Learn to Trust Your Sovereign God

by Rick

(Read Daniel 6:26-28)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Last Friday I introduced you to this passage and I told you there was too much here to deal with in one day.  Friday’s message was entitled, “The Test is Part of the Process”.  Let’s go back to this passage this today and see what the Lord says.


The Bible says, “I am making a new law. This law is for people in every part of my kingdom. All of you must fear and respect the God of Daniel.  Daniel’s God is the living God; he lives forever.  His kingdom will never be destroyed.  His rule will never end.  God helps and saves people.  He does amazing miracles in heaven and on earth.  He saved Daniel from the lions.  So Daniel was successful during the time Darius was king and when Cyrus the Persian was king.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  There is nothing God does not know.

a)  God knows everything.  When I say “everything”, I meant it!

b)  God knows your thoughts before you think them, your desires before you have them, your emotions before you feel them, and your passions before you develop them.

c)  God perfectly and eternally knows all things which can be known: Past, present, and future.

d)  There is nothing God does not know now, nor will there ever be anything unknown to Him!


2.  God knows the end from the beginning.

a)  God knew how your life would end before you were born.

b)  God knows the end of a situation before it begins.

c)  God is never surprised, never caught off-guard, never amazed, astonished or dumbstruck.


3.  Knowing how the end will work out makes a huge difference during the situation.

a)  God knew Daniel would wind up in the lion’s den.  He also knew Daniel would get out, his accusers would be destroyed and he would get promoted when it was all said and done.

b)  When you already know how a game is going to end (because you recorded it), or how a movie is going to end (because someone told you), you watch the events unfold through a different lens.  Even when the team you know is going to win is down, or the star of the movie is in a dire situation, you are not moved, because you know what the end is going to be.

c)  God knows the end of your situation.  No matter what you are facing this morning, God knows how it is going to work out.


4.  You can find peace in knowing that God knows.

a)  God knows how your situation is going to end.  Now, I will admit that it is much better when God tells you.  But even when He doesn’t, you can find peace in knowing that He knows!

b)  We don’t have any evidence that God revealed to Daniel how the situation was going to pan-out, but I believe Daniel had peace in knowing that God already knew.

c)  You can find peace in knowing that God was not surprised by the news that surprised you.  God was not moved by the report that almost knocked you off your feet.  God is prepared, even though you sometimes feel like you are not.

d)  I know many people who are facing difficult situations this morning.  My message to you is: Trust your sovereign God.  You may not know how the situation is going to end, but God knows, and just knowing that He knows should bring you peace.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  The more I learn about You, Your power and Your grace, the more peace I have to live each day.  You are my Sovereign Lord.  You know all things.  You have all power.  You are in all places and all times at the same time.  There is nothing You do not know and nothing You have ever not known.  You have never been caught off-guard.  You have never been unprepared.  You are never surprised.  You are all-knowing, ever-present and all-powerful.  I am none of those things.  But just knowing that You are — and that You are committed to the plans You made for me before the world began — gives me peace.  I am not moved by a doctor’s report, judges decision, financial challenge, or any other situation.  I am not moved because You are not moved.  I am only moved by Your Word.  Whatever You tell me to do, I will do.  Whatever You release over my life, I will receive.  I enter this day and every day with Supernatural peace.  I have a peace that is not contingent upon circumstances.  I have an internal peace that is not moved by external situations.  I have peace because I trust in my God… a God who knows all things, who is always with me, and who has all power in His hand.  My God is sovereign.  Whom shall I fear?  My Lord is the strength of my life.  Of whom shall I be afraid?  I enter this day with divine, unshakable and fearless peace.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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