It’s not worth it!

by Rick

(Prov 28:6 NLT)  Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich.


This morning we continue our “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God” series.  The last few of years have been difficult times for many and the financial struggles of the national economy and the global economic downturn have spilled over into the lives and personal economies of many Americans (believers and unbelievers alike).  The Word of God is always good and this scripture would apply to us at any time, but in today’s economy the lesson is even greater.  Because of the current financial pressures some have succumb to the temptation to do wrong, to cut corners, to tell ‘white’ lies, and to violate their integrity to make ends meet.  And then again, there are those who pursue wealth unscrupulously whether the economy is up or down.  Our integrity should never be one sale for a quick buck.  The dishonest wealth may come, but just like it came it will surely go, because anything you compromise to gain, you will lose in the end.

If you know better, you ought to do better, because if you consciously sow bad seed the Father, who is the Lord of the Harvest, is not going to sit by and allow you to reap a good harvest.  Bad seed produces a bad harvest every time.  Back in chapter 10 Solomon said, “Tainted wealth has no lasting value” (v.2).  It might be here today, but rest assured that it will be gone tomorrow.  Why?  Because it was not gained the right way.  What good is it to seek progress the wrong way, when you know that ill-gotten progress is actually regress?

In chapter 13 Solomon said, “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow” (v.11).  Do you want to leave a legacy (spiritual and natural) for your children and your children’s children?  Then do thing right before God.  You cannot violate His Word and then expect to walk in His blessing.

One of the major ways the enemy has gotten believers off of God’s destined path for their lives is with the lure of a quick buck.  In Paul’s first letter to his spiritual son Timothy he spoke of this.  Paul said, “But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows” (1st Tim 6:9,10).

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Never put your integrity on sale.  No matter the amount, it will never be worth it.

2.  Beware of the money’s seduction.  If you LOVE money it is only a matter of time before you do something you should not do to get it.  The LOVE OF MONEY will get you in trouble.

3.  Don’t pursue things, pursue God.  If you pursue God things will pursue you (Mat 6:33).

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for giving me Your Word, filling me with Your Spirit, and leading me into all truth.  Your Spirit convicts me when I am going astray.  I declare, by faith, that I listen to Your voice, I respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and I abstain from every kind of evil.  I walk in integrity, I honor You with my words and deeds, I am a faithful steward over the finances You bless to come into my hands, and I prosper the right way.  I don’t pursue things, I pursue You, and because I do, things pursue me.  I know You want me to be blessed (physically, spiritually, and financially), but I also know that You don’t want me to dishonor You in the process.  So I won’t!  I honor You and I know You will honor me!  All my needs shall be met according to Your riches in glory, by Christ Jesus!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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