God Loves You!

by Rick

* You can now watch a video of this message at: https://new.livestream.com/rickpina/live.

This morning I feel led to do something different.  I started writing Part 6 of the Prayer Jesus Prayed, from John chapter 17, but the message was not flowing like it normally flows.  I have been doing this for 17 years, so I know when something is wrong.  I spent some time with the Father and He gave me the clearance to simply share a few things from my heart this morning.  So that is what I am going to do.


As I sat here, at my computer, and thought/prayed about this series and how much it is impacted me and countless others, I could not help but feel and appreciate God’s love.  So that’s what I am going to write about today.  This morning I just want to remind you that God loves you with an everlasting love.


So what does this mean to you today?  Here are a few things from my heart, that I believe were birthed from the heart of God.


1.  God’s love for you is far deeper than you comprehend.  Love is something humans practice.  God doesn’t practice love, He IS love.


2.  God’s grace is so amazing and that you could not even love God without it.  You are only able to love because He first loved you.


3.  God’s love for you is truly unconditional.  Your love for God was birthed out of the good things He has done for you.  But His love for you is birthed out of His goodness and grace, and it has nothing to do with what you do for Him.  God started loving you before the world began.


4.  God is not mad at you and He is not out to get you.  If God wanted to get you, there would be no place you could hide.  He is seeking you out, but not to hurt you.  He is chasing after you, to bless you, because He loves you.


5.  You will have a hard time believing and receiving all the good things God wants to do in, with and through you by grace, if you fail to embrace His love.  What God wants to do for you by grace — completely unmerited, unearned and undeserved — is almost too good believe, but you can believe it when you understand that God wants to bless you simply because He loves you.


6.  When you accept and believe the love of God, your faith walk will go to an entirely new level.  Most believers attempt to live by faith based on their perception of how good they are being towards God.  Meaning, that if they feel like they are doing pretty good, then God is going to answer their prayers and respond to their faith.  However, that is not the message of the New Testament at all.  That is works-based and not grace-based.  When you understand the message of the New-Testament you embrace the grace of God, because God loves you.  When you are convinced God loves you, your faith will be strong, because your faith will be rooted in God’s love and His grace towards you, and not in your goodness towards Him!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for loving me with an everlasting love.  Your tireless pursuit of me is amazing to me.  You loved me before I was born.  You loved me while I was living contrary to Your Word and Your will.  You sent people to me, over and over, to share Your love with me, even when I openly rejected You time and time again.  You never gave up on me and I am now learning that You never will.  You bless me by grace and I access Your blessing by faith.  But even when my faith falters, or even fails, Your grace never fails, because Your love is unwavering towards me.  The more I study Your grace, the more I understand Your love, and the more it changes my opinion of You.  There was a time when I was afraid of You, Father.  When I did wrong, I thought you were out to get me.  But I now realize how foolish I was.  If you wanted to get me, I would have been destroyed a long time ago.  You chased me down, but not to hurt me.  You chased me down to bless me, because You love me.  So Father, I know I am supposed to live by faith and I declare that I will.  I live my life by faith and my faith is rooted and grounded in Your love towards me.  My faith is strong, because I know You love me.  My confidence is fearless and unwavering, because I am convinced that You love me.  My outlook is bright, and the expectation I have for my future is extremely high, because I know You love me and I know You will bless me by Your underserved grace.  All I can do is believe Your love, receive Your love, accept Your blessing by grace, and pursue it by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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