Don’t Miss Your Divine Moments

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

(1 Peter 1:18-20 NLT)

18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. 

19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. 

20 God chose him as your ransom long before the world began, but now in these last days he has been revealed for your sake.

We looked at this passage yesterday and I feel led to look at it again today.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. The Divine Precision of God’s Timing.

— The Bible clearly teaches us that God’s plans for Jesus (to redeem us from sin on the cross) were predestined before the creation of the universe. This should serve a a vivid picture of His masterful orchestration of time and purpose.

— Not only did Jesus come to this planet at just the right time, but His earthly ministry also started at just the right time. Jesus waited 30 years before He started a ministry He knew would only last 3.5 years. This is another example of the significance of divine timing over human urgency.  

— Jesus was not in a hurry to show up on this planet, and He was not in a hurry to start His earthly ministry. He knew everything needed to happen at just the right time!

— God’s commitment to His timing teaches us that divine actions are not subject to human manipulation; the fulfillment of His promises unfolds in His appointed time.

— The essence of faith involves a deep-seated patience, a steadfastness that does not falter regardless of the wait for God’s promises to manifest.

— Every promise from God not only comes with the grace to fulfill the promise, but it also comes with the grace to endure and persevere until the manifestation of the promise.

— A life lived in alignment with God’s timing is marked by an acute sensitivity to kairos moments—opportune moments where preordained life shifts are enacted, decisions to align with God are executed, and divine experiences are realized.

— Remaining open and expectant, grounded in faith, empowers believers to recognize and seize these divinely orchestrated opportunities, furthering their alignment with God’s eternal plan.

2. Patience as the Companion of Faith.

— The journey of faith is inextricably linked with the virtue of patience. Hebrews 6:12 teaches us that those who went before us and experienced the manifestation of God’s promises did so through faith and patience. We need both!

— Understanding that God’s timeline often differs from ours teaches us to embrace patience not as passive waiting but as active faith in God’s perfect plan. Said another way, when you see patience as your active faith in God’s timing and His perfect plan, you are not just sitting around waiting for God to do what He said He would do; you are releasing your faith daily, trusting God to do what He said at just the right time.

— The story of Jesus waiting to launch His ministry at 30 is a potent illustration of the power of divine preparation and the critical importance of waiting for God’s “green light.”

— Patience in faith is about maintaining a steadfast focus on God’s promises, even when the wait tests the limits of our endurance and understanding.

— The grace accompanying God’s promises equips us to navigate the waiting period with a heart of expectancy, knowing that what God has ordained will indeed come to pass.

— Cultivating patience deepens our relationship with God, as it requires us to continually seek His presence and guidance, reinforcing our reliance on Him.

— The practice of patience is a testament to our trust in God’s sovereignty, affirming our belief that His plans for us are worth the wait.

3. Discerning and Seizing Kairos Moments.

— Kairos moments (divine moments when the Holy Spirit makes it clear that God’s best is being manifested) are God’s invitations to step into the flow of His eternal purpose. We must be ready to respond in faith when we discern these moments.

— Discerning these moments requires you to have a heart attuned to the Holy Spirit. This heart is cultivated through prayer, meditation on the Word, and an intimate relationship with God.

— Seizing a kairos moment means stepping out in faith, often before seeing the full picture, trusting that God’s timing is always perfect. I can’t stress enough how much the “before seeing the full picture” comes into play. If you wait until you can see and understand everything, you will more than likely miss the moment. Said another way, we are called to walk to and live by faith. If you wait until you have all the answers, you won’t need faith, but you would have already missed God’s divine moments long before that happened.

— These divine opportunities are not random; they are aligned with God’s predetermined plan for our lives, designed to propel us toward our destiny. But once again, these moments will require you to step out, in faith, many times at the risk of looking foolish.

— The good news is that when you truly recognize a kairos moment (when you know you heard the voice of God), while the potential for uncertainty or risk will be present, the peace of God will also be present. This peace will protect your heart as you launch out in faith, believing God to do what He revealed He would do.

— The ability to discern and act on these moments is faith that must be built up over time through experiences and a deep commitment to living in sync with God’s will.

— As believers, we are called to be both seekers and stewards of kairos moments, understanding that through them, God unfolds His redemptive plan in our lives and in the world.

This message encourages us to embrace God’s timing, understand the relationship between faith and patience, and remain alert to the kairos moments that mark our journey with Him. It’s about living with a laser focus on God’s fixed purpose, fully trusting in His plan and timing for our lives.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I declare that I am living with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life.

I stand in awe of Your divine timing and perfect plan for my life. I recognize that Your ways are higher than my ways, and Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Today, I declare my unwavering faith in Your promises and trust in Your timing.

I acknowledge that You have chosen me for such a time as this. You have planted me in this era, with a specific purpose and mission that align with Your eternal plan. I embrace this truth with humility and gratitude, committing myself to live with purpose and passion.

I understand that patience is not simply waiting but maintaining faith and focus while I wait. Therefore, I choose to wait on You with an expectant heart, knowing that You are working all things together for my good and Your glory.

I refuse to be moved by the duration of my wait. Instead, I will remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in Your work, Lord, for I know that my labor is not in vain in You. I add patience to my faith, standing firm until Your promises manifest in Your perfect timing.

I believe that You have equipped me with the grace to endure and to remain focused on Your fixed purpose without wavering or doubting. Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, and Your grace is sufficient for me.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I am aligned with Your will and timing. I declare this by faith, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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