This Is Our Time To Shine! – Election Day 2016

by Rick

Today is Election Day 2016 in the United States of America.  By tomorrow morning the world should know who the 45th President of the United States is going to be.  This has been an unprecedented election season and many U.S. and world citizens are concerned with the decision that will be made today.  With that in mind, I am thankful the Father would have me to share a message this morning that I will pray help you maintain your peace.  When the results come out many will be surprised, disappointed or outraged that “their” candidate did not win.  But when it’s all said and done, God won’t be surprised and He will still expect you to be light and love in this world.  


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  God is not going to turn His back on this nation because of either candidate.

a)  God already knows who the next president of the United States is going to be and He still has plans for this nation.  God is not going to turn His back on us because of Trump or Clinton.  God is committed to us, as citizens, and to the United States of America, as a nation.

b)  The world is not going to end if Trump wins.  Our nation is not going to hell if Clinton wins.  God will still be God tomorrow morning, the earth will still be rotating on its axis, and we will still have plenty to look forward to.


2.  God is not going to turn His back on you because of your vote.

a)  Sometimes you hear some of the dumbest things from church leaders.  People I respect have said things in this political season that have baffled me.  Listen, God is not going to curse you because of your vote.  Even if you don’t vote the way the Holy Spirit is leading you to vote, God is not going to turn His back on you because of a vote.  God is more committed to you than you are committed to Him.

b)  God loves you, He has plans for you, and your vote will not cancel out His plans.  So rest in His love and vote as you are led.  Even if you make a mistake and miss God, He will still love you, bless you and use you.


3.  God is looking for you to be a peacemaker, and not a peacebreaker, in this season.

a)  Don’t let your vote, or anyone else’s for that matter, be a source of separation or division.  You can disagree with people without being disagreeable.

b)  You don’t have to lose friends over a vote.  God is bigger than that and you should be too.  

c)  Jesus said that people would be able to identify us as His disciples by the love we show them (John 13:35).  Love is supposed to be our identifying characteristic.  So walk in love with all people, even those who don’t vote for your candidate.


4.  Maintain your confidence in God.

a)  The Bible says, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose hope and confidence are in him.” (Jer 17:7).  Don’t lose your focus or your confidence in this season.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.

b)  David said, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7).  In David’s day trusting in chariots and horses meant you were trusting in the things of this world.  Instead of trusting in this world, your trust and confidence needs to be in the Lord our God, not any government or president.


5.  You owe it to God to vote and to be light and love in this world.

a)  Many are so disappointed with the candidates that they are planning NOT to vote and their outlook is bleak, at best.  This should not be you.  God lives IN you.  You should be upbeat about your vote and excited about your future.  This is how you allow the love and light of God to shine through you in the midst of darkness and despair.  

b)  Light does its best work in the dark.  This is our time to shine.  Lift up your head.  Vote and tell people that God is still going to use this nation to BE a blessing in this world.  No candidate can stop Him.  No vote can deny Him.  No power can overtake Him.  He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the God of gods, and He will not be moved by the results of this election!  So enter this day with a spring in your step, a song in your heart and a smile on your face as you cast your VOTE!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I have brought my life into focus in 2016.  All year I have been learning to focus on You.  Today is no different.  I cast my vote with my eyes on You.  You have blessed America and You will continue to do so.  You are not moved, so I will not be moved.  Presidents come and go, but You remain the same.  My trust, confidence and hope is in You!  I enter this day with a spring in my step, a song in my heart, and a smile on my face as I cast my vote.  I will be a conduit of Your love and light today.  I will shine in the midst of darkness and despair.  The world will see Jesus IN me!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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