A Tale of Two Sisters (Part 14)

by Rick

(John 11:33-35 NIV)  When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.  “Where have you laid him?” he asked.  “Come and see, Lord,” they replied.  Jesus wept.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by continuing with the story of Mary and Martha.  Yesterday we saw how Jesus reacted to Mary.  It was much different than His reaction to Martha.  Instead of going into a discussion about the resurrection and the life, He was ready to spring into action.  He was moved to action by her position of surrender and worship.


This morning I want to focus in on the words, “Where have you laid him?”  With this question Jesus was asking, “Where is the dead situation?”  Or, “Are you willing to take me to the cause of your pain?”  Remember, the sting of death was still fresh.  It had only been four days.  Four days was long enough for the pain to still be strong, but too long for their hope to still be alive.  See, they stopped believing when Lazarus stopped breathing.  Jesus was asking, “Are you willing to take me to where you stopped believing?”  Or, “Are you willing to open up the possibility of life in your seemingly dead situation?”  I know it had been four days.  I know rigor mortis had already begun to set in.  I know the body was already in the tomb.  I know Mary, Martha, and the family friends had already accepted the fact that Lazarus was gone.  I know the door of possibility was already closed in their minds and in their hearts, but now Jesus was wanted them to OPEN it all up again.  “Where have you laid him?”  Can you take me there?  Can you bear to OPEN the door that your heart has already closed?  Remember, there is nothing impossible in and with God!


This series is about not giving up.  It is about believing God, about maintaining your faith, about allowing patience (the force of consistency) to have her perfect work while you are waiting on God to move in your situation, and about tapping into the excitement that comes from joy and the settling stability that comes from peace while you wait on God.  Mary and Martha had lost their hope and joy.  I don’t blame them.  The situation looked beyond repair.  Not only was Lazarus dead, but he had been dead for four days by the time Jesus arrived.  But Jesus was ready to do something about Lazarus, even when the situation looked impossible.  Many things are impossible with man, but nothing is impossible with God (Mat 19:26).  If they were willing to allow Him access to the dead situation, then He was willing to turn it around for them.  Jesus would not (then) and He will not (now) force Himself on us, but He was ready if they were ready.  He was willing if they were willing.  He was wanting if they allowed Him access to it.


So what does this mean to you today?  It means that the same is possible for you.  Sure, you may have given up hope a long time ago.  It might not be four days for you, it might be four years or even forty years; but that does not matter in God.  If you sense God is leading you to open up the door of possibility – a door you may have closed a long time ago – then it is time to open it back up.  Allow God access to the place where you stopped believing.  Is it painful to even bring it up?  Yes.  Is it something you may not even want to think about anymore?  Sure.  But if this series has caused you to resurrect some dead dreams, hopes, and desires, then it is time for you to spend some time with God about them.  Remember, it is never too late and nothing is ever too hard for God!


Closing Confession:  Father, I realize that I have given up on several things while I was waiting on You.  I have relaxed the grip I once had on my faith.  I did not have the proper patience and I lost joy and peace while I was believing You.   I have allowed my faith switch to drop into the “OFF” position.  As You lead me, I will resurrect the dead dreams, hopes, and desires that You still want to bring to pass in my life.  I get past the pain of my past and I grant You access to the burial ground of dead possibilities in my heart.  Nothing is impossible in and with You!  By Your grace I start believing Again!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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