Phony People

by Rick

(Prov 26:23-26 GNB)  Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot.  A hypocrite hides hate behind flattering words.  They may sound fine, but don’t believe him, because his heart is filled to the brim with hate.  He may disguise his hatred, but everyone will see the evil things he does.


This morning we continue our series entitled, “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God.”  Solomon says a mouthful about those who are insincere in this passage.  I normally deal with each verse individually, but these all go together.  So, instead of dealing with basically the same message for four days, let’s just briefly look at each statement:


Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot:  Sweet words that are birthed from a wicked heart are nothing but a façade.  It’s like attempting to get sweet water from a bitter well.  The water might look good, and it might even smell okay, but once you taste it you know the well is no good.  You can cover a simple clay pot with silver, gold, and fine glaze, and it will fool most people initially, but a close examination will expose that it is a sham.  That’s what happened to phony people.


A hypocrite hides hate behind flattering words:  The hypocrite is too much of a coward to actually speak his mind.  Just like words spoken from a believing heart are powerful, words spoken from an unbelieving heart – from a person who does not believe what he is saying – are useless, powerless, and ineffective.  The hypocrite can hide behind the words for a while, but eventually everyone will know he is a fraud.


They may sound fine, but don’t believe him, because his heart is filled to the brim with hate:  Solomon warns us about the hypocrite, because he does not want us to be duped.  Solomon knew that there would never be a shortage of people who will smile in your face and stab you in your back when you walk away.  As believers, we should pray for discernment, so we can know who we are dealing with and how to deal with them; all-the-while knowing that their poison can’t stop our purpose.


He may disguise his hatred, but everyone will see the evil things he does:  When a person’s audio (words) does not match their video (actions), it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows they are a fake.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Not everyone who is WITH you is FOR you.

2.  Disingenuous people speak disingenuous words.

3.  Check people’s audio (their words) against their video (their actions) to ensure they are people of integrity.

4.  Anyone can speak flattering words, but what’s on the inside is what really matters.  The content and quality of their heart is what you are looking for.

5.  The Father can give you discernment so you are not deceived by the phonies and wisdom concerning how to deal with all people – genuine and not.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this revelation.  While I am committed to being completely sincere and honest with You and others, I am not foolish enough to believe that all people are of like-mind.  I know that there are people in the world who will seek to deceive me.  I thank You in advance for giving me supernatural discernment, so that I can look past their façade and see their true colors.  I am able to see right through disingenuous people.  I still love them and I often pray for them, but I will not be ignorant to their schemes.  I walk in integrity and my relationship with You ensures I have supernatural protection from every deceptive attack.  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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Jonathan Bryant September 14, 2011 - 11:12 am

Great Word Pastor Pina

Rick September 15, 2011 - 10:16 am

Thank you Pastor. I would love to say that everyone out there is sincere, but you and I both know that it is simply not true!


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