The Grace to do the Impossible

by Rick

(Read Mat 14:20-29)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter.  Our study has brought us to Matthew 14.  Yesterday we looked at the events leading up to the famous, “Peter walking on water” incident.  For the next few days we will take a close look at what happened.  Through the exchange between Peter and Jesus we will be able to learn about life, faith, failure and grace.


So there they were, in a boat, in the middle of the water, at about 3am, after having battled wind and waves for hours, when the disciples thought they saw a ghost.  But then, all of a sudden, the ghost-like figure started speaking.  They heard a familiar voice say, “Don’t worry!  It’s me!  Don’t be afraid.”  All 12 heard Jesus’ voice, but only Peter spoke up.  Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  To which Jesus replied, “Come”.  


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s seek to glean a few golden nuggets about our faith and God’s grace.  Let’s get to it.


  1.  Jesus lived His life as a broker between two worlds (heaven and earth) — which is why walking on water was possible — and He expects us to live the same way.


  1.  We know it was the will of the Father for Jesus to walk on water, because Jesus only did what He was led of the Father to do.  However, Peter was not sure if it was God’s will for him to walk on water.  So Peter asked before he stepped out of the boat.  He basically asked for authorization.  Once Peter knew the grace was there, he released His faith.  When you are not sure if something is the will of God, don’t just ‘claim it’ and call it faith.  This is where many believers go wrong.  Seek God first.  Find out if it is His will.  Because if it is not, you can ‘claim it’ all you want, but you can’t make God give you something that is not yours to have.


  1.  There cannot be faith where there is no grace.  Faith is not you telling God what to do.  Faith is you submitting to the will of God.


  1.  Faith is not something you do to persuade God.  Faith is what happens to you when you are persuaded by God.  Peter was persuaded.  Jesus said, “Come”.  Jesus’ invitation gave Peter the authorization.  For Peter this meant the grace was there, so he could release his faith.  Peter’s faith accessed God’s grace and he walked on water.  What are you persuaded of this morning?  Are you to the point where you are so persuaded that you will step out, in faith, even when God is leading you to do the impossible?


  1.  Faith is not you attempting to get God to put a “Yes” on your plans.  Faith is God attempting to get you to put a “Yes” on His plans.  Faith is about submission and agreement.  Faith says yes to God, even when the “Yes” requires supernatural intervention.  Will you say “Yes” to God today?


  1.  The walk of faith is built upon a foundation of honor.  You must honor God enough to attempt to do what He leads you to do, even when it is humanly impossible.  Jesus said, “Come”, so Peter went.  Peter honored Jesus enough to get out of the boat!  When God tells you to do something, will you honor Him enough to attempt it, even when it is humanly impossible?


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  The more I study Your grace, the more I learn how to live by faith.  I had many early failures that I attributed to faith that were not faith at all.  Faith begins where Your will is known.  There were times when I claimed things without seeking You first, and when I did not receive them, l I thought my faith failed.  Actually, I was never in-faith in the first place.  High hopes is not faith.  Human ambition is not faith.  Faith agrees with Your will.  Faith is humanity coming in alignment with divinity.  Faith is the vehicle through which I access Your grace.  Therefore, I must know You have provided the grace before I release my faith.  So from this day forward I walk and live by faith – a faith rooted and grounded in Your grace.  When You lead me to do something, I will step out IN FAITH, even if it is humanly impossible.  You are limitless and You can empower me to see the invisible, perform the impossible, and live in the supernatural.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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