If you submit to the process of mind renewal, allowing yourself to be deprogrammed and then reprogrammed through the Word of God, you can actually get to the stage where you are SO conditioned to think God’s way that it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to get a hold of your mind with his negative thoughts of fear, failure, and defeat. This is the stage I pray you desire to get to and I pray that you do. It won’t happen overnight, but if you submit to the process, little-by-little, it WILL happen!
1 comment
Magette,I’m aware of Malcolm’s leaving the Nation, however he left because of his knowledge of Elijah Muhammad infidelity and fathering of iliteiglmate children. Almost the whole of his career and nearly all of his work was with the Nation. My point however, is Aymand was being disingenuous as Malcolm is not a person Al Quad ea would have trusted or admired. He brings up Malcolm as a dishonest attempt to smear Obama.I would say though that as long as the war in Afghanistan continues and as long as US bases stand in the Middle East and the war on terror continues, it will continue to fuel reqruitment for militant groups.