What type of Leader do you want to be?

by Rick

(Prov 28:12 NLT)  When the godly succeed, everyone is glad.  When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding.


This morning we continue our “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God” series.  Solomon here speaks to the reaction other people have to our success.  What do you want that reaction to be?  For example, this week my promotion board met and the decision was made on whether or not I will get promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Five.  Let’s say that I was selected for promotion.  When the announcement is made in a few months, and people find out about it, do I want people to rejoice with me or to dread the thought of me having increased responsibility?  Or here is another example that happens all the time in the military.  Due to the fact that we change positions/locations every 24-36 months, we are always hearing about a leader leaving and another one coming.  Let’s say you are the leader who is leaving.  Do you want people to throw a party when you leave, rejoicing over your departure?  Or what about when you are announced as the incoming leader?  I have been in units/offices where Soldiers ask, “Who is replacing such-and-such?”  As soon as the new (incoming) leader is announced the reaction is often immediate.  If the leader is a person with a poor reputation then people do as Solomon suggests in this text and “go into hiding.”  Or they change jobs prior to the arrival of the new leader.  Or if they can’t leave, they prepare themselves for the worse, and they put up an internal shield against the incoming leader.  As a child of God, simply put, this should not happen when your name is announced.


I am not saying that being a Godly leader requires you to campaign for the approval of your subordinates, but I am saying that people should not dread your arrival.  In the next chapter Solomon says, “Show me a righteous ruler and I will show you a happy people.  Show me a wicked ruler and I will show you a miserable people” (29:2).  So which one do you want to be?  There is a clear connection between a leader and the led.  That connection can be positive or negative, but as a believer, you should always seek to enrich, enhance, build up, and develop the precious people the Father has given you charge over.


Christian educator, Dr. Ted Ward said, “Leadership is a servant relationship, which facilitates human development.”  I read Dr. Ward’s definition of leadership about 14 years ago and I have been using it ever since.  Godly leaders are servant leaders.  They know that they are blessed by God to be in a position of leadership, so they seek to use the position to glorify God, by seeking to make a positive impact on all those they come in contact with.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Disposition:  If you fulfill the duties of your position with a Godly disposition, then you will make a positive impact on those you lead.

2.  Authority:  Never forget the fact that it was God who placed you where you are.  You might be IN authority, but you are also UNDER authority.  Seek to emulate the character of the God who gave you the position.

3.  Service:  Be a servant leader.  Instead of looking at your subordinates as people who are there to serve you, look at yourself as the one ordained of God to serve them.  This way you will be able to help develop them as you have been developed.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for blessing me to be able to lead.  I am in authority, but I am also under authority.  I seek to emulate You in every area of my life and especially in those areas and ways that impact the lives of others.  You have been merciful to me, therefore I will be merciful to others.  You have been kind to me, therefore I will be kind to others.  While I refuse to be a pushover, I also refuse to be a person who continually stirs up strife.  I become an example and conduit of Your love.  I impact my sphere of influence with Your love, light, and leadership.  You have blessed me TO BE a blessing and I WILL be just that, in the earth, all the days of my life!  When people find out that I am coming, they will rejoice and Your will get the glory!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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