The Perils of Being Out of Place

by Rick

(Read 1 Samuel 29)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  After Saul recovered from hearing the devastating news that he was his sons were going to die, the battle was still looming.  In the 29th chapter the entire Philistine army mobilized at Aphek, and the Israelites camped at the spring in Jezreel.  This was going to be a major battle between nations.  As the Philistine Army mustered a few of the commanders noticed that David and his men were marching with king Achish of Gath.  The Philistine commanders demanded, “What are these Hebrews doing here?”  Achish said, “This is David, the servant of King Saul of Israel. He’s been with me for years, and I’ve never found a single fault in him from the day he arrived until today.”  But the Philistine commanders were not having it.  They demanded, “Send him back to the town you’ve given him!  He can’t go into the battle with us.”  The commanders did not trust David and they thought he might turn on them in an attempt to reconcile with Saul.  They heard the stories of the Israeli women singing, “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands” and they never forgot it.  While David thought he was too much of a threat to Saul to be in Israel, he was also too much of a threat to the Philistines to fight beside them.


Achish summoned David and said to him, “I swear by the LORD that you have been a trustworthy ally. I think you should go with me into battle, for I’ve never found a single flaw in you from the day you arrived until today.  But the other Philistine rulers won’t hear of it.  Please don’t upset them, but go back quietly.”  Although David did not really want to fight the Israelite Army anyway, by this point he was upset because he was invested.  He and his men were a three-day journey away from home.  After leaving their wives and children, after trekking across the desert for three days, and after seeing all the other Soldiers gather together for battle, it was not easy walking away.  David was upset and said to Achish, “What have you ever found in your servant, that I can’t go and fight the enemies of my lord the king?”  Think about the situation.  Although David had been lying for years about fighting his own, the reality is that he had never done it.  David had never shed Israelite blood and he never volunteered to fight against Israel.  King Achish backed David into a corner, basically forcing him to fight king Saul, so David had to agree to the situation.  And now, the king was giving him an “out,” but he was too upset to accept it.  This is what happens when you are outside of the will of God, you don’t think clearly.  Achish insisted, “As far as I’m concerned, you’re as perfect as an angel of God.  But the Philistine commanders are afraid to have you with them in the battle.  Now get up early in the morning, and leave with your men as soon as it gets light.”  So David and his men headed back into the land of the Philistines, while the Philistine army went on to Jezreel.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  When you are out of place you don’t fit in, because you don’t belong there.  David should have never connected with the Philistines, and since he did, he never truly fit in.  The same will hold true for you.  If you are Christian and the Lord has called you to do something and you know it, but you choose to connect with a crowd that is heading in the opposite direction, you will never fit in, because you don’t belong there.


2.  Don’t try to force yourself to fit in where you don’t belong.  David was arguing with Achish, upset about the fact that he was not going to have the opportunity to fight his own countrymen, when deep down inside he knew he was not supposed to do it anyway.  David was upset because he and his men had already invested a three-day journey.  But no matter how much you have invested in the ‘wrong thing,’ when the Lord gives you an ‘out,’ take it.  Don’t try to force yourself into a situation you know you are not supposed to be in.  I can tell you from experience that if you stubbornly force yourself into a situation you know God is NOT in, then sin will take you further than you wanted to go, and cost you more than you wanted to spend.


3.  By grace God will sometimes keep you from doing something you shouldn’t do.  While the Bible does not say it, I believe the Lord was moving behind the scenes to ensure David never drew a sword against his own countrymen.  I believe this because I can recount many occasions where something similar happened in my life.  At the time the door was shut, I was upset about it.  But looking back later, I acknowledged that God was working behind the scenes to shut the door, keeping me from a major mistake.  Thank God for grace.


Closing Confession:  Father, You made plans for me before the foundations of the world.  Like Paul, You called me from my mother’s womb.  You have destined me for my purpose and I am determined to find, follow and finish it before I die.  In this season You have a special place for me.  You know where I am supposed to be and what I should be doing in this season, that will take me incrementally closer to Your overall expected end for my life.  I submit myself to Your plans and purposes.  I humble myself before You, I make time to hear from You, and I attune my heart to Your Spirit.  You confirm me when I am in position and You convict me when I am not.  You let me know when I am out of place and when I am, You don’t allow me to fit in with the wrong crowd.  Even if I try to fit in with those I am not called to, I am never able to, because that is not my place.  So I declare, by faith, that if I am ever out of position, You convict me of righteousness, You lead me out of the pit, and I submit to Your leading.  I will never fight against You, just to stay in a place where I am not supposed to be.  I want to be in the center of Your will and when I am, I experience Your best.  Thank You Father for opening doors for me that no man can close, and for closing doors for me — especially when I am heading the wrong direction — that no man can open.  By Your grace You lead me, bless me and use me for Your glory.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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