Called BEFORE You Were Born

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with an emphasis on “Focusing on God’s Finished Work”.  A few weeks ago I gave you five scriptures that we were going to walk through.  So far we have walked through two.  The first dealt with the prophet Jeremiah.  The second dealt with king David.  Today we get to the third and it deals with the prophet Isaiah.


The prophet Isaiah said, “Listen to me, all you in distant lands! Pay attention, you who are far away! The LORD called me before my birth; from within the womb He called me by name.” (Isaiah 49:1).  In the days we to come we will look at verses 2-5.  For today we will simply look at verse 1 and seek to glean a few things from what Isaiah said about himself and the assignment he was called to before he was born.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  You have a definite and distinct divine purpose.  Isaiah wanted people to pay attention to the fact that God called him before he was born.  This was an important revelation back then and it still is today.  When you know you were called before you were born, you know you entered this world for a specific purpose; and that purpose is divine.


2.  God’s call is grace-based and not works-based.  God called you before you were born.  This means you were called before you did anything to deserve it.  God knew all you would do and He called you; not based on your works, but based solely on His grace.  This also means you cannot do anything to disqualify yourself from the call, because you never qualified in the first place.  When you grasp this reality you learn to simply accept God’s grace, you enter into His rest, and you stop trying to perform for God.  Your life is not audition.  You are not working for your assignment.  Your called is not based on merit.  So simply accept it and enter into God’s rest.


3.  God knows everything about you.  God does not have to wait for your parents to name you in order to know you by name.  God knows your name before you are given one, He knows your ways before you develop them, and He knows your divine assignment before you ever take one breath.  So you don’t have to explain yourself to God.  There is nothing He does not know about you.  He knows everything you have ever done and everything you will ever do, He is intimately acquainted with every aspect of your conduct and character and conduct, and He called you anyway.  When you understand this you are able to release the pressure to perform and simply enter into God’s rest concerning His assignment for your life.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016.  You called me before I was born.  From within my mother’s womb You called me by name.  You know everything about me.  You are acquainted with all my ways.  You know my strengths and the laundry list of my weaknesses, and You called me anyway.  You called me by grace, not by merit.  You called me because of Your goodness, not because of mine.  So I accept Your assignment.  I embrace Your grace.  And I release the pressure to perform.  I am not working for Your grace, I am working BY Your grace.  I am doing it, not because I deserve it, but because You chose to use me in a way that is unmerited, unearned and amazing!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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