Mastering Your Mind

by Rick

Mastering Your Mind
Walking in the FOG (Part II)
War Tactics (Part III)
Casting Down Every Thought! (Part IV)
Trapped in Blessings! (Part V)
Stable, Fruitful, Full, and Prosperous! (Part VI)
The Benefits of Life in God (Part VII)
Mind Transformation (Part VIII)
That You May Prove! (Part IX)
You are what you Think (Part X)
Faith is the Key! (Part XI)
Your Life is shaped by Your Thoughts (Part XII)
The Blueprint and the Building (Part XIII)
Removing Limits from your Mind (Part XIV)
Ready and Open (Part XV)
A Prosperous Soul (Part XVI)
Confess and Believe (Part XVII)




Mastering Your Mind

(Pro 3:1 CEV)  My child, remember my teachings and instructions and obey them completely.  They will help you live a long and prosperous life.

As we just concluded our series on the Power of the Tongue and learned how to Master Our Mouth through the Word of God, we transition into learning how to Master our Mind.  I often times say that the Battle is in the Mind.  If the devil can get your attention for 5 seconds, he will have your mind for 5 minutes.  As we begin a new series about our mind and our thoughts, we learn from Solomon.

1.       The Requirement:

a.       Remember:  Solomon instructs us to remember (memorize) God’s Word.  We will often times DO what we THINK.  Most actions are premeditated.  With that in mind, we must understand that what is in us abundantly will come out of us eventually.  When we memorize God’s Word and hide it in our heart (Ps 119:11), we are preparing for success.  We will never do nor say what we cannot remember.  Remembering God’s Word is the first step in Mastering our Mind.

b.       Obey:  Remembering the Word of God is one thing, but it will not benefit us if we do not couple our memory with Obedience.  Learning the Word and Remembering the Word prepare us for the blessed benefits of DOING what it says.  Once we know better, we out to DO better.

2.       The Reward:

a.       Long Life:  Gymnasiums are packed every day.  Billions of vitamins are sold every year.  The drug industry is booming.  Why?  Because most people want to live long lives.  The Word of God teaches us that when we remember and obey what God has instructed us, He will reward us with long life.  Why?  Because we are allowing Him to use of for His glory.

b.       Prosperity:  Stay up late any evening in the United States and watch a barrage of infomercials on television about all sorts of Money Making Systems.  Most people are seeking prosperity, but they are seeking it from the wrong source – money.  God wants to prosper us and yes, it does include money; but prosperity is not limited to finances.  God will bless those who remember and obey his Word with health, wealth, peace, and long life  —  the total package!  Do you want to be prosperous?  Read God’s Word and then Do what it says!

So what does this mean to you today? It means that it all starts in your mind.  You will not DO what you cannot remember.  Take time to read God’s Word and memorize it in your heart.  If you remember and obey His teachings and instructions, you will live a long and prosperous life!  Memorizing scripture is the first step in Mastering Your Mind!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I enjoy reading Your Word.  I remember Your Word, by the Power of Your Spirit.  The Holy Spirit helps me to remember and memorize Your commandments.  I obey what I know.  The More I know, the More I do.  My mind and my heart and focused on Your Word.  I have an attitude of obedience.  My obedience brings to me a long and prosperous life.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part II) (top of page)

(Pro 3:3,4 KJV)  Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

The Favor of God has become a familiar phrase in Christendom.  We know that as Jesus grew up, He grew in Favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).  I like to say that I am walking in the F.O.G. (Favor of God).  I recently heard Pastor Joel Osteen preach several messages about the FOG.  He taught about how God can give us preferential treatment and open doors that no man can close.  He teaches his congregation to confess the FOG over their lives and to receive favor with God and with man.  We all would enjoy preferential treatment with God and man, but how can we receive this favor?  Our text teaches that we should:

1.       Let not mercy and truth forsake thee:  God’s compassion (mercy) and God’s Word (truth) must be a part of our lives.  When we Master our Mind and think about the Word of God (truth) constantly, it is much easier to be compassionate (merciful) to people.  We cannot say that we love God and expect His favor if we mistreat everyone we come in contact with.

2.       Bind them about they neck:  This connotes: (1) A Yoke: just like an ox was bound around his neck with a yoke and the yoke allowed his owner to lead him down the path he wanted to take, the Word of God must become the yoke (around our mind) that allows our owner (God) to lead us down the path He wants us to take.  We must be governed by the Word of God in our mind, if we are to live in God’s favor.  (2) A Necklace: Just like a person wears a necklace today, for all the world to see, we should wear God’s mercy and truth outwardly and exhibit them daily.

3.       Write them upon the tablet of thine heart:  This is the key.  We must write God’s Word down in our mind.  Our thoughts lead to our actions.  If write down God’s love and God’s law in our mind, we will eventually DO what it says.  This will lead to the FOG we all want.

4.       So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man:  It is simple.  If you do God’s Work, God’s Way, you will get God’s results.  If you Master Your Mind thought he Word of God,  you will see God bless you with preferential treatment everywhere you go.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that it all starts in your mind.  God has given us clear instructions for success, prosperity and favor.  The choice, however, is ours to make.  We can choose to read God’s Word, write it down in our mind, and obey it in our actions; or we can choose to ignore what we have learned and forfeit His favor in our lives.  Do you want to be blessed?  Do you want Favor with God and man?  Master Your Mind through the Word of God!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I do not let mercy and truth forsake me.  I am compassionate with people.  I treat them the way you would have me to treat them.  I read Your Word and bind it around my neck.  Your Word is my yoke and Your Word is my necklace.  Your Word governs my actions and leads me in the way You would have me to go.  I obey Your Word and expect Your Favor.  I expect You to open doors that no man can close.  I expect preferential treatment today and everyday.  I expect to be blessed because I serve You, the source of all Blessings!  I Master my Mind through Your Word and Receive Your Favor!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part III) (top of page)

(2Co 10:3 NIV)  For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.

In Paul’s second letter to the Church at Corinth he deals with many issues.  In the 10th chapter he addresses the way the adversary seeks to attack the church and really, every aspect of our lives  —  through our minds!  He tells them that he is normally timid around other Christians, but bold when dealing with the world.  He tells them that he does not expect to have to be bold when he comes to visit them, because he does not have to address Christians with the world’s standards.  He says, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.”

We are in the middle of a Global War on Terrorism and are still involved Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.  We have War Planners in the military that attempt to anticipate every possible scenario the enemy may throw our way and develop plans to combat them.  The Warfighters read and rehearse the plans carefully because their purpose for existence is to prosecute the plans.  The purpose of our military can be summarized in two things: (1) killing people and (2) blowing things up.  Now this might sound a bit crass, but it is a reality.  Our troops either kill people and blow things up or support those who do.  Now, we can understand the world’s conventional and unconventional military tactics, but in the church, we do not wage war like the world does.  Our war occurs in our minds.  It would be a lot easier to hunt down and kill the adversary if he were a mere human; but we must combat spiritual forces with spiritual.  Our minds are flooded with thoughts from either (1) ourselves, (2) the adversary, or (3) God.  What we must do, if we are to be successful in this war, is decipher and decode the origin of the thoughts before we allow them to become our actions.  Mastering Our Mind means that we know the difference between God’s voice, our voice and foreign voices.  Mastering Our Mind means that we only listen to the voice of the Shepherd (John 10:5) and will not follow the voice of strangers.  Mastering Our Mind means we are prepared for the daily mental barrage of the enemy and are able —  through the Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit  —  to take control of every thought and bring it into the obedience of Christ.

So what does this mean to you today? Paul wrote this prior to coming to visit the Corinthians because he wanted to prep the battlefield.  We wanted them to know that he should not have to deal with them boldly, but in humility and love.  And so it is with us.  We should want to deal with our loved ones in humility and love.  The truth is, however, that we sometimes allow the mental attacks of the enemy to cause strife to enter our homes, our marriages, and our relationships.  When we understand that the battle is in the mind, we can better deal with our children, our spouses, our loved ones, and even our enemies.  Are you ready to allow God to help you Master Your thought life?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I come to You in humility and love.  I am Your child and I will act like your child.  I am Your sheep and I know Your voice.  I will not follow the voice of strangers.  I will submit and surrender myself to Your voice, today and everyday.  I will not let any corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth, but only that which is good; that I may minister grace unto the hearers.  I take control of every thought and submit it to the obedience of Christ!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part IV) (top of page)

(II Cor 10:4, 5 KJV)  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

We will pick up where we left off yesterday (v.3).  The Holy Spirit through Paul goes on to reiterate that we are in a spiritual and not carnal battle (v.4) and then gives us the end result of the losing the battle  —  strongholds.  If we keep reading (v.5) we learn where the stronghold began  —  thoughts!  We can see how vital it is for us to Master our Minds through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  The word stronghold in the text literally means a fortified city, a castle, a fortress, a built up edifice that is designed to keep in the inhabitants and keep out strangers.  Understanding this, let’s investigate the text:

1.  We Start off with a thought:  We learned yesterday that our minds are flooded with thoughts from either (1) ourselves, (2) the adversary, or (3) God.  What we must do is decipher and decode the origin of the thoughts before we allow them to become our actions.  Every action starts with a thought.  One quick way of knowing that a thought did not come from God is when the thought is contrary to God’s Word.  The Spirit of God will never lead you contrary to the Word of God.

2.  Our thoughts create Images (imaginations):  We do not think in words, but rather in images.  For example: if I say, please do not think about an elephant, with his big ears and long trunk; invariably, you already pictured that elephant.  Or if I say, Big Mac, you can see one.  And so on.  When we allow impure thoughts to enter our minds unchallenged, we will soon see the images these thoughts create.

3.  If not controlled, those images can create Strongholds:  Uncontrolled thoughts create unruly images.  Unruly images, if not challenged with the Word of God, create strongholds that are difficult to escape from.  Remember that a stronghold is a fortified city, designed to keep you within its walls.  A person that is trapped in addictions to pornography, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, sexual immorality, gossip, backbiting, hatred, and etc.; are those that allowed simple impure thoughts to lead to impure images and now they are trapped in fortified strongholds.

So what does this mean to you today? Tomorrow we will look at the ‘flip-side’ of this verse and how we can allow our thought life to trap us in God’s blessings, but today’s message is clear  —  we must Master our Minds if we are to live in the Freedom of Christ!  Jesus came that we might be free from the bondages of sin and death.  When we allow our minds to run free, we find ourselves doing everything BUT the will of God.  Are you ready to Master Your Thought Life?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I Master my Mind through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  I take control of every thought and I examine them against Your Word.  I apply those that that line up with Your Word and thereby cause my way to be prosperous; and I cast down every thought that does not line up with Your Word.  I will not allow impure thoughts to snare me today, nor any day.  You have given me the power to succeed and I am successful in my Mind, my Mouth, and my Methods!  I will never be the same.  Never be the same.  Never be the same.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part V) (top of page)

(II Cor 10:4, 5 KJV)  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

This morning we examine the ‘flip side’ of the yesterday’s message.  If it is true that impure thoughts can lead to unrighteous images, and unrighteous images can lead to unholy strongholds (a walled city); then it must also be true that pure thoughts can lead to righteous images, and righteous images can lead to holy strongholds (a walled city).

1. Reprogrammed Thoughts:  The Bible teaches that we should meditate on the Word of God day and night (Jos 1:8; Ps 1:1-3).  I was 23 yrs. old when I gave my life to Christ.  It took 23 yrs. to program my mind the way it was, and believe me (being from Brooklyn) my thought life was not the best.  I learned through Bible Study and worship that if I wanted to grow in Christ, my mind had to be renewed (Ro 12:1,2) and that it could only happen through the Word of God.  I read and studied the Word of God and made myself think about it as I went throughout the day.  Slowly but surely, I experienced a reprogramming of my mind.  I think differently and therefore I AM a different person (Ps 23:7).  You can experience the same!

2.  Lead to Reprogrammed Images:  As your thought life is reprogrammed through the Word of God, your image life will be as well.  We learned yesterday that your thoughts lead to your images (imagination).  God starts to show you things in your minds eye that you have never seen.  You start to get desires for things you never had desires for.  You start seeing yourself successful, peaceful, prosperous, loving, kind, etc.  In the world, salesmen are taught that they need to ‘see’ themselves closing the deal.  In Christ, when you meditate on the Word of God, you will ‘see’ yourself doing things people said you could not do, going placed they said you could not go, and having things they said you could not have.  Pure thoughts lead to Righteous Images!

3.  Lead to being trapped in Blessings:  Just like uncontrolled thoughts and unruly images can trap us in strongholds (walled cities) of sin; pure thoughts and righteous images will cause our way to prosper and make us have good success.  We will find ourselves living in a walled city, but not a city of sin, a city of blessings!  You will walk around with a hedge of protection (Ps 34:7)  —  angels become your walls  — and blessings become your neighborhood.  Who would not want to move to Blessing BLVD?  Who would not want to build a house on Prosperous Way?  That is God’s desire for our lives.  He wants to bless us and keep us and protect us; but it all starts with US!  We must change our ‘Stinking Thinking’ through the Word of God and allow our minds to be reprogrammed, so we can see the changes and the blessings in our lives!

So what does this mean to you today? It means the choice is yours!  You can either walk away from the computer screen like you did not read anything and forget about it altogether, or you can ask the Holy Spirit to help reprogram your impure thoughts through the Word of God.  It all starts in the mind!  Are you ready to be Renewed?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I Master my Mind through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  I meditate on Your Word day and night.  I will observe to DO all that is written therein.  I make my way prosperous and I have Good Success.  I walk in the newness of life in Christ and I receive a total reprogram of my mind towards righteousness and love.  I will never be the same.  Never be the same.  Never be the same.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part VI) (top of page)

(Ps 1:1-3 KJV)  Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

The 1st Psalm is one of my favorite passages in the Bible.  It starts off (v.1) by telling us that we will be blessed (happy) if we Reject the way of the wicked (the world’s advice, their sinful ways, and their scornful attitude).  I will not focus too much on what to reject.  Suffice is to say that this rejection must occur in our minds.  The world is quick to try to get us to go back to looking and living like them, but we must be mindful to stay focused on God.  David then transitions from what to Reject to what to Receive (the Word of God).  He tells us to Delight and Meditate on the Word of God day and night.  God promises us here that if we do Delight and Meditate on His Word  —  in our minds  —  that we will Rejoice in the following areas:

1.  We will have a Stable Life (a tree planted by the rivers of water):  A tree needs water to grow and to be sustained.  A tree planted by the rivers of water has roots that grow down and towards the river.  This tree has a constant supply of what it needs to grow and remain strong.  So it is with us, when we delight and meditate in the Word of God and Master our Minds by nursing and rehearsing the Word constantly, we have the stability of an unmovable tree.  Winds may come and rains my fall.  The tree might sway, but it will not break and it will remain stable.  Why?  Because its roots run deep and are being fed by the river.  Are you connected to God’s river (the Water of the Word)?

2.  We will have a Fruitful Life (that bringeth forth his fruit in his season):  A tree that is close to the water source cannot help but bring forth fruit.  Some fruit trees are weak and unfruitful, but the one described in the text is setup to be blessed.  Why?  The text says that it was “planted by the rivers of water.”  When we meditate on the Word of God and Master our Minds, we cannot help but bring forth fruit.  A tree cannot enjoy the fruit that it bears.  Fruit is not for the tree, but rather for others to enjoy.  God wants us to Master our Minds so that we can be a blessing to others (our family, friends, workplace, community, etc.) and lead them to Him!  Are you being fruitful?

3.  We will have a Full Life (his leaf also shall not wither):  How foolish would it be to encounter a tree with fruit, but no leaves.  Fruit is for others, but leaves are for us!  Not only does God want to bless others through us, but He also wants us to be blessed.  How can we experience this Fullness?  Through delighting and meditating in the Word of God!

4.  We will have a Prosperous Life (whatsoever he doeth shall prosper):  This is the kicker.  This is where I just go plum crazy!  The text promises that if we take delight and meditate in the Word of God constantly, everything we do will prosper!  God wants us to be prosperous in EVERY area of our lives.  He wants us to be blessed (happy).  He wants us to be Stable.  He wants us to be Fruitful.  He wants us toe be Full.  We cannot have any of these results, however, if we do not first fulfill the requirement.  What is the requirement?  Mastering our Minds through taking delight and meditating on the Word of God!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I reject the way of the wicked.  I receive the way of the Word.  I rejoice in Your blessings.  I meditate on Your Word day and night.  I take Delight in Your commandments.  I am Stable.  I am Fruitful.  I am Full.  Everything I do Prospers, because You make my way Prosperous!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part VII) (top of page)

(Ps 1:1-3 KJV)  Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

I wanted to move on to another scripture, but the Holy Spirit would not let me.  He wants to share a few more things from our text for today.  There are some people that have been reading these messages, but not receiving and applying them to their lives.  This message is focused on them, but we can all glean from it.

1.  Many Miss the Stable Life (a tree planted by the rivers of water):  Many wander through life in a continual pattern of ups and downs.  They are happy on Monday and angry on Tuesday.  They like you on Wednesday, but hate you on Thursday.  This instability wreaks havoc on their relationships (marriage, home, friendships, etc.).  They do not want to live like this, but without God, they lack the substance and the power to remain steady and stable.  If this is you this morning, our texts tells you that there is a better way.  You can read and meditate on the Word of God and enjoy the blessed benefits of a Stable and Secure life in Christ!  Get connected to God’s river (the Water of the Word).

2.  Many Miss the Fruitful Life (that bringeth forth his fruit in his season):  A tree that does not have a constant supply of water will wither up and eventually die.  While it is still alive, however, it is shriveled, fruitless, and leafless.  It can still be categorized as a tree, but a fruit tree without fruit is a poor example of life.  As I shared on Friday, the fruit is not for the tree, but rather for others.  A person without God is barely holding on for themselves, much less being concerned about sharing and producing for others.  God wants us all to know the blessed benefits of Fruit-Bearing.  He wants us to enjoy the blessing we receive when we are a blessing to someone else.  Are you ready to be fruitful?  Get connected to God’s source (His Word).  Obey His commandments and watch the fruit overflow in your life.

3.  Many Miss the Full Life (his leaf also shall not wither):  Picture that lifeless, fruitless and leafless tree.  Not only are the fruit missing (to be a blessing to others), but the leaves are missing as well (personal blessings).  Jesus came that we might have life and that we might have it More Abundantly (John 10:10).  He wants us to enjoy His Abundance and His provision.  We miss the full life of God when we neglect Him and neglect His Word.  Many walk around frustrated, disillusioned and hard to get along with; because they are empty inside.  Life without God is empty and leafless.  Are you ready for a change?  Are you ready to be blessed?  The choice is yours!  Accept Jesus Christ, obey His commandments, and watch your hopeless (leafless) situations turn around!

4.  Many Miss the Prosperous Life (whatsoever he doeth shall prosper):  This is the bottom line.  The ‘Blessed Man’ described in the text is anointed by God to prosper at whatever he puts his hands to do.  If he is a carpenter, he will be a better carpenter.  If he is a singer, he will be a better singer.  If he is a father, God will help him be a better father.  If he is a soldier, he will be a better soldier.  No matter what he does, he prospers.  Why?  Because God is with Him.  When we neglect God, we also neglect His blessings and His favor.  Don’t miss the prosperous life.  Submit yourself to god and enjoy the Blessed Benefits of being a Child of the King!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I reject the way of the wicked.  I receive the way of the Word.  I rejoice in Your blessings.  I submit and surrender my life to You and make a vow to obey Your commandments every day of my life.  I meditate on Your Word day and night and I receive a Breakthrough in my life.  I am Stable.  I am Fruitful.  I am Full.  Everything I do Prospers, because You make my way Prosperous!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part VIII) (top of page)

(Ro 12:2 AMP)  Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]..

For us to understand this message we need to understand, first of all, that we were created in God’s image and likeness (Gen 1:26).  Our God is One God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three Manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We too are one, but also three.  We are a spirit, we have a soul (mind, intellect, emotions, will) and we live in a body.  When we come to God our spirit is saved instantly, our soul (mind) must be saved progressively and our body will be saved eventually.  Understanding that, our focus has been over the last couple of weeks  —  and rightly so  —  our mind (soul).  Our minds must be progressively renewed.  We must change our ‘Stinking Thinking!’  Now that we have laid the ground work, let’s look at the text.  Paul teaches us several things that apply to our lives today:

1.  Do not be conformed:  I lived in accordance with the world for 23yrs. of my life.  For 23yrs. I was taught, formed and fashioned to be like the world.  When I came to God, I realized that I was part of a New Kingdom, with a New King.  God gave me a new citizenship and I was under a new set of laws.  It would be foolish for me to say and believe that I am a citizen of heaven, but never change my conduct to reflect the same, nor ever learn about the benefits of my new citizenship.  The text tells us not to remain fashioned and adapted to the world’s external and superficial customs.  We should not remain the same.  Simply put, if you say you have moved, we should not keep finding you at your old address!

2.  But be transformed:  This is key.  The Greek word “transformed” in our text is the word (metamorphoo), which is where we get our English Word metamorphosis.  This is what Webster has to say about metamorphosis (definition): A change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage.  Metamorphosis includes, in insects, the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly and a caterpillar into a butterfly and, in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog.  This is not a small change, neither does it happen overnight.  This is a complete and biological transformation into another creature.  This is the picture that Paul paints as our focus, our goal.  God wants us to be totally and completely transformed into another person in Him! How are we supposed to bring about this change?  The text says that this is accomplished by the entire renewal of your mind (new ideals and a new attitude).  That is why we have been dealing with Mastering Your Mind for so long.  Remember, our Spirit has already been changed and our body will eventually be changed  —  our focus right now should be our mind!  The more we read, study, and apply the Word of God to our lives, the more we are changed into His image and His likeness.  We become more and more like Christ!  Our ideals change.  Our morals change.  Our ethics change.  Our principles change.  Our beliefs change.  Our attitude changes.  Our life changes and will never be the same!

Are you ready for a change?  Continue to apply God’s Word to your life and you will experience a Godlymetamorphosis!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I am not conformed to this world.  I do not live under its principles, nor morals.  I am a citizen of heaven and I live under Your righteous rules.  I obey Your laws, Your commandments, and Your way!  My mind is renewed daily and continually through Your Word.  I have a new perspective on life and a new attitude.  I am a new creature and will act like it everywhere I go!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part IX) (top of page)

(Ro 12:2 AMP)  Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]..

This morning sparks the beginning of the Lent season.  Lent is a forty-day period before Resurrection Sunday (Easter) that begins on Ash Wednesday (today).  Lent is intended to be a season of soul-searching and repentance.  I believe it is appropriate to mention this as we continue to seek God to Master our Minds, because our minds are part of our soul.  We are not seeking mere soul-searching, but rather soul-renewal and inward revival in our minds.  Yesterday we learned  —  from our text  —  that we should not be conformed to this world, but that we should allow our souls to go through a total transformation (metamorphosis) through the Word of God.  This morning we continue our quest towards Knowing God More in 2004 by endeavoring to glean one more golden nugget from our text:

So that you may prove:  Walking with God is a journey.  We serve a God of progression and not regression.  He wants us to walk with Him and progressively get to know Him.  The more we know God’s Word, the more we know Him.  The more we Know Him, the more He reveals Himself to us.  The more we live in accordance with what we know, the more we are renewed into His image and likeness.  Why this progressive revelation?  Why this continual advancement towards Him and in Him?  Our text gives us the answer  —  so that we may prove (to ourselves before we attempt to prove it to others), the reality of Christ.  Once our minds begin to be renewed, we start to act differently.  People come up to us and yell at us and we don’t yell back.  Someone calls us and acts nasty over the phone and we keep our peace.  A situation arises in our lives that would have crippled us last year, but we skate through the issue unfettered.  We start to think within ourselves, “This God thing is really working!”  “God is real and He is showing Himself real in me.”  Not only is this proof for us, but it is also proof for others.  Others start to notice it and start making comments.  They comment about you well we handled a difficult situation and/or a difficult person.  They start to comment on how we just seem happier and more at rest.  What is happening?  Our mind is being renewed by God.  We don’t talk the way you used to talk, nor act the way you used to act.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that we need to understand that when we come to God we are made new instantly in the Spirit, but we need to be made new progressively in our soul (mind, emotions, will).  The more we walk with God, the more our soul becomes transformed into His image and His likeness.  The more we act like God and not our old nature, the more we prove to ourselves and to others that God is real.  The world needs to know that we serve a real God that can deal with real issues for real people.  They need to see God turn ruthless, hateful and spiteful people into loving, peaceful and easy-going Christians.

Are you Mastering Your Mind?  Are you showing the world a good image of Christ, or are you representing Him poorly.  If your answer is the latter, it is time to make some changes.  How do you make those changes?  In Your Mind!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I walk with You today and You walk with me.  I submit and surrender myself to Your will, Your way, and Your Word.  I allow my mind to be renewed by You.  I do not act like I used to act, walk like I used to walk, nor talk like I used to talk.  I am a new person, with a new attitude, and a new perspective on life; because You are with me and In me!  I Master My Mind through Your Word and I show the world that Your are real, because You live in me!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part X) (top of page)

(Proverbs 23:7a KJV)  For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…

This morning we continue learning about a renewed mind.  I will be on this subject  —  just like everything else  —  until the Lord gives me release to go on to something else.  Solomon, the wisest man in the Bible, teaches us this morning that we are the way we think.  James Allen said it this way, “You are today where you thoughts have brought you.  You will be tomorrow where you thoughts take you.”  Our thoughts lead to our decisions and our decisions lead to our actions.  Dr. Miles Munroe said, “You are a grand sum total of your decisions.”  A 50 yr. old addicted to cigarettes, is a 15 yr. old that decided to take the first puff.  A 40 yr. old addicted to pornography is a 20 yr. old that decided to buy his first magazine.  Since our actions are results of our decisions and our decisions are results of our thoughts, we can better understand the text for this morning.  We are what we think.

Dr. John Maxwell said, “One of the reasons people don’t achieve their dreams is that they desire to change their results without changing their thinking.”  Think about it.  If you come to God as a fool and don’t allow God to Master Your Mind, but you want God to bless you with a business; then all you will be is a fool with a business.  You know what the result is going to be when a fool runs a business  —  failure!  If you come to God as a womanizer and don’t allow God to Master Your Mind, but you want Him to bless you with a wife, you will be a womanizer with a wife.  You know what the results of that will be  —  failure!  And I could go on.  When we come to God, we must have a desire to allow Him to change our thinking and therefore change our life.  When our mind is renewed, our life will be renewed as well.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that we should take heed to this word before we enter into our day.  Ask yourself, what will I do today?  You will do whatever you think and decide.  Even opening up this email required thought and a decision.  You could have opened it up later or deleted it altogether.  Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day.”  So the question of us today is, “What’s on your mind?”  If hatred, malice, lying, backbiting, conceit, and etc. are on your mind; then that is what you are going to act out.  But if God, love, peace, joy, gentles, kindness, and etc. are on your mind, then that is what you will act out.

I will close with the words of the Apostle Paul.  Since we are what we think, Paul tells us what to think on, (Phil 4:8 MSG)  Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious–the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I walk in Your love today.  I fill my mind with things that are true and not lies, things that are noble and not naughty, things that are beautiful and not ugly, with the best and not the worst.  I sow pure thoughts and reap pure actions.  I sow pure actions and reap pure habits.  I sow pure habits and reap my destiny!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XI) (top of page)

(Heb 11:1 KJV)  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

It is my prayer that you are growing and your mind in being renewed through the application of God’s Word in this series.  This morning we look at a very familiar scripture.  Faith is the subject of many a Christian’s conversation.  People all over the world say they practice faith in one way or another.  What is faith?  The Hebrew writer’s definition tells us that faith gives substance (proof, evidence) to the things that we hope for (perceive, dream of, imagine), but cannot be seen (with natural eyes).  Our faith is tied to God’s promises (His Word).  The best we can do without a promise (scripture) is “hope” or “wish” that God will show up in our situation.  When we find a Bible Promise that lines up with our situation, however, we can then have faith (it adds substance to our hope) that God will do what He said He would do!

Now what does this have to do with Mastering Your Mind?  Everything!  See, we hope (perceive, dream, imagine) in our mind.  It is in our mind’s eye that we see ourselves living out our dreams.  It is in our mind’s eye that we imagine ourselves going where we have not gone and doing what we have not done.  The adversary will attack us in our minds, in an attempt to derail us form our destiny and drive us towards aborting our dreams.  But God gave us the blessing of faith so we would not have to live our lives in “open ended” hope.  We start off with hope in our hearts, but we then tie that hope to God’s promises and walk in faith.  Why is this important?  Because we are then better equipped to sustain the mental attacks of the enemy.  When the adversary tells us (in our minds) that we will not be able to succeed in our dreams, our faith tells him that he is a liar and we are able to Master our Minds through the vehicle of faith.  Paul taught us in Ephesians 6 about the Armor of God.  One of the key elements of the armor is the shield of faith.  Paul said that the shield of faith would quench (extinguish) all the fiery darts of the wicked.  Where are those fiery darts thrown?  In our minds.  So where does the shied of faith reside?  In our minds!  Where does the battle take place?  In our minds!  The battle is in the mind and it is won, when we fight with the shield of faith.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that faith gives substance and confidence to what it is that we are thinking about in God!  Without faith we would lose the battle in the mind because of the constant barrage of impure and negative thoughts; but with faith we are able to extinguish the enemy’s darts and listen clearly to God’s thoughts, plans, and dreams.  If you really want to Master Your Mind, you will search the Bible for a scripture that applies to whatever it is that you are going through and meditate on it.  When you hold on to that promise, you will be able to endure and overcome the mental attack of the adversary.

Do you have Bible Confidence that God will do what he said He would do?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I have faith In Your Word.  Your Word gives substance to my hope. Your Word gives me confidence that my dreams will come true.  Your Word extinguishes the fiery darts of the enemy.  Your Word gives me the victory, today and every day.  I do not walk by sight, I walk by Faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XII) (top of page)

(Prov 4:20-23, 26 GNB)  My child, pay attention to what I say.  Listen to my words.  Never let them get away from you. Remember them and keep them in your heart.  They will give life and health to anyone who understands them.  Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. (v.26)  Plan carefully what you do, and whatever you do will turn out right.

What do you want for your children?  Do you want to see them succeed or fail?  The answer is simple.  We want to see your children succeed, do well in life, and go and do more than we did.  If we, who were born inherently evil, can have these desires for our children, how much more does God want to see us prosper?  He wants to bless us, that is why He has given us clear instructions in His word.  The Holy Spirit through Solomon tells us several things this morning that apply to our lives and our thinking:

1.       Pay attention to what I say:  It is annoying when someone ignores you while you are speaking to them.  I can just imagine how much God is ignored all over the world, everyday.  He is always at work and He is always speaking.  One ways that we can pay attention to God is by giving our attention to His Word!

2.       Listen to my words:  We have to do more than read the Word, but we must listen  —  pay attention to and obey  —  to what it is that God is telling us through His Word.

3.       Never let them get away from you:  We guard those things that are most precious to us.  We take care of our prized possessions to ensure that they are not lost or stolen.  How much more precious should be the Word of God in our lives?

4.       Remember them and keep them in your heart:  You cannot re-member what you have never ‘membered’ (learned, received, and connected to your person).  The Holy Spirit can only re-mind us of those things that are already in our minds.  It is our responsibility to study, to get His Word in our minds and the Holy Spirit will help us remember, by reminding us of His Word.  We must give Him something to work with.

5.       Be careful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts:  This is the kicker.  It all starts in the mind.  When we allow the Holy Spirit to Master our Minds through His Word, we are then able to shape our lives and fulfill our destiny.  Life changes start with thought changes.

6.       Plan carefully what you do, and whatever you do will turn out right:  When we Master our Minds, we actively control our thoughts.  When we control our thoughts, we can plan our actions.  When we plan our actions and submit them to God, He will bless our plans and prosper us in everything we do.

You can wander aimlessly though life and receive whatever just seemingly comes your way or you can submit your way  —  your thoughts, plans, and hence; actions  —  to God and watch Him lead, guide, direct, and bless you in every area of your life.  Once again, the choice is yours!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I give attention to Your Word.  I listen to and actively obey Your commandments.  I will not let Your Word get away from me.  The Holy Spirit reminds me of everything I have studied, when I need it and I need to apply it in my life.  I am careful to protect my thoughts and line them up with You.  My life is shaped by my thoughts and my thoughts are submitted to You.  I plan carefully what I do and You bless my plans, to Your glory!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XIII) (top of page)

(Ps 37:4,5 KJV)  Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

When most people read the 4th verse of this 37th psalm they think, “God will give me whatever I want.”  Meaning, most people jump to the conclusion that God will give them the ‘object’ their desire on command.  But there is much more to this psalm of David.  David teaches us to “trust in the Lord” (v.3), “delight in the Lord” (v.4), “Commit our way to the Lord” (v.5), “rest in the Lord” (v7.), “cease from anger” (v.8); and so on.  If we just read the 4th verse, we might get the idea that God is some sort of Genie in a bottle that is ready to fulfill our every command.  But when we read the psalm in context we learn of a God that wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with us.  He wants us to walk with Him as He walks with us.  As we walk with Him, He gives us the “desires” of our heart and not necessarily simply the object of our desires.  Remember that our head is flooded with thoughts from (1) God, (2) ourselves, and (3) the adversary.  The more we walk with God and learn His voice, the more we will know which “desires” have come from Him.

A builder will not start a project until the architect lays out the blueprints.  An architect cannot lay out the blueprints until he “sees” them in his mind.  The greatest buildings in the world originated in the mind of an architect.  Once the architect saw the building in his mind’s eye, he then started to draw out the blueprints.  The builder then takes the blueprints and gets to work.  Before you know it, the architect will be able to physically touch whatever he originally saw in his mind.

So what does this mean to you today? When we walk with God and delight in Him, He gives us the desires (the image, the blueprint) He wants us to manifest.  He gives us the thought before He helps us with the project.  He wants to build some great men and women of faith, character, love, peace, kindness, etc; but the building of men starts with the blueprints in the mind.  We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit enough to know when the desires of our heart are from God or from the adversary.  If they are from God, then He will help us bring them to pass (v.5).  If they are not from God, they will fail.  The most important project we will ever work on  —  our life  —  starts in our mind.  Master Your Mind through Christ and you will enjoy victory in every area of your life.

God does not play games.  If you shows you the image (blueprint) in your desire, He will bring it to pass in your life (building).  What desires has God give you in your heart?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  My delight is in You.  I walk with you today and everyday.  I cease from anger and rest in You.  I have an ear to hear what you are saying to me.  I know Your voice and the voice of a stranger, I do not follow.  You give me the desires of my heart and help me bring them to pass.  I commit my way unto You, and Trust also in You to bring to pass Your perfect will for my life.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XIV) (top of page)

(Mat 13:57,58 AMP)  And they took offense at Him [they were repelled and hindered from acknowledging His authority, and caused to stumble]. But Jesus said to them, a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.  And He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief (their lack of faith in the divine mission of Jesus).

This morning text is an indictment on the mind.  I will explain as we go along.  When we read Matthew’s gospel we clearly see Jesus as the Messiah.  He had the right heritage.  He was born of a virgin.  He was born of the house of David.  He was baptized in the Jordan.  He healed those with various diseases; severe pain, leprosy, those with seizures and much more.  He caused the paralyzed to walk, the dumb to speak and the deaf to hear.  He cast demons out of the possessed and set the captives free.  Jesus ministered all over.  He preached and did miracles in Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, all through Judea, across the Jordan, and many other places.  In Matthew 13, Jesus is teaching parables in and when he is done, He headed for His home town of Nazareth.  Our text says that they took offense at Him.  They were repelled and hindered from acknowledging His authority and they were caused to stumble.  Jesus could not do many works of power there, because they refused to accept who He was.  They judged His future by his past. They refused to change their mind about whom Jesus was.  They might have been sincere, but they were sincerely wrong.  They were stiff-necked and would not accept a new reality of a pre-conceived notion.  They put limits on a limitless God and they suffered for it.  All the other towns received mightily of His ministry, but their minds crippled them from receiving.

Most of us come to God with pre-conceived notions.  Whether it is what we were taught at home or in church or by our friends.  We might think that God is this or that; but when we come to God we must come to Him with an open heart and an open mind.  God is bigger and better than our imagination of Him.  God is beyond anything we think.  That is why it is so important to study His Word.  His Word reveals His character, attributes, and nature.  His Word reveals His will and His way.  His Word reveals our destiny and our path.  His Word is His truth and not our idea of His truth.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that if we want to be blessed, we will not put limits on a limitless God.  It means that we will come to God openly and openly ready to receive.  It means that when we come across scripture that confronts our idea of God and reveals Him in a new way, we will simply accept the Word and move forward.  We will not let our past get in the way of our future in Christ.  We will not let past teaching cripple us from future revelation.  We will not let man’s truth to dilute God’s truth.  We must Master our Minds and force our minds to trust God’s Word over our past notions.

The question is never whether God can, but rather  —  will you believe?

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I trust You and I trust Your Word.  Your Word is my guide and my rule.  It is the ultimate authority in my life.  I line my life, my thoughts, my mind, up with Your Word, Your Will, and your way.  I will not put limits on You God, because You are limitless.  I come to you with an open heart and an open mind.  I submit and surrender to You and You alone.  You are free to perform Your will in my life.  I accept and receive everything You have for me.  I will not be hindered by my mind.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XV) (top of page)

(Mat 13:57,58 AMP)  And they took offense at Him [they were repelled and hindered from acknowledging His authority, and caused to stumble]. But Jesus said to them, a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.  And He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief (their lack of faith in the divine mission of Jesus).

I attempted to move on to another scripture this morning, but the Holy Spirit kept me with the same text from yesterday’s message.  He kept me here and reminded me of something I learned a long time ago about how monkeys are caught.  Many monkeys are caught in the jungle by simply placing a shiny metal pipe inside of a cage.  The monkeys are attracted to the shiny pipe.  They are able to get their hands in the cage with their palms open.  They then clasp on to the pipe and attempt to get the pipe out of the cage.  The bars of the cage are not spaced wide enough for a closed fist to get through.  The monkeys then stay there for hours struggling to get their closed fists (and the pipe) out of the cage.  Some even attempt to bite their hands off before simply just letting go of the pipe.  The poachers then simply walk up to the troubled monkey and bag them.

The people of Nazareth were just like those monkeys.  They would rather bite off their hands than to recognize Jesus as the Christ.  They could not get past the fact that he grew up in their neighborhood.  Maybe he built their dining room table.  Maybe he helped them fix their roof.  Whatever the case, they allowed their stubbornness and close-mindedness to hinder their blessings.

So what does this mean to you today? When we come to God we must come ready and open.  God is bigger than our opinion of Him.  God is bigger than our denomination.  God is bigger than our rituals.  God is bigger than our ceremonies.  Are you holding on to your opinion of God so tight that you might be missing Him in His many attempts to speak to you?  What if He speaks to you through your children, will you listen?  What if He speaks to you through your boss, will you listen?  What if he speaks to you through your circumstance, will you listen?  What do you think God does all day?  He is always at work and always speaking to His children.  Our close-mindedness, however, might cause us to miss Him altogether.

Jesus did great things every where else He went, except his home town of Nazareth.  What a sad commentary.  Will the same be said about you?  Is God doing great things in your family with everyone but you?  Is God doing great things in your office with everyone but you?  Don’t miss God just because He does not come the same way He has always come.  The same God that never changes is always manifesting Himself in new ways.  You cannot receive from God when you are close minded.  Be sensitive to the Spirit, read His Word, and stay ready to receive.  If He tells you to let go of the shiny pipe and loose your hand from the cage  —  simply let it go!

We serve a God of progression and not regression.  When we come to Him with an open mind and a ready heart, we will receive and progress in Him!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I am ready, receptive and responsive today and everyday.  My mind is stayed on You and Your Word.  I meditate on Your Word and am sensitive to Your Spirit.  I move when You tell me to move.  I receive what You would have me to receive.  I let go of what You want me to let go of.  I am not close-minded.  I am ready and open to You and Your move in my life today!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XVI) (top of page)

(3 John 1:2 KJV)  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

As my time is drawing to a close in Korea (I leave on the 9th), we are also drawing down this series on Mastering Your Mind.  We have this morning’s lesson and one more on Monday and we will then move on to something else.  I pray this series has blessed you as much as it has me.

What do most people want in life?  If you ask that question, you normally get answers like:

  • I want to be successful.”  Most people are striving for success, but some cannot really define what it is.  Success can be different things to different people.  I like Dr. Miles Munroe’s definition.  He said that success is “Finding your life’s purpose and fulfilling it before you die.”
  • I want to be accepted.”  What good is success if you cannot enjoy it with anyone?  There are many ‘so-called’ successful people that are miserable, frustrated, disillusioned, and hard to get along with.  That is definitely not the will of God for our lives.
  • I want to live a long and healthy life.”  What good is success if you are not healthy?  Most people that are wealthy and sick would easily trade their riches for good health.

We could go on, but it is safe to say that most people would categorize their goals in life as being successful (whatever their definition), accepted (having friends and family), and healthy.

John opens his third letter with a power salutation.  The Holy Spirit through John says that He wishes above all things that we may prosper (have success in every area of our lives) and be in health (mentally, physically, emotionally); but he then does something quite interesting.  He ties this prosperity and health to the status of our soul.  We will prosper and be in health as our soul prospers.  The key here is a prosperous soul.  Remember that your soul is your mind, emotions and will.  The question then is, what does a prosperous soul look like?  Well, a soul that prospers is a soul that is transformed into the image and the likeness of God.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that the more we walk with God, study His Word and are transformed into His image in our soul (mind, emotions, will); the more we will prosper and enjoy health.  This does not mean that life in Christ exonerates us from problems, but it does mean that it is His desire to bless His children and he blesses us when we please Him.  As our soul in transformed into His image through fellowship with God and obedience to His commandments, we will enjoy His Prosperity, His Favor, and His Blessings in every area of our lives.

What do you want in life?  When you allow God to change Your mind to His mind, you will receive true success in Christ!  The battle is in the mind!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I submit and surrender my thoughts to Your thoughts for me, my opinions to Your opinions of me, and my desires to Your desires in me.  My mind, emotions and will are surrendered to You and are continually transformed into Your image.  I have a prosperous soul.  My mind is at rest in You.  My emotions are stable and secure.  My will is bent towards Your will for my life.  I prosper and enjoy health because my soul prospers in You.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

Mastering Your Mind (Part XVII) (top of page)

(Ro 10:9,10 AMP)  Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God.

This morning we close the series on ‘Mastering Your Mind’ and I also close my tour in Korea.  I am thankful to God for all that He has done through me in this chapter of my life and I have great expectations for what is to come.

Our passage for this morning is a very familiar passage and is commonly used for Salvation.  For those of you that do not know Jesus in the pardon of your sins, this passage gives you clear instructions on what you must do (repent, confess, and receive).  The Lord allowed us to share a series entitled “The Power of the Tongue” prior to this series.  We had to learn to Master our Mouth and not just our Minds.  Our passage for this morning teaches us that when we couple our Mouth and our Minds together and line them both up with the Word and Will of God; we see God move on our behalf.

The words translated heart in our text means more than just the mind.  It means that we must believe (have faith) in our spirit and soul and couple that faith with the confession of our lips to received Jesus Christ in our lives forever.  If this is what we do for Salvation, the same must hold true for Sanctification.  Coming to God, repenting of our sins, and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is just the beginning of the rest of our lives in Christ.  We should then allow God to help us to Master both our Mouths and our Minds so that we could continue to grow by coupling confession and believing.

So what does this mean to you today? It means that God is able, if we are willing.  There is nothing that God cannot do Himself, nor do through us, but He first requires submission and surrender.  No matter what stands before you today, no matter how insurmountable the obstacle may seem; if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God can use you to overcome every hindrance (for His glory), you will see God move in your life and your will have a tremendous testimony.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies, because we constantly put limits on a limitless God.

What do you believe God for today?  Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and watch God bless you!

Confession for this day:  Lord God.  I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that You have raised Him from the dead.  I am saved, delivered, and set free.  I also confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.  I am more than a conqueror.  You are in me God and are more than the world against me.  No weapon formed against me will prosper and You will condemn every tongue that rises up against me in judgment.  I can face every challenge and overcome every obstacle through Your Power!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!