Aligning Your Life With God’s Will: Learning From Mary and Martha

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

We have been looking at Mary and Martha.  Today we will continue to flow in this vein.

(Luke 10:40-42 NIV)

40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 

42 but few things are needed–or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. Embracing God’s Direction over Personal Preferences.

— One of the things I teach my children (by precept and example) is that my life is NOT my own. I am not in charge of my life. Jesus is my Lord. This means He is in charge.

— There are two positions you must fill in your life. You should consider these from time to time to make sure you are filling them correctly. They are the cross and the throne. If you are on the throne, it means you are in charge of your life. You are making your own decisions, and you are dealing with the repercussions of your decisions on your own (as a human), good or bad. If you live this way, then Jesus is on the cross, and He is dead to you. You are the captain of your own ship, navigating your own course. However, if you believe Jesus is Your Lord, it means He is on the throne. That leaves the other position for you. You are picking up your cross daily, dying to self, and living for Him. This is a completely different way to live. This means God is in charge, and He will deal with the repercussions of whatever He leads you to do!

— Martha’s diligence in serving was commendable, but it overshadowed the importance of being in tune with Jesus’ presence. Her focus on tasks demonstrates how our personal agendas often cloud our spiritual discernment.

— Martha was doing what she was raised to do as a human, operating with the customs and norms of her culture. What she was doing was honorable and respectful, but it was wrong because the Spirit was moving through Jesus, and she was missing out while He was pouring out!

— You may have been raised a certain way by your parents. There are things that you were trained to do as part of your culture. All these things are good. But if the Holy Spirit leads you to do something else and you choose personal preference over spiritual guidance, you are wrong, and you run the risk of missing out on God’s best.

— It’s essential to balance our natural responsibilities (and even cultures and customs) with our spiritual sensitivity. Like Martha, we can become so absorbed in our plans and routines that we miss the divine moments God has orchestrated for us.

— In this year of ‘Laser Focus,’ God is calling us to prioritize His presence and direction over our well-intentioned plans. It’s about submitting our personal preferences to His divine will, even when it contradicts our logic or comfort. Remember, God is spiritual, not sensual, so He does not have to make sense.

— Practically, this means regularly pausing to seek God’s guidance in prayer, especially when our plans and ambitions seem most pressing. It’s about cultivating a heart that says, “Not my will, but Yours be done,” in every situation.

— As we embrace this posture of openness and flexibility, we position ourselves to receive fresh revelation and directives from God, ensuring that our actions align with His higher purpose for our lives.

2. Learning to Prioritize the Eternal over the Temporal.

— The contrast between Mary and Martha underscores a crucial spiritual principle: prioritizing eternal values over temporary tasks. 

— Martha was preoccupied with the immediate, while Mary focused on the eternal by choosing to sit at Jesus’ feet.

— Our lives are often filled with the ‘urgent’ that demands our immediate attention. However, if we are to pursue God’s fixed purpose, we must discern what holds eternal value and give it the precedence it deserves.

— This requires a daily commitment to assess our activities and choices through the lens of eternity and through the filer of the Holy Spirit. Are we investing more in the temporal realms of life at the expense of our spiritual growth and divine assignments?

— I know you have a lot of things to do. I know your calendar is packed. I know your responsibilities are many. But if you don’t slow down long enough to tune in to the Holy Spirit and ask Him for divine discernment, you will run the risk of being busy (like Martha was) and completely missing out when God is moving.

— God’s purpose for us often involves activities that may not yield immediate results but have lasting spiritual impact. Said another way, God is not concerned with your immediate comfort or your immediate gratification. He is eternal, and He is looking at the long haul. To walk with God effectively, you must also learn to look at the eternal.

— This year, let’s be intentional about investing our time, energy, effort, and resources in what will endure beyond our earthly existence, into what will bring in this life and in the world to come.

– As we do this, we’ll find that our lives align with God’s kingdom agenda, and our daily tasks are infused with greater meaning and purpose.

3. Cultivating a Heart of Worship in the Midst of Activity.

— Mary’s posture at Jesus’ feet wasn’t just a physical position but a representation of a worshipful heart. In the midst of life’s activities, God desires that we maintain a heart of worship, just like Mary.

— If we want to stay locked in on God’s fixed purpose for 2024 and be open to the constant impulses of the Holy Spirit, we must maintain a heart that is tuned to God. One way to keep our hearts in this posture is through worship.

— I love worship. I am a worshipper.  

— Worship is not limited to a song or a service; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about recognizing God’s sovereignty and goodness in every aspect of our lives and responding in reverence, love, and obedience.

— When you cultivate a heart that is conditioned to worship the Lord, you live with your heart OPEN to what God is saying in every season.

— Cultivating a worshipful heart involves constantly acknowledging God’s presence, whether in a church service, at our workplace, or in our homes. It’s about turning our everyday experiences into opportunities to honor and glorify God.

— This approach to life transforms even the mundane into moments of divine encounters. While Martha was working, Mary was worshipping. While Martha was focused on dishes and chores, Mary was receiving from God at the feet of Jesus!

— As we perform our daily tasks, we can do so with an attitude of worship, offering our work as a living sacrifice to God.

— When our hearts are anchored in worship, we become more attuned to God’s voice and leading. This alignment ensures that our actions are not just busy work but divinely inspired activities that contribute to our fulfillment of God’s fixed purpose.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I live with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life this year!

I commit to Your divine plan, prioritizing Your will over my desires.

I choose eternal values, investing my time in what lasts forever.

In every task, big or small, my heart remains in a posture of worship, open to you and ready to glorify Your name.

I surrender my preferences, aligning my choices with Your higher purpose.

As the Holy Spirit guides me, my daily activities become acts of worship, reflecting my love for You.

I trust in Your eternal plan, finding peace and purpose in Your presence.

I am attuned to Your voice, ready to respond in obedience and faith.

I walk confidently in the path You have set, embracing each step with joy.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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