Being in Sync With God

by Rick

(Read Mat 14:28-31)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter.  Our study has brought us to Matthew 14.  For the past couple of weeks we have been looking at Peter’s famous walking on water incident.  Let’s go back to it today.


Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  Peter wanted to know if it was God’s will for him to be ON the water.  Jesus confirmed it when He said, “Come”.  With the authorization, Peter stepped out in faith, in sync with God, and he walked on water.  But this was not human effort.  Peter did not work for it, earn it, or do it in his power.  All Peter did was believe God.  His faith put him in sync with God’s grace and the result was that Peter operated beyond his limits.  However, when Peter was no longer in sync, he began to sink.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Your success is NOT ALL God.  Peter walking on water required God’s power, but it was not ALL God.  Had it been ALL God, then the supernatural would not have stopped when Peter’s focus shifted.  Had it been ALL God, then God would have continued in spite of Peter.  It can’t be ALL God, because then that would make us puppets and God a puppet-master who pulls the strings from heaven.  No, it was not ALL God, because God has given humanity the right to choose.  It was Peter’s choice to get in sync with heaven, and it was also his choice to break the sync.  Once he was no longer in sync, he began to sink.


2.  Your success is NOT ALL You.  Peter walked on water, but he certainly did not do it with human power.  If it was up to Peter and his power he would have sunk from the first step.  Human power cannot produce Godly success.  Peter needed God and so do you.


3.  God has a part and you have a part in your success.  God’s part is grace, your part is faith.

a)  If you want to be a success in this world you must learn to discern the unforced rhythm of God’s grace.

b)   When you get in alignment with the unforced rhythm of God’s grace, and you yield your humanity to divinity, the supernatural flows through your life.

c)  Divine success is not effortless, but it is sweatless.  You cannot work for grace-based success.  You must simply believe for it.

d)  While Peter was in sync with the unforced rhythm of God’s grace he was able to do what is humanly impossible.  The same will happen in your life when you get in sync with God.

e)  The goal is to get in sync and stay in sync with the unforced rhythm of God’s grace.  If you get out of sync, then like Peter, you will begin to sink.

f)  Grace-based success comes by God’s own power.  This means you can be a success in this world without pulling your hair out, without staying up late at night because of undue stress, and without taking on the pressure to perform.

g)  When you are in sync with God’s grace (which only flows in His timing), you can flow with Him, doing the right things at the right times, and experiencing supernatural victory.  When you live this way you literally enter into God’s rest.  That’s where I am right now.  That’s my testimony.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  You have a part and I have a part in my success.  Your part is freely offered to me by Your unearned and amazing grace.  My part must be received and responded to in faith.  Your will has a timing component.  The right thing at the wrong time becomes the wrong thing.  There are times and seasons for every THING in the earth.  I learn to discern both Your will and Your timing.  Success comes when I get in sync with the unforced rhythm of Your grace.  This is how Your will is going to be done in my life, on earth, as it is in heaven.  Unforced, unearned, and most of the time even undeserved.  I simply yield, connect and flow with the unforced rhythm of Your grace.  I get in sync and I stay in sync, lest like Peter, I sink.  So Father, I enter this day determined to experience heaven on earth, by Your grace, for Your glory!  And I won’t get stressed out doing it, because it has nothing to do with my power.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

kevin September 25, 2015 - 4:08 pm

Stumbled on bro Pina’s sermon yesterday. I’m looking at all the videos now, glad I found the website. You are blessing me brother!! Keep up the fight!!


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