Demonstration and Power

by Rick

Read Luke 4:1-36


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  Today we are going back to something that happened early in Jesus’ ministry.  


After Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist, He was led of the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of satan.  After passing every test, the Bible says that satan departed from Jesus “for a season”.  It also says that when Jesus came back from His tests, He “returned in the power of the Spirit.”  He was led of the Spirit to be tested, and after having passed all the tests, He returned in the power of the Spirit.  This is when Jesus began His ministry.


Jesus first went to His hometown and basically announced, in the synagogue, that He was the Messiah.  But He was not received, because they knew Him as “Mary’s boy” or “Joseph’s son”.  So Jesus left His hometown and went to Capernaum.  Capernaum is a city in Galilee where Jesus established His ministry headquarters.


In Capernaum Jesus taught the Word of God on the Sabbath, in the synagogue.  However, His teaching stood out.  People said that He was unlike any other teacher, because “He taught with authority”.  Jesus was not like the Pharisees or Sadducees.  Jesus did not offer mere “lip service” to the Word.  Jesus was a walking/talking example of righteousness.  The authority of His teaching captivated the people.  He did not teach the Word with timidity or uncertainty, but rather with confidence and conviction.  Not only that, but His preaching and teaching was also followed by demonstration and power.


While Jesus was teaching in the synagogue a demon possessed man cried out at the top of his lungs and said, “Jesus of Nazareth, what do you want with us?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are – the Holy One of God!”  Now remember, I have told you many times that those who honored Jesus called Him the “Son of David”, and those who dishonored Him called Him, “Jesus of Nazareth”.  In this case we see demons calling Him, “Jesus of Nazareth”.  Jesus was not moved by the commotion.  He simply and sternly said, “Be quiet!  Come out of him!”  Then the demon threw the man down to the ground and then came out of him.  This is where everyone was truly amazed.  They said to each other, “What’s going on here?  Someone whose words make things happen?  Someone who orders demonic spirits to get out and they go?”  The Bible says, “And so the news about Jesus spread to every place in the whole area.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  If you have clear conviction about the Word of God, it will come through in your delivery and in your living.

a)  Jesus’ teaching was distinguished from that of the religious elite of His day, because His teaching came across with authority.

b)  When you share the Word of God with someone, you should do so with clarity, conviction and courage.  Say whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to say.

c)  You may not be a licensed or ordained minister, you may not wear clergy attire or be a graduate of seminary, but you can still share the Word of God with authority and conviction.d)  What set Jesus apart the most is that He was not trying to live what He preached.  He was preaching what He lived!  There is a huge difference!  Your living must match your saying — your audio must match your video!


2.  You should believe God for demonstration and power.

a)  Jesus did not just teach/preach the Word, He followed it up with miracles, signs and wonders.

b)  Paul said, “My teaching and my speaking were not with wise words that persuade people.  But the proof of my teaching was in the demonstration and power of the Spirit.” (1 Cor 2:4)

c)  The church today is suffering from an epidemic of powerlessness.  Anyone can say words.  The lost are attracted by power!  And guess what?  Jesus died to give us power!

d)  If you have never been used of God to perform any act that exceeds human limits, it could be because you have never asked Him to do so.  I am teaching on the miracles of Jesus, so you can stir up your faith for the supernatural.  You will never walk on water if you don’t get out of the boat.  You will never perform a miracle if you don’t attempt one.  It’s okay if you fail at first.  Don’t be afraid of failure.  If you want to get good at anything, you must practice.  If you pray for someone and nothing happens, okay, nothing happened.  You may not know why until you get to heaven.  But keep trying.  Wait until that first time when the power of God is released through your hands or the supernatural power of God flows through your words.  It is then that you will see yourself JUST LIKE JESUS in this world!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  As Jesus is, so am I, in this world!  I am not moved by the challenges I face in the earth.  I am only moved by Your Word and Your Spirit.  You gave me Your Spirit so I can know the plans You made for me before the world began.  And so I can operate like You in this world.  I say what You tell me to say, and I say it with conviction.  I do what You lead me to do, and I do it with courage.  As You lead me, I attempt the impossible, so the supernatural can be manifested in, with and through me.  This way You will be glorified in my life and living!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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