Graced to live a Supernatural Life!

by Rick

Before I get back into my normal routine and pick back up where we left off in Romans, I feel led to continue to share messages that reflect on what we learned in 2013 and prepare us for 2014.  This past year we learned a great deal about God’s grace and I truly believe we are in position this year to experience the supernatural power of God like never before.  Why?  Because the emphasis on God’s grace helps us understand that the power comes from God and not us, and that the purpose for the manifestation of the power comes from God and not our whims or ways.  When we are truly focused on God and we are ready to submit to whatever He wants to do in, with and through us, we are in the perfect position to experience acts that far exceed human ability or explanation.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  God wants us to learn about His grace so we will stop disqualifying ourselves from what He has qualified us for.


2.  God wants us to understand that we are not righteous because of what we do or what we fail to do, we are only righteous because of what Jesus did.


3.  Righteousness is a gift we receive when we receive Jesus as Lord.  Along with the gift of righteousness we receive an abundance of grace to to complete our life’s assignment.


4.  God established our purpose before the foundations of the world by His amazing and undeserved grace.  We did not earn it.  All we can and must do is receive it by faith.


5.  By faith we access the free gifts God has given us by grace and we get to live the life He has called us to live.


6.  Grace is how God deals with us, faith is how we deal with Him.  God blesses us by grace and we access the blessing through faith.  This helps us remember, even while we are enjoying the blessing, that we cannot take the credit.  We are who we are by the grace of God.


7.  Once we are Born-Again, God’s Holy Spirit lives in us and He comes to enable us to be naturally Supernatural.  The Supernatural should be natural to every Born-Again believer.


8.  In-and-of ourselves we are limited.  But God has placed His limitless power IN us.  So when we die to self and allow God to freely flow through us, we get to experience acts that far exceed human ability or explanation.


9.  The supernatural is God’s power, freely flowing through us by His grace, when we die to self and get out of the way.


10.  In whatever area we are not naturally SuperNatural, in that area we are carnal.  Carnal Christians are Christians who are more governed by humanity than divinity.


11.  The gifts of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor 12) are freely given to God’s children by His grace and for His purposes.  We can’t earn the gifts, they must be received.  When you receive whatever giftings God has given you by His grace, and you allow God to activate and perform His gifts through you, you get to experience the supernatural.  Every gift of the Holy Spirit is supernatural.  Every one of them exceeds human ability.  Whatever God has gifted you to do, accept it (don’t fight against it), die to self so you can help develop it in your life, and you will experience the supernatural power of God flowing through you in ways that cannot be explained away by human reason or logic.


Before I close I want to share the link to a message I preached last year entitled, “Grace for the Supernatural.”  If you have the time, watch the message.  It will bless you.  Here is the link:

Grace for the SuperNatural from Rick Pina on Vimeo.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your amazing, immeasurable and inexhaustible Grace.  I know You have been better to me than I deserve.  I know I have not earned Your blessings.  I know I could never be good enough to deserve what You have called and destined me to do.  I also know that I do not need to focus on me or my faults, failures and flaws.  I am righteous, because Jesus made me righteous.  When I accepted Your Son Jesus as the Lord of my life, I received the gift of Jesus and I also received the gift of righteousness.  I am righteous by Your Grace and I accept it with my faith.  I also accept, by faith, Your divine assignment and ever gifting You freely give me.  I know I need Your divine gifts in order to live the life You want me to live.  So I embrace the gifts by faith and Your gifts enable me to live a supernatural life.  I expect the supernatural to be a natural part of my daily living.  I expect Your supernatural gifts to manifest in my life on a regular basis.  I expect to experience things that far exceed human ability, logic or reason.  I expect to see Your power flowing through me in ways that become signs for unbelievers and that open the door for me to witness to them about Your goodness and Your Son.  By faith I declare that I am naturally supernatural and I do not live by human power alone.  I am not the same since I came in contact with Jesus and I will never be the same.  I die to self, I live for You and I am ready to experience the best year of my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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1 comment

Shamel January 7, 2014 - 8:08 pm

Powerful Word! Thank you God for using Rick Pina as a vessel in the Earth!


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