Genuine Concern

by Rick

(Read Daniel 6:17-18)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  For the past three days we dealt with “ministry in the marketplace” based on verses 15 and 16.  Today we move on to the next two verses.


The Bible says, “A big rock was brought and put over the opening of the lions’ den.  Then the king used his ring and put his seal on the rock.  He also used the rings of his officials and put their seals on the rock.  This showed that no one could move that rock and bring Daniel out of the lion’s den.  Then King Darius went back to his house.  He did not eat that night.  He did not want anyone to come and entertain him.  He could not sleep all night.”


So what does this mean to you today?  For days I have been talking about the impact Daniel had on King Darius.  It was a very impressive impact, especially when you consider the fact that Darius was a new king and his involvement with Daniel was minimal.  In a short amount of time Daniel left an impression on Darius that the new king was not able to shake.  This is the type of impact we should make in the marketplace for Jesus.  But in today’s message I will focus on King Darius’ conduct during the situation.  Let’s switch the focus to this secular king and seek to glean a few golden nuggets from him.


1.  Godly leaders genuinely care for those they lead.

a)  King Darius was a secular king who could have cared less for Daniel.  In spite of the fact that Daniel was a Judean captive in his country, Darius was consumed with genuine care for Daniel, to the point where the king could not eat or sleep.

b)  A good friend of mine refers to the Soldiers he leads as his “treasure”.  He understands Soldiers are the Army’s greatest resource.  We can have billion-dollar budgets, the latest technology in our weapons, and the full backing of the U.S. government, but when it comes down to it, the most important asset in the Army is our people.  The same can be said of any organization.

c)  Darius was a national leader with sovereign power.  He could have done whatever he wanted and there was no none to check or balance his activity, but when one of the people he led was in a bad situation, Darius cared.  Do you genuinely care for those the Lord has blessed you to lead?

d)  This series is about learning how to succeed in life God’s way.  If you are going to become a Godly success it will require genuine care and compassion for those the Father blesses you to lead.

e)  If you mistreat the people God has blessed you to lead, it only a matter of time before you lose your position as a leader and your influence in this world.


2.  Godly leaders lead with compassion.

a)  Compassion means you show sympathy and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.  It means your heart is tender towards others and you are easily moved by their distresses and sufferings.

b)  Jesus was a compassionate leader.  Several times in the Bible He was moved with compassion towards the plight of others.  Darius was the same way in our text.  Daniel’s plight caused King Darius great pain.  The king did not want to see any harm come to Daniel.

c)  Your passion for God should be seen in your compassion for men.  Your love for a God you cannot see should result in the manifestation of love towards those you see every day.

d)  To experience Godly success you will have to develop a genuine love for people.  God loves people.  God lives IN you.  The more you die to self, the more God’s love will pour out of you, towards others, for His glory.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I am extremely thankful for the assignment You issued me before the world began.  You brought me into the world to make an impact for Your Kingdom, for Your glory.  The greatest impact I can make is in the lives of others.  You grace me to lead and to do so with genuine care and compassion.  I am not a disconnected, heartless or self-centered leader.  I am a leader who is filled with His God.  You are IN me, You are love, and Your love flows through me.  You grace me to lead with courage, confidence, care and compassion.  I am moved by the plight of others.  I genuinely care for those You bless me to lead.  I become their servant-leader, graced to serve them with my God-given abilities, and to do all I can to see them succeed.  My success is manifested in the development and success of others.  You have poured into me Father, and I now pour into them.  My love for you (a God I cannot see), is manifested in my love for those I see and lead every day.  I am in authority, because I am under authority, and I will never forget it.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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