A Pause for Self-Reflection

by Rick

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  On Fridays I have been taking a pause to give us a moment to reflect on what we have been learning, prior to heading into the weekend.  Let’s think back before Moses and before the nation of Israel.  Back in Genesis 15, when Abraham’s name was still Abram and he and his wife were still childless, the Lord reassured Abram that He would be true to His word.  Not only did God promise Abram a son, but He reminded him that he would be the father of a nation.  And within that context, while a childless man was complaining to God, eagerly wanting children, the Lord said, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated 400 years.  But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.”  I doubt Abram could truly digest what the Lord said in those two sentences.  He just wanted a son and the Lord was promising a nation and even revealed that this nation would be in bondage for 400 years.

Fast-forward over 400 years and a lot had transpired.  Abram’s name was changed to Abraham.  Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, and he had 12 boys who became the leaders of the tribes of Israel.  One of his boys, Joseph, found favor with Pharaoh and through that favor his family was able to move to Egypt in the midst of a terrible famine.  The Israelites were thriving in Egypt until a Pharaoh took over who did not know Joseph and the Israelites wound up becoming slaves in Egypt, just like God said they would.  After about 350 years of servitude baby Moses was born was a death sentence hanging over his head.  There was a decree from Pharaoh to have him killed, along with the other Israeli baby boys, but God had special plans for Moses.  Instead of dying under the hand of Pharaoh, Moses wound up becoming Pharaoh’s adopted grandson and he grew up as a prince in Egypt.  But the promise the Lord gave Abram still had to come to pass.

We know Moses made a major mistake that led to his exile.  This former prince of Egypt was living with the Midianites when the Lord interrupted his seemingly mundane task of watching sheep in order to give him great news of a tremendous assignment.  The promise that was given to Abram, over 400 years prior, was still good, the Lord was ready to lead His people out of Egypt, and Moses was the man for the job.  Not because Moses was some great man of faith, and not because he was perfect.  No, Moses was selected by grace!  Think about the awesomeness of that reality!

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  You were born for such a time as this.  You could have been born at anytime in history, but the Lord saw fit to bring you into the world now, therefore, this is your season to make your mark in the world.

2.  There is much more going on than what you realize.  Don’t be foolish enough to think that you are where you are, solely because of your efforts.  God has been working behind the scenes in your life since you were born and He is still honoring prayers and decisions that were made before you were born.

3.  You are not a mistake.  Whether your parents planned for you or not; whether you came into this world as a result of rape, incest, or some terrible act; you are not a mistake.  God knew when you would be here, how you would get here, and what plans He had for you.  You are special.  You are one-of-a-kind.  You are destined.  You are graced.  You were born for a reason and your goal should be to find, follow, and finish your assignment in life before you die!

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for bringing me into this world for such a time as this.  I could have been born in the times of Jesus.  I could have been born during the dark ages or during times of great revival.  I could have been born from different parents, in a different country, during a different time.  But I was born when I was, where I was, and through whom I was, because You have a plan for me.  I shall find, follow, and finish Your assignment for my life.  I will maximize my time in the earth.  I am special.  No one has the same fingerprint that I do.  No one else on the planet has the same eye signature that I do.  And no one else has my assignment.  I am not a duplicate.  I am an original and I will act like it.  Father, You brought me into this world for a reason and together we will see that reason manifested.  Use me for Your glory; not because I am perfect, but because of Your grace!   In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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Gloria Shaffer (@godsgrl6) November 18, 2012 - 6:39 am

Awesome word! One I needed to hear. Thanks for being used of God. I pray His blessings on you and your family! In Jesus’ Name, amen!

Rick December 21, 2012 - 8:52 am

Thank you!
I receive it and I pray this ministry continues to be a blessing to you.



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