When God Steps IN On Your Behalf

by Rick

(Read Daniel 6:24)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we saw how Daniel left the lion’s den without so much as scratch on his body.  Today we will see what happened to his accusers.


The Bible says, “Then the king gave a command to bring the men who had accused Daniel to the lions’ den.  The men and their wives and children were thrown into the lions’ den.  The lions grabbed them before they hit the floor.  The lions ate their bodies and then chewed on their bones.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Favor is great.  I love it when God raises up people to use their power, their ability, and their influence to help me.  Favor is awesome, but think your world is over, just because a human could not help you.  King Darius wanted to help Daniel, but his hands were tied.  No problem, God stepped in and did what no human could.


2.  Direct divine intervention is better than favor.  Favor is God giving you preferential treatment through someone else.  The anointing is is when God operates supernaturally through you.  Yes, God can bless you through others and He can bless you through yourself, but when the situation works out that you can’t get your breakthrough through someone else, nor can you do it yourself, God can still step in and do it directly.  Since King Daruis’ hands were tied God could have empowered Daniel to fight the lions with his bare hands; like He did for David.  But God chose to step in directly, send an angel, and do the fighting for Daniel.  So while it is good to believe God will bless you through others and empower you to walk in the blessing yourself, there are times when the Lord will step in Himself and manifest His divine power in your life to shield, protect, bless, and empower you supernaturally!


3.  When people come against your divine purpose they are coming against God Himself.  When you are pursuing God’s purpose for your life, when you know you are not seeking selfish desires, but rather God’s will, and someone chooses to attempt to stop you, that person is coming against God.  Stopping you would mean stopping God and God will not allow Himself to be stopped.  This puts your opposition in a dangerous place.  At that point you don’t have to attempt to fight for yourself, God will do the fighting for you and He can protect you in ways you never could.  So just keep pressing, keep going, keep pursuing yourself divine purpose, and the Lord Himself will see to it that you are protected along the way.


4.  The enemy’s poison often backfires on them.  Solomon said, “People who set traps for others get caught themselves.  People who start landslides get crushed” (Prov 26:27).  Daniel’s accusers went out of their way to ensure Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den.  When it was all said and done, they were the ones being devoured by the lions.

a)  In this world you will always have opposition; especially when you are doing the will of God.

b)  When your ways please the Lord God He will be your defense.

c)  What your enemies mean for evil towards you often backfires/boomerangs towards them.

d)  The Father expects you to be at peace (internally), even while you are being attacked (externally).

e)  God is always with you and His presence brings with it His protection, power and peace.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I truly appreciate Your favor on my life.  I am extremely thankful for all the times You have moved upon the hearts of others to use their power, their ability, and their influence to help me in ways I could not help myself.  I love it when You work through others to help me.  I also thank You for all times You have empowered me to do what I could not do on my own.  While both of those are good, I know You are not limited to working through others or through me.  On those occasions when You cannot find someone to cooperate with Your Kingdom plans and purposes for my life, or on those occasions where You just want to show Yourself strong, You are able to manifest supernatural power in the earth without the assistance of a man; as a sovereign act of Your will.  I thank You Father for all the sovereign acts You have already performed in my life and I thank You in advance for all those You have yet to perform.  When I am pursuing Your divine purpose and people come up against me, they don’t know it, but they are actually coming up against You.  Stopping me would mean stopping You and You cannot be stopped.  On those occasions I don’t even have to fight.  I know You will fight for me.  Vengeance and recompense are Yours.  I just keep my eyes on You and I pray for my enemies, because they have no idea how much trouble they are getting themselves into when they attempt to stop me from achieving Your purpose.  So I enter every day focused on running my race with the grace You have freely given me, knowing I have divine peace, power and protection along the way!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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