The Beauty and Favor of God

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year: 

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Today, we will also look at this passage:

(Psalm 90:17 TPT)

O Lord, our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us a favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure, and give us success in all we do.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1. Invoking God’s Beauty and Favor.

— Seeking God’s Beauty: Pray earnestly for God’s beauty (His goodness) to envelop your life, reflecting His perfection and splendor in everything you do. You know it’s available because the Bible is clear on it. But you still have to pray for it. Ask God for favor.

— Favor as a Foundation: Understand that God’s favor is not just an addition but the very foundation upon which successful endeavors are built. Know that the foundation for your success is NOT your grit, determination, hard work, and perseverance, even though all those things are essential. The foundation for your success is the favor of God (His grace).

— The Presence of God: Embrace the presence of God as essential; knowing His beauty (goodness) upon us transforms our ordinary efforts into extraordinary achievements. Joseph was successful as a slave and as a prisoner because the Lord was with him. God gave him favor with Potiphar and with the Warden. Later, God gave him favor with Pharoah, and Joseph went from prisoner to Prime Minister in ONE DAY because God was with him!  

— Daily Invocation for Favor: Make it a habit to daily seek God’s favor, recognizing its critical role in guiding and protecting you on your path to fulfillment. His favor goes before you and prepares the path with God’s grace.

— Endurance Through Favor: Acknowledge that God’s favor grants your work endurance, ensuring that what you build lasts and impacts generations. When God breathes His favor on what you do, it will be far greater than anything you could have done without Him.

— Alignment with Divine Beauty: Align your actions and intentions with the beauty of God’s character. This means you not only seek to do what God is leading you to do, but you seek to do it in a way that pleases Him. You want your life to testify of the beauty (the goodness) of God. Living this way will attract His favor and blessing. 

— Expectation of Success: The last statement in our text for this morning, Psalm 90:17, says, “give us success in all we do.” When you know God’s favor and beauty rest upon you, you can move forward with the expectation of success in everything you do that is aligned with His purpose.

2. Partnering with God in Your Work.

Psalm 90:17 says, “O Lord, our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us a favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure, and give us success in all we do.”

— You are Collaborating with the Divine: God lives in you. Recognize the importance of inviting God into every project He leads you to perform; knowing His involvement guarantees success. God is not going to lead you into failure.

— Enduring Works: A phrase that says, “Only what you do for God will last.” Understand that only the works done in partnership with God will endure the test of time and have eternal significance.

— Seeking God’s Guidance: Before embarking on any venture, seek God’s guidance to ensure it aligns with His will and purpose. This is how you “set your gaze” on God’s fixed purpose. Living this way will keep you aligned with His will and under the canopy of His kindness.

— The Blessing of Co-laboring: Paul said, “We are co-workers in God’s service…” (1 Cor 3:9). Cherish the blessing of co-laboring with God, knowing you are doing His bidding, by His grace, for His glory.  

— Fruitful Outcomes: Expect success! Anticipate fruitful outcomes from your partnership with God, knowing that His favor turns efforts into excellence.

— God as the Ultimate Collaborator: See God not just as a guide but as an active collaborator in your pursuits. He is not just leading you concerning what YOU must do. No. He is leading you and then committed to DOING the work THROUGH you! Living this way, you can’t help but enjoy THE FAVOR OF GOD!

— Success Redefined: Define success not by worldly standards but by the fulfillment of God’s purpose and the joy of working in His presence. My definition of success is simple: finding, following, and finishing God’s purpose for your life before you die.

3. Developing Endurance and Seeking Success in God’s Purpose.

— Sustained by Favor: Acknowledge that the endurance of your work is sustained by God’s favor, making it resilient and impactful. God’s grace will empower you to resist the temptation to quit. Grace emboldens you to endure, overcome, and persevere.

— Legacy of Endurance: Aim to leave a legacy of righteousness, where your works, endorsed by God’s favor, continue to influence and bless beyond your lifetime. The favor of God on your life will be flowing into the lives of those you impacted for generations to come!

— Continuous Reliance on God: Maintain a posture of continuous reliance on God for favor, guidance, and strength in all your endeavors. Live with this mindset: “I am not a self-made man. I am a God-made man. I am who I am by the grace and favor of God.” 

— Celebrating Every Victory: Celebrate every victory, big or small, as a testament to God’s favor and the success of partnering with Him. The more you genuinely praise God for the small things, the more you will experience greater levels of influence and responsibility.  

— A Testament to God’s Glory: Let your work and its enduring success serve as a testament to God’s glory, showcasing His favor and beauty in every aspect. Said another way, your life should testify of the fact that GOd is good and His mercy endures forever!

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I declare that Your beauty and favor envelop my life, transforming my ordinary efforts into extraordinary achievements.

I recognize that Your favor is the foundation of my success, and I daily seek Your presence and guidance to lead my path.

I cherish the privilege of co-laboring with You.  You live in, with, and through me.  As I yield to You in all things, our partnership guarantees success and enduring impact.

I move forward with the expectation of success, trusting that Your favor and beauty rest upon me in everything I do, and I do it all for Your glory.

Father, I am sustained by Your favor, which emboldens me to endure, overcome, and leave a legacy of righteousness and impact.

I celebrate every victory as a testament to Your glory, showcasing Your favor and beauty in every aspect of my life.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I live under a canopy of Your kindness daily! I declare this by faith, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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