How do you spell success? Some measure the success of their lives by the size of their bank accounts. Others by the size of their home or the number of cars in the driveway. But the truth is that success is not about money, cars, houses, or material things. I believe success comes down to purpose. Our days on the earth are limited. We are all born for a reason and with a purpose. It is my prayer that you find, follow, and finish your purpose, in the earth, before you die. If you do, then I believe your life was successful.
Paul was able to say “I have finished my course” because he knew what it was and God wants you to know what yours is. It was never God’s intention for us to aimlessly wander our way through life. Let’s learn some life lessons from Paul as we attempt to live successful lives.
5 keys to Paul’s success:
1. He Permitted God to Operate in his life (see Acts 9:1-6): Early in his life Paul fought against the church with fire and dedication. He was completely sincere, but you can be sincere and sincerely WRONG! Wrong is what Paul was. He was fighting against God and he did not even know it. The Father revealed Himself to Paul and he stopped fighting the process! For you to be IN IT TO WIN IT, you must first be IN IT! It’s hard to fight against the pricks. If you are fighting against God’s will for your life, today is your day to stop! For God to Operate in your life, He needs you to Cooperate with Him! Will you surrender today?
2. He Submitted to the Process of Preparation (see Acts 9:21-31): Paul wanted to preach immediately, but he was not ready and the people were not ready to receive him. The right thing at the wrong time becomes the wrong thing. Having a “call” on your life does not exonerate you from the work of preparation. Before Paul could truly start his ministry he had to spend three years in Tarsus preparing. He needed to sit down and learn. He may have been a superstar on the other team, but in Christ he had to start off like a ‘walk-on.’ To be IN IT TO WIN IT, you must submit to the Process of Preparation.
3. He was Purpose-Driven (see Phil 1:12-16): Paul was convinced that He had eternal life in Christ and he was ready to go enjoy it, but his work on the earth was NOT FINISHED! He knew that his life what NOT his own. He understood that he was bought with a price. He was now living His life to fulfill his purpose and his purpose was to serve God’s people! To be IN IT TO WIN IT you must find, follow, and finish your purpose!
4. He was Poised under Pressure (see 2nd Cor 11:23-28): This is a powerful passage and it shows how much Paul suffered for being the person God assigned to blaze the trail for Christianity. He endured the hardship required to start the work of the Gospel and through it all, he was more focused on the souls than his personal comfort. God had given Paul an assignment and He had also given Paul the grace for it. You too have grace for your assignment. Understanding your Purpose helps you develop Poise for the Pressure!
5. He Persevered until the End (see our focus text): There is no retirement plan for the believer. The Father expects you to be IN IT TO WIN IT and to be IN IT ‘till the end! James said, “Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course!” (James 5:10,11 MSG) Do you have STAYING POWER? Are you going to quit when the going get’s rough? The only way you can LOSE is if you QUIT! Life is a gift if you choose to STAY THE COURSE! To be IN IT TO WIN IT you must be determined to persevere to the END!
I pray you received something from this. In closing, I want to share two things.
1) A closing confession. Speak this OUT LOUD, by faith, over your life: Father, I declare, right now, by faith, that I am IN IT TO WIN IT! I, like Paul, will be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, because I know that my labor is not in vain in the Lord. I cooperate with You. I submit to the process of preparation. I live a purpose-driven life. I am poised under pressure. And I will persevere until the very end. I will never quit, never throw in the towel, and never give up on what You desire to do in my life. I am determined to get out of me ALL that You have placed IN me! I will find, follow, and finish my purpose in life, before I die, and that will make me successful! In Jesus’ name. Amen!
2) A video. This video from John Maxwell helps drive home the message. Be blessed.