Grace Helps You To Be Confidently Humble

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to teach on the fact that “God’s Grace is Sufficient.”  Yesterday we looked at 2 Corinthians 12:10.  Today we will look at verses 11 and 12.


After all he explained about his sufferings, accomplishments, and his awesome trip to heaven, the Apostle Paul felt uncomfortable because he was talking about himself.  During this moment of discomfort the Apostle wrote the following:


Well, now I’ve done it! I’ve made a complete fool of myself by going on like this. But it’s not all my fault; you put me up to it. You should have been doing this for me, sticking up for me and commending me instead of making me do it for myself. You know from personal experience that even if I’m a nobody, a nothing, I wasn’t second-rate compared to those big-shot apostles you’re so taken with. All the signs that mark a true apostle were in evidence while I was with you through both good times and bad: signs of portent, signs of wonder, signs of power” (2 Corinthians 12:11,12 MSG).


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Paul was uncomfortable talking about himself.  The church in Corinth did not give the Apostle Paul the same level of respect they gave the other Apostles.  This led Paul to somewhat justify who he was in Christ, while at the same time ensuring he kept God and the center of his justification.  Paul balanced sharing his accomplishments with keeping the focus on God.  There is a thin line between being humble and being a pushover.  Paul was aggressive enough to do all he did, but he was also humble enough not to take the credit.  The point is this: when you embrace the grace of God your default position will be to give God the glory.  There will be times, however, when you need to discuss your accomplishments, and during those times the grace of God will cause you to do it carefully and soberly, never taking God’s credit or His glory.


2.  Let others do the talking for you.  Paul said, “You should have been doing this for me, sticking up for me and commending me instead of making me do it for myself.”  Paul must have read Solomon when he said, “Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth” (Prov 27:2).  Don’t go around ‘tooting your own horn.’  When you walk with God you will accomplish so much, by His grace, that others will do the ‘tooting’ for you.


3.  Align your opinion of you with God’s opinion of you.  By doing so you will be able to maintain a proper self-image.


a.  Keep a healthy opinion of yourself: your strengths and weaknesses.  You should not have low self-esteem, but you should also not think more highly of yourself than your ought to.


b.  Never claim to be something you are not.  Don’t lie to yourself or others.


c.  Never oversell your abilities.  Not only will it be disappointing to others, but you can bring disgrace to God.


d.  Be confidently humble.  Don’t deny what God has done in your life, just don’t take God’s glory.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me more and more about Your amazing grace.  I think about all You have enabled me to do and all I have been able to accomplish by Your grace, and it leads me to simply say, “Thank you.”  You have been far better to me than I deserve.  I think about my life before being Born-Again, and it is a stark contrast to where I am now.  I have grown, developed, matured, and changed, all for the better, because of You, by Your grace.  You have used me to touch countless lives; to encourage, uplift, inspire, comfort, console, and genuinely care.  You have filled my heart with compassion by Your grace.  I don’t go around talking about myself or my accomplishments.  I let others do the talking for me.  But on those rare occasions when You lead me to boast, I will learn from Paul and boast in Your strength and my weakness.  That way the spotlight of my life will remain where it belongs: ON YOU!  Father, you are the Lord of my life.  You are my strength.  You are my rock.  You are my fortress.  You are the center and circumference, the base and the boundary, the cornerstone and the finishing touch, in my life.  I am excited about what my future holds, because I know who holds my future.  I enter this day and the rest of my life with confident humility.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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