A Net-Breaking Boat-Sinking Load of Fish (Part 2)

by Rick

Read Luke 5:1-11


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  Yesterday I introduced you to the story of Simon Peter’s miraculous catch of fish.  Let’s go back to the story today.  


Here’s a quick recap.  Jesus asked a fisherman (Simon) if He could receive help to be able to preach the Gospel to a crowd.  Simon the fisherman contributed his time, talent and treasure into Jesus’ ministry.  When Jesus was done preaching, He honored the principle of sowing and reaping and saw to it that the fisherman received a harvest on the seed sown.  Simon gave from his fishing business, so he was going to receive in his fishing business.  Jesus told him to launch out and let down his “nets”.  Simon almost missed out on the blessing.  After years of fishing, Simon knew how difficult it was to catch fish in nets during the day.  Which is why he had fished all night.  Furthermore, this was just not a good time to fish.  Simon had fished all night and had not even caught a guppie.  All his human efforts were fruitless.  


As he considered all knew about fishing and all the toil he had already put into a fruitless night, Simon’s head was telling him to tell Jesus “No, thank you”.  After all, he was the fisherman and Jesus was simply a preacher.  What would Jesus know about fishing?  But thankfully, his heart overrode his head.  Something ‘on the inside’ told Simon to give the preacher a chance.  So Simon said, “Just because you said so, I am going to do it.”  But I don’t think Simon was truly convinced.  He launched out with only one net; not the “nets” Jesus told him to cast.  Simon put that single net into the water and it was like the fish were jumping into it.  There were so many fish that the net began to break and the boat began to sink.  This was a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish!  SImon had to call for his partners to help bring in the load. This caused Simon to fall down on his knees and worship Jesus.  From that point on Jesus would make Simon and a couple of his friends fishers of men.  


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  God is not against natural harvests.

a)  Some believers have a hard time receiving natural blessings.  All their emphasis is on going to heaven and they shun any desire to succeed in this present world.  I think these people have a warped view of the Bible.  God wants you to make it to heaven, but He also wants you to enjoy the ride.  There are countless people in scripture whom the Lord blessed with material wealth and natural blessings.  I am all for pursuing spiritual blessings, and I preach that without reservation, but I am also clear that God is not against natural success.

b)  Simon the fisherman contributed his time, talent and treasure, from his fishing business, into Jesus’s ministry.  As a result, Jesus did not pray for healing over his body, or for his relationship with God to be closer.  No, Simon sowed natural seed and Jesus provided a natural harvest.  Simon sowed from his fishing business and Jesus caused his fishing business to experience the largest haul he had ever seen.  My point is that God is not against us experiencing success in business; especially when we use our business resources to sow into ministry.

c)  When you dedicate your business to God and you use the resources from your business to support God’s Kingdom plans and purposes, God can see to it that contracts come looking for you.  Just like the fish were jumping into Simon’s net, opportunities will track you down and overtake you.


2.  Spiritual insight is much greater than natural education.

a)  When Adam walked the earth he was anointed to rule, lead, govern and dominate.  He did this without education.  All he knew he received by revelation from the Father.  But when he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden mankind fell from discerning to learning.  Jesus came to get us back to the state where we could walk with God and discern what He wants us to do.

b)  What Simon had learned from years of fishing almost kept him from what Jesus had discerned in a moment.

c)  Discerning is a greater level of insight than learning.

d)  God can give you a thought or an idea by revelation that you would have never learned through education.

e)  Simon was operating on intellect, Jesus was operating on instinct.  Guess what?  Now that you have the Holy Spirit, you can trust your divine instinct as well.


I will talk more about this tomorrow.     


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  I sow my time, talent and treasure into Your Kingdom plans and purposes in this world.  As I do, You, as the Lord of the Harvest, see to it that I reap a harvest on every seed sown.  You gave me Your Spirit so I could know the plans You have for me, and so I could maximize the purpose and potential You placed in me before the world began.  I thank You for my education.  But I never place education over revelation.  I never place what I have learned over what discern.  I thank You for my intellect, but I also thank You for divine instinct.  I declare that I am led of Your Spirit in all ways.  As a result, I experience Your best in every area of my life.  I sow spiritually and naturally, and I reap spiritually and naturally!  Earthly success, by Your goodness and mercy, is tracking me down all the days of my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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