A Demon Possessed Mute (Part 2) – Power In Unity

by Rick

But the Pharisees said, “The ruler of demons is the one that gives him power to force demons out.”

(Mat 9:34 NLT)


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus”.  Yesterday we took a look at the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed mute.  This was actually less a “healing” and more a “deliverance”, because the man’s issue was not medical.  He was possessed with a demon who has robbing him of his ability to speak.  Once Jesus cast the demon out of the man, his speech was restored.  The people present were amazed and the Pharisees were perplexed.  They had spent all their lives building up a religious following, and people were leaving their congregations by the droves, following the miracle worker Jesus.


The Pharisees could not match Jesus in power, and since they refused to acknowledge Him as the Messiah (as they should have), they decided to do the only thing they could: they fought Jesus tooth-and-nail.  After Jesus cast the demon out of the mute person, the Pharisees attributed the act to satan himself; claiming that Jesus used the power of satan to cast out demons.  This was obviously a ridiculous accusation.  Jesus responded, “So, if Satan is fighting against himself, how will his kingdom survive?  You say that I use the power of Satan to force out demons… I use the power of God to force out demons.  This shows that God’s kingdom has now come to you.” (Luke 11:17,18).  


So what does this mean to you today?  We learned a few things from this story yesterday.  Let’s seek to glean a few more golden nuggets.


1.  Your life is supposed to be naturally supernatural.  

a)  The Father anointed Jesus to cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, deaf to hear, mute to speak, and dead to rise.  The same supernatural power is made available to you through the Holy Spirit.

b)  You were not filled with God Spirit so you could live THE SAME WAY you used to live before you were Born-Again.  Once you are filled with God’s Spirit, the supernatural is supposed to be natural to you!


2.  If you are Born-Again, you should expect supernatural manifestation in your life.  

a)  The Bible tells us that signs are supposed to follow those of us who believe (Mark 16).  But you will never experience the supernatural if you don’t ever attempt anything that exceeds human ability.

b)  Could it be that you have never experienced God in a supernatural way, because you are completely comfortable living a life that is natural to this world?


3.  Satan has a kingdom.

a)  Jesus acknowledged the fact that satan has a kingdom.  Once you are Born-Again you are translated into the Kingdom of God (Col 1:13).  There is also a kingdom of satan.  We were all part of satan’s kingdom in times past (Eph 2:2).

b)  You don’t have to deny satan’s power, nor should you be afraid of it.  Satan and his imps have power, but there is no power like God’s power.

c)  Jesus was never afraid of demons.  He simply cast them out.  But notice that He did not act like they did not exist.  Many believers today refuse to acknowledge any satanic or demonic activity.  Don’t’ glorify it, but don’t act like it does not exist.

d)  The Bible tells us to give thanks unto God, who ALWAYS causes us to triumph (giving us the victory), through our Lord Jesus the Christ.  Well, guess what?  You can’t triumph if you don’t have anything to triumph over.  Acknowledge the fact that we DO have opposition, and then give God the praise for causing you to WIN through Christ Jesus!


4.  There is power in unity.

a)  Jesus taught us that a divided kingdom cannot stand.  Unity brings strength, division brings weakness.

b)  The Pharisees could have embraced Jesus, but instead they alienated themselves from Him and then fought against Him.  Satan will always attempt to bring division.

c)  Today the United States, and even the Body of Christ, seem divided in many ways.  We don’t have to be uniform to be unified.  Let’s look beyond our differences and seek common ground.  We actually have more in common than we do uncommon.  Many just seem to be focusing on the uncommon at the moment.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  This year I will experience supernatural manifestation like never before!  You anointed Jesus and You have anointed me!  I declare that miracles, signs and wonders will be manifested IN and THROUGH my life.  The supernatural is natural to me.  I believe it, receive it, and attempt it.  And Father, in this season, I choose to be a peacemaker and not a peace breaker.  I walk in love, I reconcile the world to You, and I reconcile my brothers and sisters to each other.  United we stand under the blood stained banner of Jesus the Christ!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and prosper!

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