Power in the Word

by Rick

NOTE:  Isabella and I got back from the Dominican Republic late last night.  Thank you all for your prayers. We will post pictures this week. Here are a few links to social media posts that contain pictures.


Post with pics from the morning school: https://www.facebook.com/rickpina/posts/10156102382903771?pnref=story

Post with pics from the afternoon school:



Post about the food we purchased to feed prisoners: https://www.facebook.com/rickpina/posts/10156105478678771


Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 15.  Last week I introduced you to Psalm 119.  We have looked at a few of the verses so far.  Today we will look at verses 9-12 from The Passion Bible Translation (TPT).  


David said:

(v.9)  How can a young man stay pure?  Only by living in the word of God and walking in its truth.

(v.10) I have longed for you with the passion of my heart; don’t let me stray from your directions!

(v.11)  I consider your prophecies to be my greatest treasure, and I memorize them and write them on my heart to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you.

(v.12)  My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all; teach me the power of your decrees!

(Psalm 119:9-12 The Passion Translation)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Keeping the Word of God in your heart will keep you from succumbing to the lust of sin.

a)  I know it’s not popular today, and it’s not mentioned often, but sin is still sin, God is still holy, and He still expects us to walk in holiness.  David tells us that young men can live pure lives. How? By filling their hearts with God’s Word. The power of God’s Word will keep even a young man’s heart clean.  A clean heart will manifest in clean living.

b)  David was far from perfect.  He made more mistakes than he wanted to remember.  He committed adultery and had the woman’s husband killed.  But in the New Testament the Bible calls David a man after God’s own heart.  Why? Because despite his flaws, David craved God and His Word more than anything else.  The Word of God should be your heart’s desire.

c)  Under the New Covenant, you have been delivered from sin and the power of it.  If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, sin is no longer your issue, you are no longer under the bondage of sin.  However, if you don’t fill your heart with the Word of God, you will continue to sin, not because of bondage, but because of mindset.  The day you were Born-Again your spirit (which is the real you) was saved. But your mind was not. Your mind must be changed. Your mind must be renewed.  The day after your are Born-Again you are a new man, living in your old body, and you need a new mind. Newness of thought comes through the Word of God. You must get God’s Word down in your heart if you are ever going to live pleasing in His sight.  The Word of God contains the mind of God. The more Word you get down in your heart, the more you can think and act like God in the earth.


2.  There is power in the Word of God.

a)  In Genesis, before words were used for communication, they were used for creation.  God said, and said, and said, and said, and He then saw everything He said. That’s how powerful God’s Words are.  Remember that the next time you read it and declare it over your life.

b)  The writer of Hebrews tells us that the worlds were framed by the Word of God (Heb 11:3).  Another translation reads, “God created the entire universe by His command.”  The earth is here because God spoke.  Not only that, but the same writer told us that God literally upholds all things by the Word of His power (Heb 1:3).  The Word of God contains the power of the God who spoke it. This is why David said, “My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all; teach me the power of your decrees!” (Psalm 119:12).  When you learn the power contained in the Word of God, you will not underestimate, nor undervalue its role in your life.

c)  When you properly discern the power lying dormant in the Word of God, you are quick to read it, believe it, apply it, declare it and make it the foundation for your life.  You activate divine power and set things in motion in the Kingdom of God when you declare what God has decreed. Angels respond to God’s Word. God Himself is watching over His Word to perform it (Jer 1:12).


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to experience Your best. I have a daily expectation of Your manifestation in my life!  I build up my expectation properly by getting Your Word down in my heart. Your Word teaches me Your ways.  By lining up my thoughts with Your thoughts, I am able to live a pure and holy life. I am holy, because You are in me and You are holy.  I activate Your power daily by openly declaring what You have decreed. Angels don’t have to listen to my words, but they move when I declare Your Words.  I tap into the power of the Word by declaring the Word of Your Power! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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