The Power of Fellowship Part 13: Don’t Lose Your Joy

by Rick

Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.”  For the past couple of days I have talked about learning to be content.  I will do the same again today. I did not expect to discuss this for long, but the Holy Spirit is leading me to stay in this vein.  This message is much needed in the body of Christ. I will be somewhat transparent today and share with you why this message is to personal to me.

Let’s go back to what the Apostle Paul said in his closing remarks to the believers in Philippi.

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11-13)

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  As you walk with God and attempt to truly fellowship with Him, the key to true intimacy is transparency.  God wants you to be open, transparent and vulnerable with Him. It’s somewhat weird that God would want us to be transparent and vulnerable with Him, because He already knows us better than we know ourselves.  But God knowing you, and you opening your heart to share it with Him in full transparency are not the same thing. Sure, God has searched your heart and He knows your thoughts before you think them, your words before you speak them, and your actions before you take them.  But He still wants you to be open and honest with Him. He wants your desire to be close to Him to be an act of your free will.  God will never force you to be close to Him.  You have to want this intimacy for yourself. If you draw near to God, He will draw near to You (James 4:8).  It is in this level of intimacy and fellowship with God that He can help us to both see the future and be content with the present.  God can help us balance the desire to want “more” with the requirement to be content with where we are.  If we don’t learn to strike this balance, we run the risk of losing the joy of our salvation.

2.  This message is personal to me because recently I was not content.  Like most believers, there are things I am believing God for. These are things God has spoken to me about myself and I am living in faith, fully expecting that these things shall come to pass in my life at the right time.  There is one thing in particular that I have been waiting on for years. I know it is the will of God and I also believe I am currently living in the season where it will come to pass. So I have to balance my heart’s desire for “this thing” to come to pass, with the daily responsibilities I have.  Everyday I have things to do as a father, a husband, a businessman, a man of God, and etc.  Everyday God sets me up with divine appointments where He wants me to do and say certain things, so His will can be done on this planet.  A few weeks ago I found myself consumed with what I know God has called me to do.  I was so consumed that I was discontent with my present state. This is not a good place to be.  In my fellowship time with God I was open and honest with Him. I let Him know what I was struggling with.  God made it clear to me that I have done nothing wrong, that I am not the cause of the delay, and that I simply have to wait on His timing.  I needed this reassurance.  Being totally transparent, I was having a hard time being content in my “today” because I was consumed with what I am called to do in my “tomorrow”.  And my desire for my “tomorrow” caused me to lose my joy in my “today”. Thankfully God ministered to me through someone that I love and respect and I got my JOY back!  This is why you must learn to be open and transparent with God, and this is why you must learn to be content.  If you are not careful, discontentment can steal your joy.

3.  Don’t allow comparison to cause you to lose the joy being who you are and where you are right now in life.  In my case I was comparing my current self to my future self. I was so consumed with what I am called to do that I lost the joy of who I am today.  I am a blessed man. I know people who would love to be me. But there I was, already blessed, but not enjoying life. And it wasn’t because I did anything wrong.  It was just because I allowed the call of God on my life (to do what I am not doing yet), to strip me of the joy of what I am doing today. Your situation may not be the same as mine, but you can still make the same mistake.  I know people who are doing great, but they are discontent because their friends are married and they are not. Or their friends have children and they don’t. Or their friends have businesses or advanced degrees, and they don’t.  Or they say, “I thought I would be further by now.”  While the desire for “more” is a good desire on the surface, if you are not careful, it will rob you of the joy of your present.  Learn to be content. Desire more. Desire God’s best. Pray to maximize your purpose and potential while you are in the earth. But never get so caught up in your “tomorrow” that you fail to enjoy your “today”.  Don’t lose the JOY of your salvation.  Pursue God’s best, but do so as you learn to be content with who you are and where you are.  God wants you to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with yourself. Love who you are while you are becoming the man/woman you are called to be.          

4.  If you are not happy with who you are or where you are, have a real conversation with God today.  Share your heart with Him. Be open, honest and transparent. Intimacy is developed in vulnerability.  As you open your heart to God you will experience true fellowship and through God’s power, you will learn to be content.

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I thank You for loving me just as I am and also for loving me so much that You have called me to do great things.  You love me in my present as You call me into my future. You know what You have called me to do, You know where I am today, and You are not moved or phased by the mistakes I have made along the way.  The more I walk with You and I embrace Your love and grace, the more I learn to love myself the way You love me. I open my heart to my future. I believe what You have called me to do and I know I shall get it done before I die.  But I won’t allow my desire for my future to rob me of the JOY of my present. I appreciate who I am right now. I look in the mirror and I love what I see. Because while I am pursuing my purpose I have learned to be content. I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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