Creating the Right Environment!

by Rick

(Mark 5:37-40 NIV)  He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James.  When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.  He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing?  The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him.  After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by continuing with the story of Jairus and his daughter.  We will be done with this story tomorrow.  What I am going to highlight today is of utmost importance.


We already discussed how Jairus had to operate in a belief level that looked beyond logic, reason, and physical evidence.  He had to get past the fact that his daughter’s condition had reached the death stage and still believe that Jesus could deal with her situation.  Once the situation got this grave, Jesus stopped the crowd from following any further.  The presence of nosy bystanders was no longer acceptable.  Jesus did not even allow all the disciples to go with Him to Jairus’ house.  He only permitted His inner circle (Peter, James, and John) to go.  Why?  What was Jesus doing?  He was ridding Himself and Jairus of the distracters that could promote unbelief.  Jairus’ situation had taken a turn for the worse and his ability to remain in belief and faith was critical.  Jesus only wanted those that He knew could believe.


When Jesus got to the house He had to rectify another situation.  News had gotten out in the neighborhood that that little girl was dead.  The house was full of the hustle and bustle of people coming to help, to console the family, and also those who simply wanted to be nosy.  Lots of them were crying and making all sorts of commotion.  Jesus got to the house and seeing all this said, “Why all this commotion and wailing?  The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at Jesus.  So what did our loving, caring, and sharing Jesus do?  Jesus he put them all out!  This was no time to cajole people.  They were in the middle of a critical situation and Jesus only wanted people of faith around.  The people Jesus put out did not have the capacity to believe that he would raise the little girl from the dead, so He simply got rid of them.  The only people permitted to remain were Jairus, his wife, and his three inner circle disciples.  When Jesus finally got before the little girl’s body, surrounded by people that believed God and had hope, He touched the girl and spoke life back into her body.


So what does this mean to you today? It means that when you are in the middle of a faith-fight you must:


1.  Check your Influences:  Jesus knew that Jairus’ belief level was fragile after hearing the devastating news of his daughter’s death.  He stopped the crowd and most of His disciples from going any further, because He knew that their negative input could influence Jairus towards fear, doubt, and unbelief.  Likewise, you must be very careful to check your influences.  What do you listen to?  Who do you allow to speak into your life?  While you are believing God for a breakthrough Bible based, faith-filled teaching is essential, but if you then turn around and inundate yourself with input from people who speak fear, doubt, and unbelief, it will cause a conflict in your heart.


2.  Create an environment of Faith:  When you are facing a critical challenge (death, sickness, divorce, etc.), it is no time to be around unbelief.  The more dire the challenge you are facing, the more important it is to surround yourself with people that can believe God with you.  Once you know what you are believing God for, surround yourself with people of like-precious-faith.  These people will help you stand and not give up.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this Word.  This is a reminder that I must surround myself with the right people in order to become.  I check my influences and I am careful to surround myself with people of like-precious-faith.  These are people who will build me up and never tear me down.  I rid myself of the distracters that promote unbelief and I do not allow any negative influences to stifle my capacity to believe and to remain in faith.  I create an environment around me that promotes belief, faith, victory, and peace.  Together we stand until I see the manifestation of Your promises in my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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