Fear will make you Turn Coward

by Rick

(Gen 31:31 CEV)  Jacob answered, “I left secretly because I was afraid you would take your daughters from me by force.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by continuing to look at the life of Jacob.  If you are going to last for the long haul and arrive at God’s desired destination for your life, you cannot allow fear to grip your heart.  I know we all slip from time to time, but we must resist fear at all costs.  Fear almost cost Jacob dearly.  Let’s see what I mean.


After getting the support of his wives Jacob, motivated by fear, Jacob left like a thief in the night.  Not only was this a poor decision, but it established a climate for more poor decisions (fear will do that).  In the middle of the shuffle his wife Rachel decided to steal her father’s household idols (gods) on her way out.  So Jacob, without so much as leaving a note, left with his entire family and possessions.  He led his household over the Euphrates River and they headed for the hill country of Gilead.  He was doing the right thing, because the Lord had instructed him to go home, but he was doing it the wrong way.  The right thing, done the wrong way, becomes the wrong thing.


When Laban realized Jacob and his family were gone he gathered some of his relatives and set out after him.  It took them seven days, but they caught up to Jacob in Gilead.  God knew how furious Laban was so He appeared to Laban in a dream and told him not to harm Jacob.  When Laban finally caught up to Jacob he said: “Look what you’ve done!  You’ve tricked me and run off with my daughters like a kidnapper.  Why did you sneak away without telling me?  I would have given you a going-away party with singing and with music on tambourines and harps.  You didn’t even give me a chance to kiss my own grandchildren and daughters good-bye.  That was really foolish.  I could easily hurt you, but the God your father worshiped has warned me not to make any threats or promises.  I can understand why you were eager to return to your father, but why did you have to steal my idols?”  Jacob did not know anything about the idols, but he did reveal the motivating force behind his actions (fear).  Jacob answered, “I left secretly because I was afraid you would take your daughters from me by force.”


Fear is never a good thing for the believer.  I have defined faith as, “an expression of confidence in God and His Word.”  Fear is faith’s reciprocal force.  Fear is faith perverted.  Fear is, “an expression of confidence in satan and his word.”  Therefore, fear moves satan, but faith moves God.  Said another way, when you respond to something God said with confidence that it will happen, even without any sense-realm evidence to support your confidence, it’s is called faith.  However, when you respond to something that came from the enemy with confidence that it will happen, even without any sense-realm evidence to support your confidence, it’s is called fear.  If Jacob would’ve been in-faith he would have handled the situation much differently.  He was unjustified in taking Laban’s daughters and grandchildren away from him without so much as a “good-bye.”


So what does this mean to you today?

1.  Fear is an expression of your confidence that something negative will happen.

2.  Fear will always keep you from God’s best.  You will never be able to last for the long haul if you allow fear to grip your heart.

3.  You cannot be in-faith and in-fear at the same time.

4.  Fear cancels out your faith, but praise God that faith cancels out your fear as well.


Closing Confession:  Father, I am motivated by faith and not fear.  I filter every thought in my mind through Your Word.  If it is a thought that lines up with Your Word, I receive it, stand on it, and express my confidence in it, thereby operating in faith.  If it is a thought that does not line up with Your Word, I choose to ignore it and not to allow it to shape my decisions.  I put more weight and confidence in Your Word and Your report, than any other words or negative reports.  I believe You, I stand in faith, and I make good decisions!  I never make fear-based decisions that lead to poor results.  I make faith-based decisions that enable me to stand, having done all to stand, and if need be, to keep on standing!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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