Godly Motivation To Overcome Laziness

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

For a few days now, we have been looking at Ephesians 2:10.  This is one of my favorite verses.  Let’s go back to it today.

(Ephesians 2:10 ERV)

God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. To Walk With God, You Must Be Dedicated to Doing The WORK Associated With Your Calling!

— God has uniquely designed us for specific good works established before our birth. This teaches us that our purpose is not an afterthought but part of God’s premeditated plan (Ephesians 2:10 ERV).

— “A lazy person wants many things but has nothing. But the desires of hardworking people are completely satisfied” (Proverbs 13:4 ERV). There is work God has ordained for us to do. Therefore, laziness impedes us from fulfilling our divine destiny. It hinders us from stepping into the roles God has ordained for us.  

— Solomon said, “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! Ants have no ruler, no boss, and no leader. But in the summer, ants gather all of their food and save it. So when winter comes, there is plenty to eat. You lazy people, how long are you going to lie there? When will you get up?” (Proverbs 6:6-9 ERV). Embracing God’s work requires a proactive mindset and a strong work ethic. We must actively seek and engage in the tasks God has laid out for us.  

— The antithesis of laziness is spiritual fervor. Paul said, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11 ERV). Your calling should give you energy!

— “All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize” (1 Corinthians 9:25 ERV). Discipline is key to embracing our calling. Just as athletes train rigorously to win a trophy or a medal that may not mean much in a few years, we must exercise spiritual discipline for rewards that will last forever.  

— I told you earlier in this series that work for God is a form of worship. When we labor in the assignments He’s given us, we are pouring our lives out as an offering to God, a living sacrifice, pleasing to Him. Paul said, “So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship” (Romans 12:1 ERV).

— Every step taken in obedience is a victory over laziness. Each action aligned with God’s purpose propels us closer to our divine destiny. Paul said, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 ERV).

2. We Require Focused Discipline For Long-Term Success.

— Focus is the antidote to distraction and laziness. It channels our energy and resources towards fulfilling our God-given tasks. “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.” (Proverbs 4:25 TPT).

— Discipline in our daily habits forms the foundation for spiritual productivity. Regular prayer, Bible study, and reflective meditation keep us aligned with God’s will. James said, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22 ERV).

— Solomon said, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (Proverbs 16:3 ERV). Setting goals based on God’s direction provides clarity and motivation. Knowing what we’re working towards can help maintain momentum even when enthusiasm wanes.  

— Accountability is a powerful tool against laziness. Sharing our goals and progress with trusted believers encourages us to persevere. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 ERV). You need someone (or a community) to be accountable to.

— Time management, from a spiritual perspective, prioritizes God’s work. It’s about making the most of every day and every opportunity. Paul said, “So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. So be very careful how you live. Live wisely, not like fools. I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So don’t be foolish with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do.” (Ephesians 5:15-17 ERV).

— Overcoming procrastination with immediate obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience; prompt action ensures we are in line with God’s timing. “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1 ERV).

3. The Determination to Actively Do God’s Work.

— Determination is fueled by a clear vision of God’s plan for our lives. Understanding the ‘why’ behind our actions gives us the strength to overcome laziness. “When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the Word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul.” (Proverbs 29:18 TPT).

— Perseverance through difficulties demonstrates our commitment to God’s work. Just as Nehemiah rebuilt the walls amid opposition, we must remain steadfast. “But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded” (2 Chronicles 15:7 ERV).

— Physical laziness can be overcome by spiritual motivation. Our spiritual desire to please God should drive us to action, even when our flesh is weak. Paul said, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13 ERV).

— God, through Zechariah, said, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10 ERV). Celebrating small victories along the way boosts our determination. Recognizing God’s hand in our progress encourages us to keep moving forward.  

— Solomon said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10 ERV). A reverent fear of God motivates us to action, knowing that we are accountable to Him for our time and talents. Simply put, we don’t want to have to stand before God and acknowledge that we wasted the ONE LIFE He gave us!

— Determination is not just about starting well but finishing strong. Our goal is to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” as we faithfully complete the work God has entrusted to us. At the end of our lives, we want to be able to say what Paul said. Looking back, he said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7 ERV).

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I declare that I am living with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life.

I have an unwavering commitment to Your divine purpose for my life.

I acknowledge You have created me for specific good works, and I reject laziness in all of its forms.

I vow to proactively engage in the tasks You have laid out for me, embracing Your work as my highest form of worship.

I commit to a lifestyle of spiritual fervor, serving You with zeal, passion, and discipline.

I promise to maintain a laser focus on my divine assignments, prioritizing Your will above all else.

I trust in Your grace to empower me, providing resilience against distractions and the strength to persevere.

I vow to celebrate each step of obedience, recognizing these as victories over laziness, propelling me closer to my divine destiny.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME, as I live aligned with Your will, empowered by Your grace, and focused on Your purpose. 

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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