Understanding Your Divine Inheritance

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year: 

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Today, we will also look at:

(Ephesians 1:11 KJV)

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1. Understanding the Biblical Principle of Sowing and Reaping.

— Acknowledge the Biblical Principle: I have done a great deal of teaching on this. I have taught several series based on Galatians 6:7. Paul tells us that God will not be mocked. God will ensure that whatever we sow (good or bad), that shall we also reap. This drives home the fact that the earth functions on a system of cause and effect, sowing and reaping, and the free will of humans. Therefore, if you do not like the harvest you are reaping, you must change the seed you are sowing.

— Action and Reaction: Recognize that every action we take is like sowing a seed that will eventually produce a harvest in our lives. Our God is the Lord of the Harvest, and He will make sure we reap a harvest on every seed sown.

— Intentional Living: When you see your actions as seeds that produce a harvest, you immediately see the importance of living intentionally. You make decisions and undertake actions that sow seeds of love, kindness, and generosity, which will yield a harvest of God’s blessings.

— Personal Responsibility: Acknowledge that while God’s grace covers us, we have a personal responsibility for the choices we make and their direct outcomes. While I like to say, “God is the one who controls outcomes,” and that sounds good, God also allows us to reap whatever we sow. Far too many people blame God for things they got themselves into. Let’s say “apples” were symbolic of something bad. In this case, you cannot sow apple (bad) seeds every day and then blame God when you reap apples. You did that to yourself. 

— The Long-term Perspective: When you understand sowing and reaping, you also understand the need for patience. No farmer in his/her right mind will plant seeds one day and expect a harvest the next day. It does not work that way. Understand that the fruits of what we sow may not always be immediate, but if we are patient, every seed will produce a harvest.

— Spiritual Discipline: There are certain seeds you should sow every day. Cultivate the disciplines of prayer, giving, and service as forms of sowing into the Kingdom of God, expecting God to honor His Word in your life. If you sow continually, you will reap constantly!

— Avoid Negative Sowing: Be vigilant about sowing seeds of bitterness, anger, or strife, which lead to negative outcomes. Choose instead to sow in the Spirit.

2. Understanding Our Divine Inheritance Beyond Actions.

In this point, I will contrast sowing and reaping with our divine inheritance.

— Free Gifts Beyond Our Doing: Our inheritance from God is a gift. It does not come from our hustle. It comes from our identity in Christ. So, while we can certainly influence our lives through our actions, the richest blessings come simply because we are God’s children.

— Christ’s Achievement, Our Gain: It’s essential to realize that our inheritance is entirely because of Jesus’s sacrifice. We stand as heirs to a Kingdom, not by our merit or effort, but by His grace. This inheritance includes promises of peace, joy, a sense of purpose, and eternal life, underscoring that our greatest blessings in life are not earned but given.

— A Clear Distinction: While the principle of sowing and reaping governs many aspects of our lives, our divine inheritance operates on a different plane. It’s rooted in our identity as God’s children, not in the outcomes of our actions. This liberating truth reminds us that the most significant parts of our destiny are secured not by what we do but by who we are in Christ.

— Viewed Through Eternity’s Lens: Encourage a shift in focus from the temporary to the eternal. Our inheritance promises blessings not just for this life but for the hereafter. This eternal perspective helps us prioritize spiritual wealth over fleeting earthly gains, guiding our hearts toward treasures that never fade.

— Your Identity is Your Key: Your identity qualifies you for your divine inheritance. The Bible says, “And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has.” (Romans 8:17 TPT). As we grow in understanding who we are in Him, we naturally align with the blessings and purposes He has for us, allowing us to live fully in the reality of our inheritance.

— Received by Faith: Like everything else, we must open up our hearts by faith to receive what God has already provided by grace. It’s by believing in God’s promises and accepting what He has freely given us in Christ that we step into the abundance of spiritual blessings He has prepared for us. This faith does not demand toil but trust—a confident assurance in God’s goodness. Enter every day with faith that you will walk in your divine inheritance. And part of that inheritance is divine assistance to fulfill our calling. The text says we are “predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.”

3. The Harmonious Balance Between Sowing and Reaping and Our Divine Inheritance.

— Harmony in the Divine Dynamics: We must grasp that the principles of sowing and reaping, alongside our divine inheritance, are not in conflict but in divine harmony. Each plays a distinct role in God’s magnificent plan for our lives. They are complementary. Part of our life comes from sowing and reaping. Part of it comes from who we are in Christ.

— Active Faith Meets Divine Provision: While we actively sow in faith—be it in love, resources, or service—we also passively receive the blessings of our divine inheritance, which are ours simply because of our position in Christ. This dual position keeps us grounded in humility while encouraging us to live generously.

— The Richness of God’s Plan: Embrace the full scope of God’s plan, which beautifully weaves together our actions with His sovereign will. Understanding this helps us see our lives as part of a larger, divine design rich with purpose and meaning.

— Making Godly Decisions Daily: Our understanding of these principles influences every decision we make, driving us to act not out of fear or obligation but from a place of security and identity in Christ. It prompts us to sow goodness into the world, knowing our inheritance is already secure.

— Generosity Born Out of Security: Secure in the knowledge of our divine inheritance, we are liberated to sow into the lives of others generously, without fear of depletion. This security fosters a spirit of abundant living and giving, knowing that our source is infinite; God will never run out.

— Abundant Life in God’s Grace: Finally, understanding and living out these principles enables us to experience the fullness of life that God intends—a life marked by abundance, peace, and joy in His grace. It’s a life where our daily sowing in faith complements the incredible inheritance we have in Christ, leading to a rich, fulfilling journey with God. We are going to heaven and we get to ENJOY THE RIDE!

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I recognize the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping and commit to intentional living that aligns with Your will.

I embrace the gift of my divine inheritance, understanding it’s not earned by my actions but granted because of my identity in Christ.

Father, I am grateful for the security of my inheritance in You, which empowers me to live generously and fearlessly.

I acknowledge my role in Your divine plan, actively participating through sowing good seeds while confidently receiving the blessings of my inheritance.

I vow to live with an eternal perspective, appreciating both the spiritual discipline of sowing and the joy of my inheritance in Christ. I know who I am in You!

Thank You, Father, for the abundance of grace and blessings in my life as I navigate the balance between active sowing and simply walking in the reality of my identity in You!

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I am Your child, and I live to glorify Your name in this world! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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