A Jew living like a Gentile and Gentiles living like Jews

by Rick

(Read Galatians 4:8-12)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to look at The Law given under Moses vs. the Grace provided by Jesus.  Yesterday we saw how Jesus blessed us to transition from slaves to Sons, and I can’t overstate the importance of that transition.  We are no longer slaves under the Old Covenant set of rules.  We are sons of God through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Let’s see what else Paul teaches as we continue through the 4th chapter of his letter to the church in Galatia.


Paul says, “Before you Gentiles knew God, you were slaves to so-called gods that do not even exist.”  Paul makes a general statement and highlights the fact that we were all subject to something.  In the case of the Gentiles of his day, most of them worshipped idol gods.  Paul continues, “So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world?”  Once they knew God and God knew them, Paul accused them of attempting to go back to become slaves to “useless spiritual principles of this world.”  That’s pretty strong language.  So what are the useless principles Paul is referring to?  Pau explains, “You are trying to earn favor with God by observing certain days or months or seasons or years.”  The useless principles are Paul refers to are those associated with attempting to earn God’s favor (or Grace) by observing or complying with certain things.  Paul goes on, “I fear for you.  Perhaps all my hard work with you was for nothing.”  Paul exposes his frustration.  He had made a tremendous investment in these people, preaching the Gospel of Grace, and somehow they were being seduced or coerced to live under The Law.  Finally, Paul begs them saying, “Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to live as I do in freedom from these things, for I have become like you Gentiles—free from those laws.”  Paul was baffled at how Gentiles, who never knew The Law of Moses, were now attempting to live by it, while he, who was raised a Jew, was no longer living under The Law.  That is a Big Reversal!


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s break this down:


1.  Before coming to the one true God many worshipped false gods, and they could not really have a personal or intimate relationship with a false deity.


2.  Before Jesus came, the Israelites had a relationship with God, under The Law of Moses, but for most this was a relationship with a distant and external God.


3.  After coming to the one true God, and establishing a personal and intimate relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, Paul warned those who then attempted to live by The Law.  Once you have God inside (the Holy Spirit), but you attempt to live by an external set of rules, you are going back to a lesser Covenant.


4.  The Gentile believers in Galatia had never lived under The Law of Moses, because they were not descendants of Abraham.  But after being Born-Again by God’s Holy Spirit, many Jewish-Christians were pushing them to get circumcised and live under the Law of Moses.  Paul urged the Gentiles NOT to do it, because if they did, they were attempting to live by something that did not even work for the Jews.


5.  If anyone knew The Law, it was Paul.  Paul was raised a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees (Acts 23:6).  Not only that, but he studied under Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of The Law of his time.  So if Paul, who was raised in the strictest environment, rejected The Law, it made no sense to him why Gentiles, who were never under the Law in the first place, would want to take on the bondage of The Law after being Born-Again.


6.  Chances are you are NOT a Jewish believer.  Most of my readers are Gentiles (non-Jews).  That being the case, what Paul said to the Gentiles in Galatia applies to you.  If Paul, who was raised under The Law, accepted freedom from The Law through Jesus, by grace, then why would you attempt to live under a Law that was expired before you were born and that was originally written for a different group of people?


7.  Paul was a Jew, living like Gentiles (free from The Law), and many of the Gentiles in Galatia were attempting to live like Old Testament Jews (under The Law).  It did not make sense then and it does not make sense today.  In Christ you are free from the bondage of The Law.  You can now live by Grace and be led of the Holy Spirit to do all God has called you to do.


8.  God’s favor (or Grace) cannot be earned.  It can only be received by faith.  God is not looking for you to earn what He wants to do in your life, He is only looking for you to BELIEVE!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank you for taking the time to teach me Your Word.  Paul made it very clear for me.  He was frustrated with Gentiles — who had never been under The Law — as they allowed themselves to be coerced into living under a Law that was never written for them and that was made obsolete after Jesus came.  If Paul were around today I am sure he would be frustrated with many modern day believers.  But by faith I declare that he would not be frustrated with me.  I understand the message he was teaching and I accept it.  Jesus was the only human to ever comply with and fulfill The Law.  Jesus was perfect.  I am not perfect, but Jesus was perfect for me.  I could not fulfill The Law, but Jesus fulfilled it for me.  After Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit was given on the Day of Pentecost and the New Covenant was established.  I was Born-Again by Your Spirit and I now live under Your New Covenant of Grace.  I am not under The Law, but under Grace.  Christ redeemed me from the curse of The Law and I am now free to live my life led of Your Spirit, with Your Grace, in order to do all Your want to do through me.  I am determined to fulfill my divine assignment.  I will get OUT of me ALL that You have placed IN me, before I die.  I will do it by Your Grace.  Not because I am so good, but because You are.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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