Believing Without Seeing

by Rick

(Read Gen 45:28 and John 20:19-29)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”, by continuing in the story of Joseph.  I am currently still in Europe.  I was supposed to travel back to the U.S. yesterday, but because of a local protest and strike everything was shut down and we could not leave.  We were delayed by a day.  I share this with you because it will become important at the end of the message.


Yesterday we covered how Jacob did not believe when his sons told him Joseph was alive.  It was not until he physically saw the royal wagons and chariots from Egypt that he believed what they were saying.  He needed physical evidence to believe.


This reminds me of a passage in John.  After Jesus’ death a few of His disciples were gathered in a house and the resurrected Jesus appeared to them.  Jesus said, “Peace to you,” and He showed them his hands and side.  These disciples, having seen the Master with their own eyes, were excited.  Jesus then said, “Peace to you.  Just as the Father sent me, I send you.”  Jesus then took a deep breath and breathed into them saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”  This was an awesome encounter with God.  Unfortunately, Thomas was not with them at the time.


When Thomas met up with the disciples who had the encounter with Jesus they told him all about it.  But Thomas said, and this is where we get the parallel, “Unless I see the nail holes in his hands, put my finger in the nail holes, and stick my hand in his side, I won’t believe it.”  His mind was made up.  Thomas was determined not to believe in the resurrection of Jesus unless he saw a physical Jesus with his own eyes and unless he touched a Him with his own hands.


Eight days later all the disciples were together in a room when Jesus came through the wall (like the movie, “The Matrix”).  After saying, “Peace to you,” Jesus focused his attention on Thomas.  Jesus said, “Thomas, take your finger and examine my hands.  Take your hand and stick it in my side.  Don’t be unbelieving.  Believe.”  Thomas finally believed and said, “My Master!  My God!”  What Jesus said afterwards is very important.  Jesus said, “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes.  Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.”


So what does this mean to you today?  Before I get to the points I need to circle-back to the fact that we were delayed by a day.  Isabella and I are in Europe preaching the Gospel.  God has used us here supernaturally and many lives have been changed for God’s glory.  Doing the will of God does not come without opposition.  We left our youngest child, Ethan, with his aunt, Isabella’s sister (Tatiana).  Tatiana does a great job of taking care of Ethan, but for the last couple of days Ethan was sick.  We wanted to get home badly, but we were delayed.  Last night Ethan got to the point where we asked Tatiana and Ethan’s Godparents take him to the Emergency Room.  Ethan is doing much better now, thank God.  We were never worried, we just wanted him to get the attention he needed.  When you are almost 4,000 miles away from your child and he/she is not doing well, you are not there to hold their hand, or kiss them on the forehead, or rock them to sleep.  You are not there to see, touch, smell, and listen.  In other words, you are not there to receive sense-realm evidence of what is going on.  But that does not mean you can’t know what is going on.  Faith can give you substance to stand on even when you can validate what you are receiving from God with your senses (Heb 11:1).  God spoke to me while Ethan was getting care in the hospital and He told me that while He did not make this happen, He was using it to minister to me, Isabella, Tatiana and Ethan’s Godparents.  Now let me get to the points and teach on what I mean:

1.  God often capitalizes on difficult situations to reduce you to the point where you totally rely on Him.  While He may not have caused the challenge, He can surely turn it around for your good and He can use it to help build your faith.

2.  If you can see it, smell it, touch it, hear it, or taste it, then you don’t need faith.  Faith is not required when you have sense-realm evidence.  But faith can add divine substance to your hope, even when you have NO sense-realm evidence to validate what God is telling you.

3.  You are blessed because you are a believer.  You believe Jesus was born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He died on the cross for your sin, He rose from the dead for your salvation, and He is coming back again to judge the living and the dead.  You believe all of this because you are a believer.  You were not there and you did not see it with your own eyes, but you believe it.  Believing is what you do and you don’t have to SEE to believe!

4.  If you can believe Jesus was raised from the dead and He conquered satan, hell, and the grave in the process, then it should not be hard for you to believe God for the protection of your children.

5.  If you can believe in a God you have never seen, then you should also be able to believe that this invisible God will show up in your life in visible ways.

6.  When you are in a situation where you cannot rely on anyone but God, that’s when your faith is proven.

7.  When your faith is in God you are thankful for men, but your confidence is not in them.  Men might fail you, but God will never fail you.

8.  When you are doing the will of God you will face opposition, but God is bigger than any attack and His power is stronger than any attacker.


I will close with a series of questions.  Do you believe God?  Do you believe in a God you cannot see?  Do you believe this God you cannot see will show up in your life in ways you can see?  Are you a believer or a doubter?  Do you live by faith or by sight?  In order to maximize your divine assignment you will be tested and you will need to answer these questions.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I am a believer and not a doubter.  I walk by faith and not by sight.  I don’t live my life based on what I can see with my natural eyes.  I live my life based on what I see with my Spiritual eyes.  What I can see with my natural eyes is temporary and subject to change.  What I can see with my Spiritual eyes is eternal and it will not change.  I fix my eyes on You.  I see beyond where my eyes can look.  I gaze into the unseen and I live by what You allow me to see.  This is faith.  This is how I live.  This is how I become the person You called me to be.  I am not moved by what happens to me in the natural.  I am only moved by what You say and what You reveal to me.  And when I can’t rely on anyone else, my fearless confidence is firmly rooted and grounded in YOU!  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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