declaring that if Jesus would go to his house and lay hands on his daughter, his daughter would both recover and live!  Jairus’ faith moved Jesus.  The Son of God agreed to visit his house and do just as he said.  Let me pause here long enough to point out that Jesus will meet you at your point and level of faith.  Jesus could have simply spoken a word of healing from right there, at the seashore, and Jairus’ daughter would have been healed.  But Jairus did not have enough faith to simply ask for a spoken word, like the Centurion had done. Jairus needed to see Jesus lay hands on his daughter.  So Jesus obliged Jairus and He met him at his level of faith.  Jesus will do the same for you.


As Jesus took off with Jairus, en route to his house, the disciples accompanied Him and the crowd followed along.  A woman broke through the crowd, touched Jesus, and was healed from a blood irregularity (I won’t focus on this miracle today).  Jesus paused to have a conversation with the woman.  While Jesus was wrapping up His conversation with the newly healed woman, someone came from Jairus’ house with terrible news.  The messenger said, “Your daughter is dead, why bother the teacher any more?”  This was THE critical point.  Jairus had patiently waited for Jesus to return from the land of Gad.  He swallowed his pride when he bowed down before Jesus to ask for help.  He made a declaration of faith that moved Jesus to action.  He waited while Jesus spoke to a woman about the healing she had just received.  And now, after all his waiting, it seemed like he took too long.  His daughter was dead.


But wait!  His daughter was dead, but Jesus wanted to know if his faith was dead.  Living faith can resurrect dead situations.  Jesus perceived that the ultimate tool of the enemy, fear, was flooding Jairus’ body.  Fear is an incapacitating force.  Jesus basically told Jairus that he had a decision to make.  He said, “Don’t worry.  Just have faith!”  In other words, “Don’t operate in fear, continue to operate in faith.”  Jairus took the advice.  His daughter was dead, but his faith was still alive.  So the ministry team continued to Jairus’ house, but not before Jesus made a critical decision.  Jesus knew the situation was going to be dire when they arrived at the home.  He knew mourners going to already be in full-fledged mourning mode.  He knew He needed to surround himself with people of faith.  So Jesus forbid the crowd and nine of His disciples from going any further.  The only disciples Jesus took with Him were His inner circle: Peter, James, and John.  And when they arrived at the house Jesus asked everyone who was incapable of believing God for a miracle to leave.   Jesus then took the little girl by the hand, spoke to her, and she got up and walked around.

So what does this mean to you today?  There is a lot here, but I will just give you a few quick points today.


  1.  Jesus will meet you at your level of faith.  The more faith you have, the more you will be able to access His grace.


  1.  Faith has a language.  Faith calls those things which be not as though they are.  Faith declares God’s will as done before full manifestation.


  1.  When you speak the language of faith you can expect your faith to access God’s grace.  But you can also expect your faith to attract satan’s opposition.


  1.  You must remain in faith in the space between your confession and the completion of it, because in that space, satan will attempt to stir up confusion.


  1.  Never allow what you see to change what you say.  Speak the Word ONLY!  Speak the language of faith and never change your confession.


  1.  Living faith can resurrect dead situations.


  1.  Fear cancels-out  faith and faith cancels-out fear.  You can’t be in-faith and in-fear at the same time.


  1.  It takes courage to look a dead situation in the face and remain in faith.  Faith requires courage!


  1.  When the pressure is on, you must surround yourself with people of like-precious-faith.


*** I will talk more about the last point tomorrow.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  Your grace is available to me, so I can live the life I was born to live.  By Your grace You have already prepared my success.  But in order to access Your grace You require me to use my faith.  It is my faith that taps into Your grace for supernatural success in this world.  Faith is able to see Your will before it manifests.  Faith is able to declare those things that be not as though they already are.  Faith speaks what it sees in the spirit.  Faith has a language and it a language that aligns with heaven.  It is through faith that Your will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.  I am a believer and I live by faith.  I speak the language of faith daily.  I call the end from the beginning.  I speak what I see in the Spirit.  I WILL my lips to declare Your goodness before it manifests.  I have living faith that can resurrect dead situations.  I speak faith-filled words every day.  I surround myself with people of like-precious faith.  I don’t allow fear to cancel-out my faith.  I don’t allow what I see to change what I say.  I am the just, I live by faith, and I have the courage to look a dead situation in the face and speak life!  I will have what I say and I will only say what You lead me to say.  I speak the WORD ONLY and I will never change my confession.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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