Destiny’s Child

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, by continuing with our new mini-series entitled, “Focusing on Dying To Self”.  A few days ago I highlighted six believers in scripture who had to die to their old identity in order to become the person God called them to be.  One of them was David.  I said the following about him:


“David had to die to his identity as a shepherd in order to accept the call on his life to be King of Israel.  God looked a shepherd-boy, who was ostracized and overlooked in his own home, and anointed him to be king.  As much as David enjoyed shepherding sheep, he had to give that up so he could shepherd people.  No one knew David when he fought and killed a lion and a bear with his bare hands, but soon everyone would know David when he killed a giant with a slingshot and a stone.  Dying to the shepherd opened the door to the king.”


Once again, Jesus said: “Any of you who want to be my follower must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me.  Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me and for the Good News will save it.” (Mark 8:34,35 ERV).


Let’s seek to learn a few things from the life of David this morning.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  God is looking when no one else is looking.  David spent countless hours in the field tending sheep.  He was faithful to care for and protect his father’s sheep.  Even when he thought no one was looking, God was, and God was preparing David for his life’s assignment.


2.  God has a plan for your life.  David spent years with sheep, all alone.  He was going through “the motions” of his life, being faithful over what he was assigned to do, not knowing God had an amazing life already mapped out for him.  At just the right time, God set His plan in motion, and David’s life was changed forever.  The same will happen for you.  But when it does, you must be willing to give up the life you have for the life God planned.


3.  God’s plan is far greater than anything you could ever imagine.  While David was tending sheep he had no idea he would become a hero of the faith.  He had no idea he was destined to be King of Israel.  He had no idea he would leave a legacy that would endure for generations.  He was the youngest son of his father, he did not come from a prominent family, he did not go the best schools, and his family did not think much of him, but God had plan for David’s life and it was bigger than anyone could imagine.  The Bible says, “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!  He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (Eph 3:20,21 MSG)  


4.  What God has for YOU is for YOU!  David was a teenager when a Prophet made a visit to his house to anoint the next King of Israel.  The Prophet asked Jesse to line up his sons.  Jesse called 7 of his 8 boys.  He thought so little of David that he did not even call him in from the field.  Not one of David’s brothers spoke up.  No one mentioned the fact that David was missing.  The Prophet went through the entire ceremony with David missing.  It was not until the Lord made it clear to Samuel that NONE of the boys present were the “chosen one”, that Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons.  Jesse reluctantly acknowledged that he had one more, but that he was tending sheep.  With that, David was summed into his destiny.

a.  God’s assignment for your life and the associated Blessing have your name on it!  No one can take your Blessing.  

b.  Even when people don’t think enough about you to even put your name in the running, God has a way of picking you anyway.

c.  When you least expect it, while you are doing what you normally do, the Lord can give you a divine appointment that changes your life forever!

d.  Others may forget about you, but God never will!


5.  You must wait on God’s timing.  As soon as the impromptu coronation ceremony was over you would think the clouds would open up, that a voice would be heard from heaven, or that the Prophet would escort David to the palace so he could take over the throne of Saul.  None of that happened.  The prophet left, David rubbed the oil off his forehead, his brothers went back to whatever they were doing and David went back to his sheep.  God had transitioned the power for national leadership from Saul to David in the spirit, but in the natural it would take over a decade for David to assume the throne.  In that decade — while David was waiting to receive in hands what the Lord had already done in his heart — David had to die to his old identity.  He had to give up the life he knew for the life God planned.  In the end, David fulfilled his destiny.  He became the King of Israel.  He walked in his divine assignment.  But he had to die in order to live.  We must do the same!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016 by dying to self.  Like David, I too am destined.  You made plans for me from the foundations of the world and Your plans are much greater than anything I could come up with on my own.  I willingly die to me and my plans in order to embrace You and Your plans.  As you reveal, I receive.  As You lead, I follow.  As You give life, I die.  I die to me, so You can live through me, and so I can fulfill my destiny.  I am Destiny’s Child and I will become the person I was birthed to be, leaving a mark in this world that will not be erased!  Not by my power, but only by Your grace!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Paul May 2, 2016 - 5:11 pm

Great word for an old soldier (47 y/o lol) like me.


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