Inner Revival

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 45.  We have been looking at Psalm 119.  Let’s continue to walk through this amazing psalm.  We are reading from The Passion Bible Translation.


David said:

(v.159) Lord, see how much I truly love your instructions.  So in your tender kindness, breathe life into me again.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  David asked the Lord to revive him again through His Word.  When you live your life committed to God’s Word, the words on paper will breathe life into you in a way that nothing else can.


  1.  David often spoke of God breathing life into him again.  He openly acknowledged a need for periodic revival. While this is not a common subject, the truth is that most Christians needs revival on a routine basis.  Now, I am not saying that they need a week-long series of church services to get them going again, like some people may think when I say the word “revival.” But what I do mean is that we often need to be revived from within.  Life in Christ is a marathon, not sprint. The journey to become the man/woman you were born to be is a LONG one.  Along the way you will have moments where you do not feel focused, motivated or satisfied.  During these moments it is easy to consider giving up, caving in and quitting. No one is exonerated from these thoughts.  This is where revival comes in. One moment with God can restore us, reset us, and revive us. David needed those moments. We all do.  When David needed to be revived, he went back to God’s Word. He thought about all the things God promised him, and meditating on those promises breathed LIFE back into him again.  Do you need a mini-revival this morning? If you do, you can find it in the Word of God. Think about God’s written Word and also all the words He has spoken to you directly. Without going to church, without anyone laying hands on you, and without any fanfare, if you simply meditate and meditate on God’s words, they will minister LIFE to you.


  1.  As believers we are called and commanded to walk and live by faith.  When you live by faith you often have to get past your feelings. You are not always going to feel like the man/woman God called you to be.  Sometimes you literally have to tell your feelings how to feel. David acknowledged the fact that there were times when he felt low. During those times he opened God’s Word and said, “Lord, in your tender kindness, breathe life into me again.”  If you are feeling low this morning, open God’s Word, remind yourself of what God said to you, and pray what David prayed.  You will experience revival in your heart. This is the type of revival we all need in order to KEEP GOING down the road to our destiny.


  1.  If you are going to do anything significant for God in the earth — or more properly stated, if God is going to do anything significant through you in the earth — it will not be done without overcoming challenges and opposition.  Walking with God does not mean you get to bypass challenges. When you truly walk with God you actually wind up facing more challenges than you ever faced in your life. Now, I would like to tell you that you will never get tired of the process.  Actually, your inner man, the true you, your spirit, he never does. If you are Born-Again, your spirit has been recreated with God’s Spirit. You are perfect in your spirit. But you are not perfect in your soul. Your soul contains your mind (the way you think), emotions (the way you feel), and will (the way you make decisions).  In your soul, as a human, there are times when you simply get tired of the constant barrage of challenges.  It is during these times that you need to be revived.  You need a fresh wind, a fresh fire, and fresh strength.  You can experience this type of inner-revival by going back to what God said in His Word, and more importantly, by reminding yourself of all the promises God has made you directly.  If you medicate and meditate on God’s promises to you, even if for just a few minutes, you will find the strength you need to KEEP GOING! My prayer for you this morning is that you experience inner revival!  I need it too. So I am preaching to myself as I am sharing this with you.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to experience Your best in 2018. I am focused on living as the man/woman You called me to be and I will not allow anything or anyone, NOT EVEN MYSELF, to cause me to stray from Your path.  I am who You say I am. I can and will do what You birthed me to do. I will accomplish what I was born to accomplish before I die. I will not be moved by opposition. I will not be stopped by challenges.  I will not be stifled by my own feelings. When I don’t feel like who I am called to be, I take control of myself and I TELL MY FEELINGS HOW TO FEEL! When I need to be revived, I open Your Word and I also remind myself of all the promises You have made me.  As I meditate and medicate on what You said to me, I am revived. You breathe life into me again and I am ready to KEEP GOING! Living this way I am determined to arrive at Your overall expected end for my life. I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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