Hearing from God

by Rick

(John 10:4,5, 27)  After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice.  They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.  My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.


This morning we continue our series entitled, “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life.”  For the past couple of days we have been learning about Jesus and how He received daily direction and guidance from the Father.  Jesus claimed to literally never do anything that He did not first see the Father do, nor say anything that He did not first hear the Father say.  Jesus lived His life ‘tuned-in’ to the Father.  I believe this should be our goal as well.  In prayer this morning my wife and I were believing God for specific direction in a key decision we have to make soon.  I have made key decisions in the past without God and they have not gone well.  I have also made decisions that I thought were God-led, only to find out later that I “missed it.”  At the end of the day, my wife and I just want what we all want, and that is to please God.  Hearing from God is critical to living a life that is pleasing to Him.


In John chapter 10, when painting of picture of Himself as a shepherd, and we as His sheep, Jesus taught that His sheep know His voice, hear His voice, follow His voice, and refuse to follow the voice of a stranger.  This passage is encouraging to my wife and I as we are believing God to receive the specific guidance we need to make the decision He desires for us to make.  However, I also understand how this passage can be somewhat discouraging for those who believe they have never heard from God.  I know how they feel.  I remember crying out to God, wanting to hear from Him.  I heard my friends talk about being ‘led of God’ in their daily routines and it frustrated me that I was not hearing from Him.  I can thankfully say that I now routinely hear from the Father, but it only came as a result of my persistence in my pursuit of an intimate relationship with Him.


I also believe many are missing God today because they are waiting for an audible voice.  I have been walking with God for 17 years and in that span I believe I heard an audible voice from God one time.  Dr. Myles Munroe said, “99% of the time God will speak to your mind through your spirit.  Many people are waiting for a burning bush or an angel.  However, they don’t hear from God because they are waiting in the wrong way.  God doesn’t generally speak verbally.  For example, you may think: “I should call so-and-so today.  I haven’t spoken to them in a while.  And then you call them and before you know it, you are ministering to them for an hour.  That’s God!”  For the most part, at least for me, hearing from God comes in the form on an inner-witness.  I get a thought, an idea, a burning desire that I know did not come from me.  Of course, I have to pray to ensure it did not come from satan either.  One simple way of knowing if a thought did not come from God is if it is contrary to the Word of God.  The Spirit of God will never lead you contrary to the Word of God.


So what does this mean to you today?  Two quick things;

1.  The Father wants to speak to you.

2.  If you take the time and make the effort to hear from the Father, your life will never be the same.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me how to pray.  The more I learn about prayer, the more I realize how important it is in my development IN YOU.  I declare, by faith, that I will start each day with prayer and that I will also pray whenever I feel led to.  This way, You can order my day and lead me throughout the day, by Your Spirit.  I refuse to make any more excuses for NOT taking the time to pray.  I pray more regularly, more effectively, and with more power – starting NOW!  I develop my intimacy with You through communing with You in prayer.  I know You are always working, and therefore, I ask You to use me in Your daily work.  The more sensitive I become to the leading of Your Spirit, the more You can use me for Your glory!  Father, I want to be used.  Lead me, guide me, direct me, speak to me, and manifest Yourself to me in prayer.  I can do nothing by myself.  I will learn to hear first, then act, and I know Your grace will be upon all that I put my hands to do in Your name.  I am Your sheep, I hear Your voice, and the voice of a stranger I shall not follow.  Thank You Father, for teaching me how to pray and for the excitement I now have about prayer.  I develop my prayer life in 2012 and I shall never be the same!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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