The Amazing Call of the Apostle Paul

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, by continuing with our new mini-series entitled, “Focusing on Dying To Self”.  A few days ago I highlighted six believers in scripture who had to die to their old identity in order to become the person God called them to be.  One of them was Paul.  I said the following about him:


“Saul had to die to his identity as a Pharisee in order to become the Apostle Paul.  Saul of Tarsus was being groomed to become part of the Jewish religious elite.  He studied under the greatest teachers, he had the greatest mentors, he invested years into ‘climbing the ladder’ of Jewish success, and he was leading the persecution of Christians until God knocked him off his high horse (literally) on the road to Damascus.  Saul of Tarsus had to die to everything he knew in order to become the Apostle Paul.  He did, and he wound up writing half the New Testament..”


Once again, Jesus said: “Any of you who want to be my follower must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me.  Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me and for the Good News will save it.” (Mark 8:34,35 ERV).


Let’s seek to learn a few things from the life of the Apostle Peter this morning.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Paul had been groomed his entire life to become a member of the religious elite.  He had invested decades into his identity as Saul of Tarsus and he gave it all up to become the Apostle Paul.  Listen to the testimony in Paul’s own words: “I was circumcised on the eighth day after my birth.  I am from the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin.  I am a true Jew, and so were my parents.  The law was very important to me.  That is why I became a Pharisee.  I was so eager to defend my religion that I persecuted the church.  And no one could find fault with the way I obeyed the Law of Moses.  At one time all these things were important to me. But because of Christ, I decided that they are worth nothing.  Not only these things, but now I think that all things are worth nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  Because of Christ, I lost all these things, and now I know that they are all worthless trash.  All I want now is Christ.” (Phil 3:5-8 ERV).

a.  Sincerity does not equal accuracy.  Paul was sincere in his pursuit of persecuting Christians, but he was sincerely wrong.

b.  There is no true success outside of your divine assignment.  This is why Saul gave up everything to become Paul.



2.  God chooses the most unlikely people.  God chose the church’s #1 terrorist — Saul of Tarsus was the “Bin Laden of the day” against Christians — to become it’s leader.  God chooses us and then uses us by His unearned and amazing grace.



3.  Paul embraced the grace of God to both cover his past and enable his future.  This is what he said, “I am the least of the messengers, and indeed I do not deserve that title at all, because I persecuted the Church of God. But what I am now I am by the grace of God. The grace he gave me has not proved a barren gift.  I have worked harder than any of the others – and yet it was not I but this same grace of God within me.” (1 Cor 15:9,10 Phillips).  Let’s take a closer look at Paul’s words:


I am the least of the messengers

The word “messengers” here is also translated “Apostles.”  While Paul was definitely called to be an Apostle, he was not part of the original 12, he did not have the privilege of walking with Jesus during his earthly ministry, and when comparing himself to the others Paul considered himself the least.  This is an indicator of the level of humility Paul walked in and another example of how much he understood and appreciated God’s Grace.


I do not deserve that title at all, because I persecuted the Church of God

Paul knew he was deserving of the title (Apostle) or the calling, because he knew his background.  While he sincerely thought he was doing the right thing, he was fighting against God and His people.  He had passion, drive, motivation and zeal, but they were all pointed in the wrong direction.  God turned it all around by His grace!


But what I am now I am by the grace of God

Whatever Paul was and whatever he was not, he attributed it to God.  Even though he arguably out-shined all the other Apostles, Paul was not willing to take the credit, because he knew his accomplishments came by God’s unearned grace.  This should be our perspective as well.


The grace he gave me has not proved a barren gift.  I have worked harder than any of the others

Paul knew that while God’s Grace towards him was a free gift, he had to decide what to do with it.  Paul understood the fact that we are not puppets and God is not some great puppet master pulling the strings from heaven.  We get a choice in the matter.  We can choose to either work the gift, seeking to maximize our purpose and potential, or we can reject the gift and attempt to live our lives without God.  Once Paul was aware that he was off course and that God had actually called him to help the people he was fighting against, he changed direction with equal fire, force and fervor.


and yet it was not I but this same grace of God within me

Looking back over everything he had accomplished in, with and through Christ, Paul refused to take the credit.  Even though he had a choice in the matter, even though he had to choose to work hard to fulfill his life’s assignment, and even though he had to overcome lots of opposition to make it happen, Paul still gave God the credit.  Paul knew that even the part that he contributed to his success came by God’s grace.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016 by dying to self.  I die to my past.  I die to my mistakes.  I die to my limitations.  I die to performance-based religion.  If it were based on my performance, I could never qualify for my assignment.  But Jesus qualified for me.  So I accept the assignment You freely offer me by grace and I pursue it by faith.  Your grace towards me shall not be in vain.  I will work harder than I ever have, but I won’t get burned-out, because I will be working by Your grace.  And now, my work, passion, energy and effort will all be pointed in the right direction.  It is You Father, living in me, You give me the words, You perform the work, and You change lives through me for Your glory!  2016 is the best year of my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Yani Williams May 1, 2016 - 7:35 pm

Wow!! I receive it Pastor Pina!!! Awesome Word!!


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