Worshiping God Through Your Purpose

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Yesterday, we looked at Ephesians 2:10.  This is one of my favorite verses.  Let’s go back to it today.

(Ephesians 2:10 ERV)

God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. Worshiping God Through The Fulfillment of Your Purpose.

In yesterday’s message, I said that I believe the highest form of worship is doing what you were born to do. Let’s “pull the string” on this thought.

— I love to worship in church. I love to sing songs. I love to bow down in God’s presence. I love to call upon His name. But I believe that day in and day out, when I am seeking to DO what I believe God has called me to do, and I am committed to doing it without excuse and without complaint (no matter how difficult it is), there is no greater form of worship.  

— Said another way, our highest form of worship is not found in songs or rituals but in living out the divine purpose for which we were created.

— I want us to realize that every step taken in alignment with God’s predestined plan for our lives is an act of worship, honoring Him through our obedience and dedication.

— When we embrace our divine assignments with passion and commitment, understanding that we are doing God’s will, we are directly expressing our adoration and love for Him.

— We should see each day and every task as an opportunity to glorify God, whether in grand achievements or in the quiet faithfulness of daily duties.

— We are to cultivate a lifestyle where our choices, actions, and interactions reflect our deep worship and reverence for God, showcasing His glory to the world around us.

— Even when we overcome challenges and persevere through trials with faith and hope, we demonstrate our unwavering worship and trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness.

To be clear, Isabella and I are blessed (without question). But many of the things we are doing and a good portion of the path we are on are NOT things we wanted to do. We did not ask for it. We did not desire it. In many cases, we had other plans and desires. However, when I believed the Holy Spirit made it clear to me that we needed to go down this road, then whether we wanted to or not, I felt obligated to because God is our LORD. This means He is in charge. We are here to do His bidding, not our own. This also means that when we give up our desires for His, we then have to pursue His will with a smile on our faces. We cannot do it begrudgingly. Guess what? We have. We are living the life we believe God wants us to live. We are doing the things we believe He wants us to do (whether we originally wanted to do them or not). This is why I see this as an act of worship!  

Living this way requires:

— A heart that is completely submitted to God.

— The desire and discipline to place His will above your own.

— A heart that is so committed to God that when you give up your desires for His, you immediately develop a desire for what God desires for you, so you don’t do it with bitterness and resentment in your heart.  

I pray you develop a heart that is yielded to God in this way.

2. Embracing Your Unique Path in God’s Plan.

— God’s intimate knowledge of our lives assures us that He has tailor-made a path for each of us, reflecting our uniqueness in His grand design.

— Understanding that our journey is handcrafted by God instills a profound sense of purpose and direction, leading us to embrace the life He envisioned.

— The uniqueness of our path requires a personal and dynamic relationship with God, where we continually seek His face and listen for His guidance.

— Embracing our path involves shedding comparisons and embracing the individual journey God has set before us, complete with its unique challenges and victories. Yes, challenges are part of our personal journey (I wish they were not, but they are).

— Our unique path is a testament to God’s creativity and intentionality, demonstrating that He has a specific and meaningful role for each of us in His Kingdom.

— Navigating our God-given path often involves stepping out in faith, venturing into the unknown, at the risk of looking foolish, with the assurance that God is with us every step of the way.

— The impact of walking in our unique calling extends beyond our lives, influencing others to pursue their God-given destiny and contributing to the broader narrative of God’s kingdom. Said another way, when you know who you are and you live as your authentic self, it motivates others to discover their own purpose.

— I am so confident in who God has called me to be that many people have said to me, “I want to be confident of my purpose, too.” In this way, the discovery and development of my purpose help lead others into the discovery and development of their own.

3. The Power of God’s Grace in Fulfilling Our Purpose.

— God’s grace is the cornerstone of our ability to pursue and fulfill the divine purpose He has for us, empowering us beyond our natural capacities.  

— God calls us to do things we could never do without Him. This leaves us totally reliant upon God and His grace.

— Recognizing that our strength and success come from God’s grace, not our efforts, humbles us and keeps us reliant on Him for guidance and provision.

— God’s grace equips us for every good work God has planned, ensuring that we are never without the resources or support we need to accomplish His will.

— God’s grace covers our weaknesses and amplifies our strengths, allowing us to serve in ways we never thought possible and to overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable.

— Living under the umbrella of God’s grace means we can face each day with confidence, knowing that His favor and blessings are upon us as we pursue our calling.

— The power of grace not only changes us but also impacts those we serve as they witness the love and power of God flowing through our lives.

— Ultimately, God’s grace is what enables us to leave a lasting legacy, one that glorifies God and draws others to Him through living out our divine purpose.

— Without God, we cannot. Without us, He will not. This relationship between God and us, God and us, is what I call #THEGRACELIFE.  

When we live #THEGRACELIFE:

— We are empowered by God to do what He called us to do.

— We are so in sync with God that He gives us the words and performs the work through us daily.

— We build up the faith to attempt things we know exceed our power, ability, and strength because we know we are not the ones who have to bring it to pass. Our reliance is on God and His amazing grace.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I declare that I am living with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life.

I acknowledge that living out my purpose is my highest act of worship.

I willingly place Your will above my own.  I then develop a genuine desire for the things You desire for me.  This empowers me to live out YOUR purpose for my life with a smile on my face.

I am committed to following the path You’ve uniquely designed for me, embracing every challenge and victory.

I surrender my plans to Yours, trusting in the perfect alignment of Your will for my life.

I seek Your guidance daily, knowing that my unique journey glorifies You.

I step out in faith, leaving behind comparisons, to fully embrace the life You envisioned for me.

Your grace empowers me to fulfill my calling, covering my weaknesses and magnifying my strengths.

I live my life as a testament to Your faithfulness, encouraging others to seek their purpose in You.

Father, I thank You for equipping me to live out the good works You’ve prepared for me, in true worship and dedication to Your glory.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I am committed to doing what I was born to do, for Your glory. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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