God and Morality

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 34.  We have been looking at Psalm 119.  Let’s continue to walk through this amazing psalm.  Today we will look at verses 101-104 from The Passion Bible Translation.


David said:

(v.101)  I refused to bend my morals when temptation was before me so that I could become obedient to your word.

(v.102)  I refuse to turn away from difficult truths, for you yourself have taught me to love your words.

(v.103)  How sweet are your living promises to me; sweeter than honey is your revelation-light.

(v.104)  For your truth is the source of my understanding, not the falsehoods of those who don’t know you, which I despise.


So what does this mean to you today?  I will share a few things around this thought: God’s truth should be the foundation for our system of morality.


  1.  David said that he refused to “bend his morals” when temptation was alluring him away from God’s Word/truth.  Because he had made the Word of God his standard for character and conduct, David was able to resist temptation when it came.  Even on those occasions when he failed and David gave himself over the temptation, he acknowledged that God was right and he was wrong.  This teaches us two things. First, it teaches us that God’s system (outlined in His Word) is right. Yes, God’s system has rights and wrongs, do’s and don’ts, and good and evil.  In society today, people want to accept everything and they put pressure on the church to validate, dignify and even glorify perversion. No, society may attempt to pervert God’s truths, but God’s Word is true nonetheless.  Second, this teaches us that if we truly make God’s Word the standard for our character and conduct, we will be empowered to resist the temptations to do wrong while we are attempting to live right. If you make God’s Word your standard, then like David, you will be able to say, “I refuse to bend my morals to comply with the ways of this world.”     


  1.  The definition of morality is: “The principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior; the duties related to good character.”  The problem with this definition today is that people don’t want to accept absolute truth.  Or they want to change was “truth” is. They say, “Who are you to say what is right or wrong?  Who are you to define what the standards are?”  To which I respond, “I am not the one saying it or defining it.  The standard was set by God. It is laid out in His Word.”  People today we want to twist or pervert the truth, but their perversion does not change God’s standard.  God is still God and His Word is still true.


  1.  In the world today people want to redefine God’s standard.  They don’t want to stop living in sin, so they attempt to rewrite the rules.  They want to call wrong “right,” and call those who walk upright before God “wrong.”  But no government decision can change what God said.  No popular consensus can change God’s truth. This is the danger of a democracy.  In a democracy the majority wins. Whatever the majority consensus is becomes the national standard.  But when Moses came down from the mountain with God’s Law in His hands and he saw the people dancing around a golden calf, their misjudgement did not change God’s standard.  Their popular consensus did not change God’s ways. You can’t vote out God’s Law. You can’t rewrite God’s truth. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s Word will still remain.  So, popular or not, God’s Word is still true, His precepts are still binding, and His ways will not change to comply with the whims of men.


  1.  When you make the Word of God the standard for your morality, you will live a life that in pleasing in God’s sight, you will “stick out” in this world, and your “sticking out” will put you in position to be light and salt.


  1.  You will never draw someone out of darkness if there is no difference between you and them.  People need to SEE something in you — in your character and conduct — that sets you apart. And when they come to you and ask you what makes you so different, it puts you in position to talk to them about Jesus.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to experience Your best because I have decided to walk in Your ways.  Your Word is the standard for my character and conduct. I do not conform or comply with the wickedness or perversion of this world.  I conform to and comply with Your Word. This makes me light in the midst of darkness. I am comfortable adhering to Your ways, even if it makes me STICK OUT in this world.  And when people come to me and ask me about my standard, I get to tell them that my standard is based on a PERSON and His name is JESUS! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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