Making God Personal

by Rick

(Gen 31:13 CEV)  I am the God you worshiped at Bethel, when you poured olive oil on a rock and made a promise to me.  Leave here right away and return to the land where you were born.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by continuing to look at the life of Jacob.  After Jacob’s God-given idea proved profitable he still had to face several challenges.  Genesis 31 opens with Jacob overhearing Laban’s sons complaining, saying, “Jacob is now a rich man, and he got everything he owns from our father.”  See, they were alright with Jacob while their father was taking advantage of him, but once Jacob started prospering, they changed.  Jacob noticed that Laban had also changed.  I am sure he was thankful that the Lord told him to leave.  This season of his life was over.  But leaving his wives’ father could be a tricky situation.  Jacob said the following to Rachel and Leah: “Your father isn’t as friendly with me as he used to be, but the God my ancestors worshiped has been on my side.  You know that I have worked hard for your father and that he keeps cheating me by changing my wages time after time.  But God has protected me.  When your father said the speckled sheep would be my wages, the animals started having speckled sheep.  And when he said the spotted ones would be mine, the animals came out spotted.  That’s how God has taken sheep and goats from your father and given them to me.”  Jacob went on to tell his wives about the dream he received from the Lord, in which he received the idea about the spotted and speckled animals.  Jacob was able to convince his wives to leave their father and I am going to tell you where I believe he got the confidence.


When Jacob had his first dream, the one referred to as “Jacob’s Ladder,” the Lord identified Himself to Jacob as “The Lord of Abraham and Isaac” (Gen 28:13); in other words, the Lord of his forefathers.  That experience changed Jacob’s life.  He marked it by pouring oil on the rock where his head was laid when he had the dream and he called that place “Bethel;” which means, “The House of God.”  Now, fast-forward over 20 years and we get to our current dream.  In the latter dream the Lord does not identify Himself as the God of his forefathers, but rather as a more personal God.  God said, “I am the God you worshiped at Bethel, when you poured olive oil on a rock and made a promise to me” (Gen 31:13).  Did you notice the personal pronouns?  God was no longer the God of Abraham and Isaac, but He was now the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!  God was personal, God was powerful, and God was real.  That’s why Jacob was able to step out in faith with the risky idea.  That’s why Jacob was not afraid of Laban or his sons.  That’s why Jacob was able to convince his wives to leaver their own father and brothers.  Jacob had developed a personal and intimate relationship with the Father.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  You must get to the point of personal intimacy with God.  God can’t be the God of your forefathers.  You must come to know Him personally and intimately.

2.  Intimacy breeds confidence.  Once God becomes personal to you, you can carry out His will with fearless confidence.  A personal relationship with God overrides the fear of man.  You want to get to the point where you will never give up?  Then get intimate with God!

3.  Intimacy gives birth to change.  A personal relationship with God will change you from the inside out.  Jacob was no longer a conniving, deceitful, trickster; he was now an honest, hard-working, and powerful man of God.  Is God personal to you?  If so, in what ways has your personal relationship changed your life?


Closing Confession:  Father, You are personal to me.  I do not look at You as merely the God of my forefathers.  You are my God and I am Your child.   have my own relationship with You.  You know me by name.  You know the experiences we have had together.  You can identify me from the inside out.  Our relationship enables me to walk with a fearless confidence.  I am not afraid of what any man can do to me.  I accept Your will and I carry our Your plans with boldness, confidence, and peace.  You are the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus, and ________ (insert your name).  Hallelujah!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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